I answer this question as someone who was always afraid of death.
Until my mum was diagnosed with cancer, She was given 8 weeks to live, she organised us. We went through her wardrobe, what was rubbish and what should go to the charity shop. She told us what had to be done in the future, what was important to her.
She held on to life for 3 months, she was at home and we looked after her. When she died it was so peaceful.
She left me a letter in which she said all the things I longed her to say in life.
Her death was dignified and I hope mine will be the same.
The point is that when you know you are dying, it seems that there is a great peace that descends.
Christie please e mail me. You are looking for something which you cannot get on a Q & A forum.
2007-10-17 12:15:13
answer #1
answered by Ilkie 7
It is scary if you believe there is such a place as hell, because you can never be sure whether or not you deserve to go there. Even a "good Christian" might worry that something he did some while ago was not properly repented at the time, and has been forgotten since. Or that something he considered a "minor sin" was treated as much more serious by the entity (God? Jesus? St. Peter?) who has to decide whether he goes to heaven or to hell.
2007-10-17 04:50:46
answer #2
answered by auntb93 7
It isn`t. God didn`t put us on this earth to be afraid.
We have an eternal spirit and will live forever. Maybe not in
this body, but we will live forever.
Jesus Christ died so we didn`t have to.
Now where we will live may be scary for some people who do
not believe that Jesus was God, born of a virgin, who died for our sins and rose on the third day. Who now sits at the right hand of God the Father in heaven.
2007-10-17 04:51:58
answer #3
answered by Blessed 7
Just beacuse they are scared of death, doesnt mean u have too!!!!!,The people who are afriad to die they are just chickens, It's reality, that how it goes, but they cant handle that, but hey time is running out, you are on the countdown to the death. so live life the best u can.
I find it natural: u either fear it or you don't.
2007-10-17 15:37:27
answer #4
answered by westafrocherokee 1
because we were created to be inmortal, but because we are sinners we die.. our hearts know deep inside that after death there is nothing.. everything cease to exist, that is why no one wants to die..
'There is hope only for the living. As they say; it's better to be a live dog than a dead lion.' (Ecclesiastes 9:4)
2007-10-17 04:54:43
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Death is not scary as long as you believe in Christ.
2007-10-17 04:47:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Simply because it is unknown. We always fear what we do not understand...and since no one can tell us for sure what happens after death, we still don't understand.
2007-10-17 04:47:05
answer #7
answered by Blue Oyster Kel 7
Because they afraid that they will go to hellfire after that or they afraid to lost what they have now when they die
But what Bible Say: Ecclesiastes 9:5,10
2007-10-17 04:51:29
answer #8
answered by CLOUND 3
If your right in your life and heart with GOD it isn't....For most people its the pain --not dying that scares them.
2007-10-17 04:49:57
answer #9
answered by Dixie 6
Because people always fear the unknown.
2007-10-17 04:49:19
answer #10
answered by [Rei] 5