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Society & Culture - 1 July 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

What are we out there to prove that our Religion is greater than yours.....that our God(s) are far superior than Gods/Goddesses of other religions...
Its gets to a point where it gets utter rudiculous...
Do people following other religion have body parts which separates people as We & Them???
Its high-time we stop this hate policy that we have on other religions & start leading a life of a pure human-being....Simple & Pious.......Let PEACE be the guiding factor in our policy & not religious bias else The End is Near...............

2007-07-01 00:33:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I saw a recent programme regarding the opening of a creationist theme park/museum in America where a spokesman for this institution stated that the bible clearly shows that the world was created 6,000 years ago in about a week as described in the book of genesis.

When pressed on how the dinosaurs became extinct he stated it was because Noah excluded them from the Ark.

Why did he do this? Was it because he thought T-Rex would eat all the other animals?


2007-07-01 00:27:36 · 56 answers · asked by pagreen1966 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Islam and Christianity have so many things in common.like, their prophets are same - Adam, Noah, Joseph , Jakob ,Abraham, Moses (May peace be upon them all)

Islam is the only religion other than Christianity that shows respect for Jesus Christ (peace be upon him). In fact if a muslim doesnot believe that Jesus Christ was a prophet from God his faith is not complete and he is considered as an unbeliever. Jesus Christ's (pbuh) name has been mention in Qu'ran so many times. Islam also respects Merry, the mother of Jesus Christ (pbuh). It is said that Merry is the best of all women Allah has created.
It is mentioned in Qu'ran in surah maidah -The nearest to you are those people who says that "I am a Christian".

If Islam and Christianity have so many things in common, why are we fighting against eachother? Can't we just focus on the similarities and come to common terms?? because when we come to common terms most of the problems are solved.

2007-07-01 00:26:08 · 20 answers · asked by tanu_d1 1 in Religion & Spirituality

There are bigots everywhere of course but it's my general feeling that the Asians in America especially the Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, Indians seem to be very hostile and unreceptive toward Black people; they just don't like to look beyond stereotypes.

I was at the convenience store today and the Indian girl on counter put the change on the table, not my hands, a clear avoidance stuff- I wasn't even eyeballing her.

Many Blacks (and to some extent, Hispanics) who I talked to, share this sentiment. They say these Easterns love to kiss White @ss and the fact is, they really have a 19th century mindset about African-origin people.

Honest answers please.

2007-07-01 00:25:35 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

Given that the name 'Mohammed' is now the second most popular name for baby boys within the UK and is set to become the favourite name for boys within a year is it the case that Islam is set to become the dominant religion within the UK?


2007-07-01 00:14:51 · 33 answers · asked by pagreen1966 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Fact 1 : God had other planets to plant tree of life and tree of knowledge. However, He insited these two plants in the garden of Eden.

Fact 2 : Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge were not meaned for Human.

Fact 3 : His creation were so useless ( I think IQ of 10 and EQ of 5 ) to believe setpent in one sentense.

Fact 4 : When He knew Adam and Eve ate the fruit, He punished all Human being.

My Question :

1) What was the God reason to put those 2 trees in the garden of Eden ( Based on Fact 1, Fact 2 and Fact 3 )?

2) Is God of Genesis a Benevolent God ?
I read interesting reply from believer. Believer respond by child eating forbidden cookies from kitchen and punished. However, these two situations are not the same.
Tree of knowledge is not compare to cookies. If we really must, should be POISION. Will any loving and caring parent leave poision in the house just for children to take.

2007-07-01 00:14:13 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Money,ego,competition,superficial beauty, lust and greed,seem to be our guiding principles. What other things are there, on a personal level are there to counteract these
divisive devices? Writing a song...inspire me with your answer!

2007-07-01 00:08:36 · 17 answers · asked by Monsieur Recital Vinyliste 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Look after it, or give it to a foster home, or what?

2007-07-01 00:07:00 · 34 answers · asked by ? 4 in Other - Society & Culture

2007-07-01 00:03:52 · 1 answers · asked by That Guy Drew 6 in Religion & Spirituality

We have seen that promoting Islam is all about killing innocent people in the name of Allah and we have seen that christianity is all about burning those who do not share your views at the stake.

I was wondering whether there were any world religions which actually promote peace and harmony in the world?

2007-07-01 00:00:10 · 28 answers · asked by pagreen1966 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Sure there is a Creator for this wold, however, but I have to know which religion He accepts.

Then, I have to ask, which religion has a proof that it is correct?

2007-07-01 00:00:01 · 10 answers · asked by Top 2 in Religion & Spirituality

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