and still be considered to be a practicer/follower of that faith?
If you, for example, do NOT profess to believe that Mary is ever Immaculate, or that in Adam all have sinned, or in Transubstantiation, can you honestly call yourself a Catholic? WILL THE CHURCH recognize you as one?
The Catholic Church defines what being a Catholic is. The Methodist Church defines what being a Methodist is. The Mormon church defines what being a Mormon is. Orthodox Judaism defines what being an Orthodox Jew is. And so on.
I'm asking this to find out at what point, in whatever faith you follow, your deviation from accepted doctrine, liturgy, teaching and practice would require you to acknowledge that you are NOT, in fact, of that faith/practice.
How far can one stray from what these religious institutions define themselves to be, before one has to stop calling oneself a member/practitioner? At what point would you expect the religious tradition to no longer accept you as a member?
13 answers
asked by
Raven's Voice
Religion & Spirituality