Does this mean that you Atheist don't fear sinning since you don't beleive that there's a eternal punishment of Hell (or Sheol, or whatever)?
So, you don't fear murder, rape, grand theft auto, drug abuse, torturing people since you won't fear any "judgement" or any eternal punishments of any sort?
I know that some of you may fear going into prison (death sentence) if ever you did any of those things I mentioned above.
But putting away all that government court law punishment stuff, are you not afraid of what will happen in the afterlife if ever you were a mass murderer, serial rapist, drug dealer, drunkard (basically, a bad guy)?
Well, since you don't believe in God's existence Which pretty much concludes that you don't believe in God's connections like Angels, Demons, Purgatory, Hell, Heaven, other holy stuff.
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Religion & Spirituality