Islam and Christianity have so many things in, their prophets are same - Adam, Noah, Joseph , Jakob ,Abraham, Moses (May peace be upon them all)
Islam is the only religion other than Christianity that shows respect for Jesus Christ (peace be upon him). In fact if a muslim doesnot believe that Jesus Christ was a prophet from God his faith is not complete and he is considered as an unbeliever. Jesus Christ's (pbuh) name has been mention in Qu'ran so many times. Islam also respects Merry, the mother of Jesus Christ (pbuh). It is said that Merry is the best of all women Allah has created.
It is mentioned in Qu'ran in surah maidah -The nearest to you are those people who says that "I am a Christian".
If Islam and Christianity have so many things in common, why are we fighting against eachother? Can't we just focus on the similarities and come to common terms?? because when we come to common terms most of the problems are solved.
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Religion & Spirituality