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Society & Culture - 13 June 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

You know, those Scarabs you see in those 'Mummy" movies. Do they still exist? Were/are they dangerous? In the Mummy movies they portrayed them as being dangerous insects, like they would eat you from the inside. I know its a movie, and it probably is embellishment/totall fake, but we have ants that attack humans, so I was just wondering if there are beatles who are considered Scarabs and/or are dangerous. Thanks much!

2007-06-13 13:01:50 · 16 answers · asked by najohodo 2 in Mythology & Folklore

What happened, who did it and where did it happen?

2007-06-13 13:01:33 · 17 answers · asked by garik 5 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2007-06-13 13:01:19 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

We never stand up for ourselves. We never riot in the streets like the muslims do. We now accept homosexuality, divorce, and abortion just so some people aren't offended. We can't even say our religion is the true one, for fear of offending Muslims or Atheists. Many Christians say all religions are right, despite the fact that it isn't true.And now, we can't put nativity scenes on public ground or say "Merry Christmas".

All we do is quietly dissent and that is it. I think that soon we will be rendered obselete by those that take advantage of our infinite kindness and tolerance that we have displayed throughout the centuries. Christians have truly become timid and weak.

2007-06-13 13:00:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I wonder why those time periods were the ripest for religious development, and then, poof, nothing signifigant. Unless you count Scientology lol.

2007-06-13 13:00:27 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

This has got to be the worst argument for the Bible. Give me the reason why the Bible says so. Then Christians will probably say because it's the word of God. Or they will say "you obviously know nothing about faith" Where is the reason or logic or is that an abstract thought to Christians?

2007-06-13 12:57:15 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

1. Thou shalt worship no other god (For the Lord is a jealous god).

2. Thou shalt make thee no molten gods.

3. The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep in the month when the ear is on the corn.

4. All the first-born are mine.

5. Six days shalt thou work, but on the seventh thou shalt rest.

6. Thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, even of the first fruits of the wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering at the year’s end.

7. Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread.

8. The fat of my feast shall not remain all night until the morning.

9. The first of the first fruits of thy ground thou shalt bring unto the house of the Lord thy God.

10. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in its mother’s milk.

According to the Bible, these are the actual Ten Commandments brought down by Moses from the mountain and placed in the Ark of The Covenant. The first set were never seen by anyone other than Moses (according to the story) and were not adopted by Israel

2007-06-13 12:52:49 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Also, who do you plan on voting for? Just curious.

2007-06-13 12:51:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Many beautiful things have been deleted from this R&S section over the last weeks. Which is truly disgusting.

But I was thinking. I've seen many people get together in attempt to support Debra, Aeryn Whitley, etc, etc. People from all sides of the religious spectrum, coming together in a joint effort. That's awesome to witness.

Then the stuff gets deleted. Everybody is angry and upset. I see people from all sides of the religious spectrum come together in their mutual disgust.

Togetherness is disgust is also a form of togetherness, right?

Or am I being too positive and too naive again?

2007-06-13 12:50:06 · 17 answers · asked by ? 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Religious leaders are obviously in it for the money, the power, the prestige, or perhaps more charitably the belief that their mythology can be a comfort to people. Regular believers are the "don't ask don't tell" crowd - they don't actually believe themselves, but they go along with it because they think other people believe it, and it's cosy and it's a nice social network.

So, no-one actually believes in anything as ridiculous as a god, but they pretend to believe for their own various reasons, and everyone assumes that other people believe when they say they do, even though really they don't...

Sound about right? Honestly, there can only be a tiny number of people who *actually* still believe in something so absurd...

2007-06-13 12:49:13 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I know rac ism is bad in general, but what's worst?

2007-06-13 12:43:38 · 34 answers · asked by Liberal City 6 in Other - Cultures & Groups

In questioning the glaring contradiction between the first set of 10 Commandment which Moses destroyed in Exodus 20 and the second set of Commandments which God dictated in Exodus 34, I was told a number of times that Christians do not follow the 10 Commandments.

Then why do Christians try to display the 10 Commandments in our courthouses and why do they riot when those displays are removed?

And shouldn't somebody tell Kirk Cameron? He's built a whole Christian ministry based on the 10 Commandments.

2007-06-13 12:39:31 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-13 12:38:32 · 9 answers · asked by Chatty Guy 1 in Religion & Spirituality

there are alot of fables all over the world! i am just wondering where it was started.

2007-06-13 12:36:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

I asked a question about how do I continue to love my husband knowing he asked my daughter to have sex with him? I understand the answers of the other people,but I am spiritual and God knows all about it. I have put it in Gods hand. My life is totally in Gods hand and I have to hear from God Himself or through a true man or woman sent by God. God says in His word "vengence is mine".

2007-06-13 12:35:14 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I've know since forever that I was Bi-sexual. However I got pregnant and got married and have been with my husband for 3 years now. I just went to LGBT day at 6 flags with a bunch of my old gay friends. It really made me realize that I am very dissatisfied with my marriage. That I think I am a lesbian and would rather be in a relationship with a female. The hard part is that I do love my husband, and I love his family. But they are all kind of homophobic, and I don't want to leave him because it seems like it'd be wrong. I really love him, but there is so much missing from our relationship. I don't want my son to grow up being judged because of me. I don't want to be looked down on for leavig my husband because Im gay. Im not even sure I want to leave my husband. I just miss the closeness I felt when with my ex(girlfriend), that feeling can never be matched, I have yet to experience it with anyone. I miss women. yet i love my husband, I don't know what I should do, if i do anything.

2007-06-13 12:33:44 · 12 answers · asked by cait5156 3 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

she told me that "i'm always dressing like i'm black" (im WHITE) and i was wearing jean capris, flip flops, and a white t shirt (ok it was a little big but hey i like to be comfortable)

and then she was like "u dress like...similar to like mexicans" and i was like
. there is a difference between mexicans and blacks
. thats racist anyways
. i dont dress black...or at least i dont intentionally try to

so my question is...why do ppl think that if u dress a certain way, ur being fake and trying to act a different race?

i might dress kind of ghetto since a lot of my friends are...but its my choice i think i look good...plus its comfortable...but i do dress girly a lot of the time....
but now im really self conscious thanks to her...wat should i do?

2007-06-13 12:33:37 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

No wonder I've been a virgin for so long. I don't feel safe among my neighborhood b.c a bunch of black guys approach me for being a attractive light skinned female, but their style & how they approach me are not appealing at all. They make me uncomfortable. I am biracial. My mom's white & my dads black. I have never had a very great relationship w/ my father b.c I've witness how bad he treated my mom; causing her to be stressed out at times. Plus he'd abused us due to alcoholism & drugs over the years. I don't want to live w/ a man like that & I've noticed almost all black guys are like that. I have had a minium few of black female friends, but if they weren't friends, 85% of the time they quickly become jealous of me. I have had MANY MANY jealous black girls since I started school basically! I had major anxiety/depression since 9 & I soley blame my father, jealousy, & sexual harassment as cause. All three involving blacks. I feel like I don't fit in this culture. So I want to move.

2007-06-13 12:32:40 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

I do for every air that God has given me to breath each day.

2007-06-13 12:31:33 · 29 answers · asked by technocase 3 in Independence Day

The people in this world don't seem to understand that Jesus died for us so we could live!God the father was fade up with the people he was going to kill them and send to hell.Jesus had a heart and he felt sorry the people and he loved the people so he died for us.Why come we just cant live by his word.I really don't thank a lot of people are going to heaven because so many people commit sin.God gave us 10 commandments:1 I am the Lord thy God;thou shalt not have strange gods before me.people in world worship other gods thats one rule broken.2 Thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy God in vain.people curse every day on TV at work,home there gos another rule broken.3 Remember thou keep holy the Lords day.Every body works on Sunday another rule broken.4 Honor thy father and thy mother.Kids today they refuse to obey there parents.5 Thou shalt not kill well thats out the window the whole world is full of murder.6 Thou shalt not commit adultery broken. the rest in your B.

2007-06-13 12:28:35 · 15 answers · asked by G 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I am 100% for it. In fact, I believe that Russia, Germany, Italy, and France should all return to the monarchy system. It has been proven that every country in Europe with a monarchy supports the US because Bush has been proven to be closely related to every remaining royal family in Europe, and they operate as one big family. The US's toughest criticism comes from Germany and France, which has no monarchy. Russia was much better off with the Tzar than they are with Comrade Putin. I personally support it so much because I am a cousin of Queen Elizabeth, so I view her as part of my family. I am very loyal to my family. If someone insults the Queen, they are insulting family, and I will argue with that person until they shut up. If someone tried to kill any member of the Royal Family, I would personally hunt that person down and kill them.

2007-06-13 12:26:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Royalty

2007-06-13 12:25:34 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I am an agnostic. And always stay out of religion and churches. Yet, despite some reservations, I tend to admire some Christian fundamentalists. Of course there are hypocrites, but also very honest and sincere believers. Because of that, I kind of like them. What do you think?

2007-06-13 12:22:53 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Since the earth began as huge molten rock billions of years ago, and the temperature was awfully high. Where exactly did water come from, and how did it form? Wouldnt have the immense heat evaporated it?

2007-06-13 12:22:29 · 13 answers · asked by uiop b 3 in Religion & Spirituality

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