First I want all of you to know that the question is to solve the doubt in my head about christianity.
I don't blame or disapprove of christianity.
1.According to my research there is no clear phrase where Jesus Christ declares " Oh people ! Worship me , the almighty" or something like that.
2. What explanation for the following versus do you have:
a. "My Father is Greater than I " (John 14:28)
b."...I cast out devils by the spirit of God..." ( Mathew 12;28)
3. Jesus refuted even a remote suggestion of his divinity. Consider the following incident in the Bible :
"And, behold , one came and said unto him, " Good master , what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?"
And he said " Why callest thou me Good?
There is none good but one that is God"
(The BIble , Mathew 5:17-20)
Any explanation.
Please donot show disrespect for your religion by answering something meaningless or out of the point, please speak in the real way for the better good.
27 answers
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Religion & Spirituality