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Society & Culture - 21 August 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Assuming you are negative. What would your fear level be of contracting HIV yourself?

2007-08-21 20:01:20 · 22 answers · asked by universatile love 3 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

For me it is, I may not do it really often, but I do.. sometimes in a subliminal way. I feel better talking things here with people I don't know than talking with someone face to face or something and anyways I don't have like many friends or many people to talk to.

2007-08-21 19:59:03 · 13 answers · asked by Love Yahoo!!! wannabe a princess 4 in Religion & Spirituality

I let no man drag me down so low as to make me hate him.
Booker T. Washington

Or do you give your power away to another?

2007-08-21 19:58:02 · 8 answers · asked by ? 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Quran 2:223 “your wives are a tilth for you, so go into your tilth when you like ...” http://www.usc.edu/dept/msa/quran/002.qmt.html

The chapter mentions nothing about womans rights in this matter, this entitlement for husbands has no stated exception. Read the chapter and see if I am correct.

Now, consider the ramifications. This verse literally gives complete s-xual entitlement to men, with no exception. In a legal sense, woman are property, like sheep or pigs.

Consider the phrase "a tilth unto you". A "tilth" is the strongest claim to property in all known jurisprudence. Its based on the idea that the "tilth" is a product of your labor mixed with the land and is recognizied as absolute by the majority of all property law schemes.

When can men use their wives? Its straightforward...whenever "you like". No right of refusal is mentioned, even for sickness. Thus based on a western value system, this is an absolute and unconscionable permission to rape.

2007-08-21 19:51:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Fear of death, fear of Hell, fear of the 'end of days', fear of other religions, fear of people who are different, fear of homosexuality, and in some cases even fear that their most cherised beliefs might disappear from existence if the words "under God" in the pledge of allegiance were removed.Even those who would say they have no fear because of their faith have just admitted that they are using their faith to negate fear.

What is up with all this fear?

2007-08-21 19:50:43 · 13 answers · asked by Demopublican 6 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-21 19:47:05 · 15 answers · asked by valerie w 1 in Etiquette

I was raised in catholic family, Im not yet baptized or anything, and I go to church rarely.. I have more skeptism about god then ever before, I've never believed in the Bible, because I think half of the stuff in there is spurious, it makes no sense in anyway, and it's made by men. And science makes more sense to me, because I think we were evolved, how can you not believe in that, they have all the evidence and the artifacts. I realized I belive in god, because 1. I want afterlife and meet the loved ones once again. 2. I'm afraid to goto hell. I don't think this is correct or right way to have faith in god. I realized I believed these things, because I was just told to, I never questioned it, I just believed in them. But what if, everything you were told is false, and there is no god?? Why should I belive in the Bible?? I think I just created a huge sin, questioning god. Eh, I dont know what to believe in..

2007-08-21 19:46:41 · 24 answers · asked by UranID10t 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I used to believe I could control my life, but I've come to realize I have been doomed to a certain fate and the more I try to escape it the more difficult my life becomes. I can honestly say some force has prevented me from acheiving specific goals. I can't explain this force, I only know it exists, because everything that has happened in my life seems so illogical and goes against everything people claim. No matter what I do or how hard I work or try, I always end up running in place. I am now 36 and have come to the conclusion it was just meant to be.

2007-08-21 19:46:35 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

It seems like that's THE answer for everything, when you ask some Christians valid questions about their religion.

2007-08-21 19:43:03 · 42 answers · asked by Meow 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I understand that religion supposedly explains all of the reasons that humans exist, and all of the things that god did, but if a god really exists, then shouldn't he personally communicate with us about it? Why do we need a religion to tell us how things went and explain details when god could personally just let us know things. It can compare to having a boss at work. You wouldn't need a 500 page manual explaining the purpose of your boss and what he expects out of you when all he has to do is come up and tell you what is going on with work. So it seems that the same should apply with god. It would definitely straighten out the whole 100 different types of religions and million types of gods people speak about.

2007-08-21 19:42:42 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

why is it that all other religion are worshipping demons when their religion taught them peace , love , fillial piety and morals.

how do you know that the bible isnt being affected by demon ?
how do you know that faith in jesus will lead to heaven ? how do you know that it is not a demon lying and confusing you guys that faith will lead you to hell .

it is rude i know , but how do you know that jesus is not a demon ? a demon can easily perform ' miracles ' like walking on water and stuff . how do you know that the demon isnt in disguise to make you guys follow him ( by following jesus ) so that you all could follow him to hell ?

biblically , i believe that bible is true to some extend , and if i believe it's true , then demon is out to confuse us . perhaps believing in jesus will lead me to hell ?

theres no one from heaven that come down to tell me it is or it is not .
how would i know the bible is not the work of demon , after all he could have know all the facts .

2007-08-21 19:42:40 · 4 answers · asked by Curious 3 in Religion & Spirituality

profanity=Abusive, vulgar, or irreverent language.

2007-08-21 19:41:51 · 13 answers · asked by THE GOOD NIGHT 6 in Etiquette

Is this really believable or just like old wife stories?

2007-08-21 19:41:14 · 8 answers · asked by ooxy_rr r 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Are you prepared if there is?

2007-08-21 19:38:26 · 11 answers · asked by Inou 3 in Religion & Spirituality

What is the most repulsive thing that christians do to drive away non-christians? Not their beliefs, their actions?

2007-08-21 19:32:37 · 17 answers · asked by We Watch Football 3 in Religion & Spirituality

According to the Mosaic law an Israelite could take a vow to live as a Nazirite for a time. While under his vow he was not supposed to touch dead bodies. Samson However Killed many Animals & Men.
No Silly Answers Please.

2007-08-21 19:29:10 · 10 answers · asked by conundrum 7 in Religion & Spirituality

I'm writing an important essay and there are a few lines that sound awkward. I appreciate your help :)

"Before entrance to high school, all the middle school students were required to take an exam..." (or, Before ENTERING high school?)

"Students who scored in the top percentiles were offered the opportunity to attend..." (or, just in the top PERCENTILE?)

"After completing high school and two years of Business College in Hong Kong..." (is it correct to capitalize business college? Microsoft Word says it should be capitalized, but I'm not convinced)

"...he was not ashamed to learn among the 6th graders..." (among, or amongst? Should "6th graders" be instead "sixth graders"?)


2007-08-21 19:27:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

Im just curious if animals have souls because they seem to carry personalities???

2007-08-21 19:24:26 · 15 answers · asked by alfsweethang 1 in Religion & Spirituality

10 years ago, when I was 14, I did a very goofy thing. I was a Christian and I was recording a message for the answering machine. Since it was Christmas, I was in a goofy mood and sang "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer". My mother saved that tape. Now every year at Christmas, they like to pull that out and get a kick out of it. It's not in a mean way, it's in a funny remembering type of way, but why do they get such a kick out of a 14 year old member of the family singing a song? And why so long after?

2007-08-21 19:22:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

seriously, who is gonna get hurt if we dont get caught and do it on our time and in our privacy? the world isnt gonna stop, there will still be food so why does he care if I enjoy playing with myself? isnt waiting til youre married for sex enough? not that I plan on doing that but still.

2007-08-21 19:22:28 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Every rule has an exception and everyone agrees with the rule, until you bring up the concept of "freedom of religion". For some reason, Americans believe that this is the only absolute in the universe.

Making "freedom of religion" an absolute assumes that no substantial differences can arise between any religion such that the survival of the state could be put in jepordy. However, we already know this is false. Islamists have a very literal and uncompromising view about the commingling of religion and state.

Consider the Phillpines. Despite a democratic system where Islamists have a say, a full fledged Islamic insurgency continues to terrorize the country and demand an Islamic state. Its just not something they are willing to compromise. The only substantial difference between the Philppines and America is one of proportion (they have more Muslims).

Its simply a matter of critical mass. Once there is enough of them to create change...here comes shariah law.

2007-08-21 19:21:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Could it be the start of his walk with Jesus?

2007-08-21 19:20:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

It's most prevelant when they use in pastence. Instead of "Asked" it comes out sounding like "Axed" or in extreme cases they'll even add another d to the end of it making it sound like this "Axeded". I Axeded you a question. Can someone please explain to me how this simple word is aparently so tough for people to say. Is it an issue of talking so fast that they get tongue tied or what? I'd really like to know how this has come to be such a problem.

2007-08-21 19:19:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

If so, why? If not, why not? This question is not meant to be insulting or anything negative. It's a chance to get to know each other if you spend some time here, and to learn to tolerate each other. I'm a very open person, I can get along with almost anybody, and I refuse to insult or ridicule a person based on a label. Even when being insulted, I still refuse. I would appreciate the same courtesy, because we are all one human race and we all need each other to survive.

2007-08-21 19:19:09 · 89 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Okay, so I was checking out some Pagan stuff on the net and found a lot of schools have banned their Wiccan students from wearing the pentagram but say it's okay that Christian students wear their crosses. I don't think this is right-- either ban ALL religious symbols, or none of them. Banning one religious symbol, then saying another is just fine...that's just wrong no matter what religion it favors.

What do you guys think?

2007-08-21 19:18:43 · 23 answers · asked by mathaowny 6 in Religion & Spirituality

for a klondike bar
credit goes to jaketherake

2007-08-21 19:15:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Seems like some posters must feel something as they really get excited about writing about God. What do you feel when you are at your computer typing your ideas about God?

2007-08-21 19:14:35 · 22 answers · asked by Beertha 2 in Religion & Spirituality

well my mother told me this story.

my mom took a smoking break at work
and was sitting there for a few minutes
and the she imagined
God, rocking my grandmother in his arms like a baby
as if rocking her to sleep.
It was 810 when she saw this.
10 minutes later, tony called to tell her that grandmaw had died.. 10 minutes ago. [when she saw that]

Do you guys believe in stuff like this?

just curious to see what others think.

oh and my mum isnt a loony one.

2007-08-21 19:14:24 · 9 answers · asked by Rae ☺ 3 in Religion & Spirituality

fedest.com, questions and answers