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Society & Culture - 21 July 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

I work in a office with about 20 other people and enjoy 1/2 a glass of Coke every 2 days or so. I don't mind sharing my drink as long as I'm asked. HOWEVER, I only get to drink 1/2 a cup from each 2l bottle I buy. My office is next to the kitchen and I can see who goes in and out. When I leave the office for the morning or afternoon My full 2l bottle is always taken, not even the empty bottle is left behind in the bin. I buy the 2l because I don't like the taste of the canned drink and 2l coke costs the same as 2 cans here. I am part owner of the company. I have no idea who is doing it but it is seriously pissing me off. How would you approach the situation?

2007-07-21 14:44:17 · 22 answers · asked by Odie 5 in Etiquette

You post a question here on Answers, and people will answer with the most ridiculous things. The ones that really get me are: "Um, I don't know. Sorry," and then there's the wonderful "I don't want to answer your question, I have my own little political tirade that I want to go on, get my point across, and get my two points."

This really makes me agitated... What makes people do this? Are they just so conceited that they believe that I want to read about how they have no answer, or refuse to answer my question and instead get obnoxious in a public forum so people can view their ignorance??

2007-07-21 14:43:41 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

A young lady inspired me.

Father of Heaven

Heavenly father help me see, what changes you have made in me.
Help me learn and help me grow, help me so that I will know.
Know your love, know your face, know where to stand my place.
Father creater, I hid my soul.
Thank you for loving me and making me whole.

Please if you are going to be mean spirited don't make a comment, but if you are mean spirited open up your email to recieve a comment and don't be a coward and just be mean. I you plan to make a good critcal comment please feel free.

2007-07-21 14:43:35 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

OK so Adam was bored... any other reason?

2007-07-21 14:43:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

A mixed marriage is a marriage in which only one of the partners is Catholic.

2007-07-21 14:42:43 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

do you believe that where you live has influenced you into the person you are today...? do you think that if you lived somewhere else you would have turned out differently..or do you think that the person you are today was predetermined, like you were born to be the way you are...? For instance if you are a shy or a hostile person you would have been shy or hostile no matter what because of your genetics...?

2007-07-21 14:42:08 · 3 answers · asked by hey123 4 in Other - Society & Culture

are there 'angels' in any other religion besides Christianity / Judaism
Which, if any, have cited 'angels' and what is that belief system's definition of it?

thank you

2007-07-21 14:41:50 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I'm a Buddhist, so I just kind of go with the flow.

2007-07-21 14:40:50 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-21 14:40:40 · 3 answers · asked by the voice of truth 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Just 2 hours.

2007-07-21 14:39:57 · 25 answers · asked by YESITSME 2 in Etiquette

I heard Wal-Mart has sheets for about $3 so Now that I'll ahve that, what else do I need?

2007-07-21 14:39:43 · 5 answers · asked by spuxy 1 in Mythology & Folklore

If you were smart enough to get your doctorate/go to medical school would you?

Would you be deterred by the high cost of a post-graduate education.

2007-07-21 14:34:25 · 4 answers · asked by Surf Forever 5 in Other - Society & Culture

Tammy Faye Baker passed away Saturday. While she was on the "other team" I personally found her to be sincere in her faith and an interesting person.
I know the urge to jump up and cheer may be in you. I ask you don't. Death is a time of respect as she returns to the mothers loving arms to return again, perhaps to correct some of the wrongs she helped in doing.
When we like someone, we can name 20 things good about them. When we hate them we only focus on the one or two things that we color them with. All people are more than these one or two things. They each see the moon in its phases, the tides on the shore, The sun in the sky and the rain on our faces. They each dance with abandonment and cry in sorrow. They are each loved by some and despised by some. We are each human and children of the Lord and Lady. We each have our shining beauty and dark secrets. You (and I) don't like some of the things she did, but show love in your heart and ask the Lord and Lady to welcome here home, educate her and send her back. Who knows, she may be the child in your circle next year!
Lastly, who and how we show our dislike for someone says more than something about that person, but something about ourselves. Think about your actions. Hate brings nothing, Love brings peace.
Be at peace
Lord Luinrandir, son of Herne
HP3* Green Star Coven

2007-07-21 14:32:40 · 27 answers · asked by Luinrandir 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Why will some Christians watch Harry Potter, eat Thai food under a Buddha statue, go to a meditation retreat, read their horoscope, donate to a Muslim charity, get drunk and get laid at a frat party, get a tatoo of an om symbol, ignore homeless people asking for food and shelter, and get their hair styled by a gay barber...

...but don't ask them if they want to go to a gay bar with you... because that's such a sin and they can't have fun watching people sin...

(it's not like people are having sex at the bar - and the drag shows and music are more fun than you'd have at most places.)

I don't really even spend a lot of time at bars, but I think it's just really strange that it's such a no-no for people... Even murder is better in some situations...

It makes me think that Christianity is 90% popularity contest. 10% spirituality.

2007-07-21 14:31:48 · 23 answers · asked by rabble rouser 6 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-21 14:31:31 · 23 answers · asked by . 3 in Religion & Spirituality

We moved in our new home last November. When the weather broke a bit, my next door woman welcomed us. The rest has become a nightmare! Anything you've done, she's done better.
She gets incredibly drunk and comes to the door unannounced at all hours.
My husband and I are very non-confrontational ppl, so we've put up with her.
Last week, however she came storming to our door drunk, and demanded to speak to us. She went on and on. Ranting about me speaking to her husband at the fence, about me being a liar, about my husband being a coward, and that we were no kind of friends. This argument was precipitated by the fact that 4 months ago her husband had made a sexual suggestion to me, which I immediately discussed with my husband and it was decided that if it ever came up again it would be serious. But nothing further was said. However she found out somehow. And over she came.
Personally, I know she's going to want something from us before all this is through. What do I say to her ?

2007-07-21 14:29:48 · 14 answers · asked by DebbK 4 in Etiquette

There is a white minority in Mexico and many countries of the Middle East. A person can be white and have heritage from a majority non white country. If race was not phenotype; no one would have a problem with interracial dating.

2007-07-21 14:29:03 · 7 answers · asked by ya 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

My sister has made my brother the God father of her baby, however he's never been baptized or anything like that... the only time he was ever in a church has been for funerals and my sister's wedding. I always thought that someone had to be catholic to be a god parent.

2007-07-21 14:28:48 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Yeah they give answers but with theses answers come a lot more questions. Whats your view?

2007-07-21 14:26:52 · 33 answers · asked by batigol_987 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I am a sincere Christian who is curious as to why that hatred runs so deep in some people.

2007-07-21 14:24:47 · 21 answers · asked by jstef 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I just love asking questions like this!

2007-07-21 14:23:47 · 9 answers · asked by Carter 3 in Other - Society & Culture

He descended from King David so was He not rightfully the heir to the actual throne of Israel?

2007-07-21 14:23:25 · 20 answers · asked by Prof Fruitcake 6 in Religion & Spirituality


He is making crappy jokes and trying to convert me to "crappyjokeism" and he stole my joke book and is trying to make me engage in humorless acts!

2007-07-21 14:22:11 · 6 answers · asked by Nijg 6 in Religion & Spirituality

They always seem to have 2 sides to every scenario and use whichever suits them best at the time. Even the Bible with its vagueness allows for much interpretation which suits Christians just fine. If allows for justification in anything and everything they do. God is their scapegoat. Personally, I take responsibility for my own actions as an organism capable of independant thought. Saying things like "Gods will" allows for complacency. It also allows Christians to not take ownership of their actions as they feel compelled in their thoughts and actions. I find this truly bizarre and unsettling.

2007-07-21 14:19:14 · 24 answers · asked by CAnderson 2 in Religion & Spirituality

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