Does anyone understand that the 10 commandments, actually 613 Mosaic commanments (LAW) was in the OLD testament, which was another time then now. Does anyone understand that breaking on of these laws = death?
Does anyone understand that the 4 Gospels, mathew, mark luke and John are called "The Gospel of the Kingdom" and this was Before Jesus went to teh Cross, so we were still under law at that time.
Does anyone understand after Jesus rose from the dead, we changed economies from the Old Testament (Law), into the New Testament (Grace)?
Does anyone understand that you can not be under both Law, and Grace? That the Law was designed to point you to Jesus Christ, so you can be saved? That is the whole purpose?
Does anyone understand that we are saved by our faith, which is a gift of God. That God is the Author of faith?
That we can not do works on our own to be saved? That the only reason a "Saved" Christian does works, is because of the Holy Spirit?
42 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.
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29 minutes ago
The law shows us what we are being saved from. The law is designed to point us to Jesus.
Jesus fullfilled ALL of the law, and by our faith in Him, we also fullfill the law.
25 minutes ago
When you believe in Jesus, you become "Saved" born again. At that point you are no longer under "Law" under faith. You are regenerated, and sealed by the Holy Spirit.
You follow the Holy Spirit when you are under grace. Would the Holy Spirit lead you to sin? No, that is the flesh that does that. Spirit vs. Flesh. God gives us the power through the Holy Spirit to overcome the Flesh, (desire to sin).
The Holy SPirit would never tell you to look at porno, or kill someone. This is falling away from God, and falling toward the flesh.
However, one you are saved, that is it. It is permanant. Can the Holy Spirit Regenerate you, and make a mistake? no....
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Religion & Spirituality