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Society & Culture - 4 June 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

My Friend went to Italy and near the end of her stay there, stayed in a monastery. The room was blessed and had a cross in it on the wall. Her room mate was not catholic and said the cross 'creeped her out' and therefore took it off the wall and put it in a drawer. My friend put it back up and would not let her remove it again. Who was in the right?

2007-06-04 19:10:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

Have you seen this??

It's an article that states Global Warming is occurring on Mars at the same rate as on Earth. Don't you see what's going on here? It's an OBVIOUS conspiracy lead by the GWB White House to lure us into believing that GLOBAL WARMING HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HUMANITY! How low will they stoop to prove their point? I bet that GW actually launched CO2 gas and other pollutants into Mars's atmosphere to raise the temperature there just to prove his point! AND I bet he must have threated National Geographic to publish this article. NASA is run by the Vice President you know.
Come on, who's with me??

(ah...the subtle art of sarcasm...)

2007-06-04 19:06:24 · 22 answers · asked by Last Ent Wife (RCIA) 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Those crunch berries shred me big time. I love them but is it just me this happens to ?

2007-06-04 19:05:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

It seems to me that it takes a lot faith to believe that a fish just somehow managed to sprout legs and walk onto a beach. Or that a lizard's scales turned into feathers and he took off flying.

How did any of this happen without any kind of thought behind it?

2007-06-04 19:02:09 · 26 answers · asked by busyintelligentartist 2 in Religion & Spirituality

for example, in the Talmud, what does Babha Kama 113a really say?

2007-06-04 18:58:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Why does God let me get away with it? Shouldn't he just put his foot down and say: "if you do this you're going to hell". But instead I can ask for forgiveness repeatedly and I still get into heaven - even if I were to commit murder.

Since when did God get so wishy-washy?

2007-06-04 18:57:56 · 33 answers · asked by Jason 4 in Religion & Spirituality


Hi, I know that asking a religous question is a little strange (because it's basically just what I believe) but I need some help from someone who is much more strict about religion than I am.
I'm Catholic, but I'm not really religious; I haven't been to church in a long time, but I do pray frequently.
Here's the thing, when praying, I made a vow to the "heavens" that I would never do this certain thing if God would give me the strength to do a certain thing. Turns out, that I was given the strength, but maybe two days later, I did the thing I promised I wouldn't. I am very afraid that God is going to harm me in some way as punishment. I am afraid of flying and I have a big vacation coming up to Europe, I am afraid that God will let the plane crash or something bad will happen. I feel really bad, and really scared, and sort of embarassed. Thanks

2007-06-04 18:57:25 · 12 answers · asked by raspyvoice22 2 in Religion & Spirituality

(you know who you are) You obviously meditate, contemplate, read, consider, study, and/or have first hand experience. Your answers seem spontaneous and unique. How are you doing that? Do you answer off of the top of your head? Do you have a little ritual you do before answering? Do you spend time meditating on the question? Do you brush up on some reading first? Do you need to have a rapport with the Asker or is it easier to answer the question of a stranger? Many of you are getting better and better at putting abstract ideas into words and I'm curious about it. What's your secret? Do you have an explanation? Are you aware of the process? Step forward and speak your mind, even if you think you know very little.

2007-06-04 18:57:24 · 39 answers · asked by ? 6 in Religion & Spirituality

and the Bible keeps contradicting itself, heh

2007-06-04 18:56:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

My ex-bf committed suicide on Sat. His memorial service is Wed. We spent 7 years together, but that was five years ago. The relationship was very stormy; he was controlling and abusive. We managed to part on good terms, which was good since we worked in the same industry and sometimes crossed paths. I have forgiven him for his actions towards me, and we maintained a cordial, almost business like relationship. I am very upset about his suicide. The thought of going to the memorial service is making me ill. On one hand, perhaps I should be a 'big girl' - I mean, nobody wants to go to a funeral. But it took me a long time to heal from the abuse, and I feel like seeing his family ( that I was never close with),his wife who saw me as a threat (no reason ), and dealing with seeing people from my old, bad life ( that I had left behind) is going to rip open a bunch of issues for me. I have sent flowers to his wife and his family, and will write them letters. Can I skip the service?

2007-06-04 18:55:46 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

are the people who us the word geek too stupid to understand th concepts in sci-fi, or are they jelous because they have no imagination. or do they do it because most people who follow sci-fi (that i know), aren't sheep, who folow what some idiot with fake breasts says on the tv like they are?

2007-06-04 18:55:01 · 10 answers · asked by hicapaul 2 in Other - Society & Culture

Her name is Shirley and her Church is the Southern Baptist Church and her father is the minister, she has 11 children and is a lawyer

She teaches that all "fags" as she calls them will go to hell and anyone that talks to them also will go to hell, she has taught her children that God hates "fags" and anyone who does not believe in God

Does anyone know this woman and what she is like?

2007-06-04 18:51:11 · 21 answers · asked by Angel Eyes 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Can someone please give me some good advice on how to deal with a master manipulative child. My friends daughter thows these huge temper tantrums when she doesnt get her way and she is getting to the point that she is making life hell for her single mother. She screams and cries and yells awful things such as "I hate you"at her mom and she is only 4. She is at the end of her rope and I have talked to her, but I am unexperienced with defiant children. Mine are well behaved so I can only offer so much advice to her. If anyone has dealt with this and overcome it, please let me know what worked for you.

2007-06-04 18:50:40 · 6 answers · asked by redneckgirl98362 2 in Etiquette

I dont see Buddhists do it, Hindus, Jewish people, but sometimes Muslim.

Is it because Christianity is the only religion, along with Judaism, directly historical and indirectly doctrinal? Is that why they need no historical discrepancy or else their entire faith falls?

2007-06-04 18:50:29 · 30 answers · asked by leikevy 5 in Religion & Spirituality

1) Evolution in public schools? Should it be banned, allowed but optional, or absolutely required? Should it be taught as a fact, or merely as something most scientists believe today?
2) Gay marriage - for or against... or would you rather not vote concerning it? Should there be a federal amendment endorsing/banning it, or should it be left to the states?
3) Abortion - Should Roe vs Wade be repealed and let all the states decide on their own whether to allow it or to probibit it in certain/all cases?
4) Do you know that quote "Against abortion? Don't have one"?.... What do you think of this one... "Against slavery? Don't have one"
5) If God is a delusion, then should all Christians receive weekly checks since they are mentally handicapped?
6) Should the Christian Sabbath be moved to Saturday?
7) Do you find it interesting that Thomas Jefferson was a truer Republican than Lincoln, Reagan, and Bush, and yet it is the Democrats who admire Jefferson the most?

2007-06-04 18:50:01 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Ok. In the traditional wedding vows it says "til death do you part." Does that mean my husband and I will not be married after death in God's eyes? The pastor that married us can't even answer this. Please help!

2007-06-04 18:49:18 · 27 answers · asked by amanda c 2 in Religion & Spirituality

"Our love for eternity" or
"Our love until eternity"

Which sounds better? I would also like to finish the phrase like this:

"Our love for eternity, Sincerly [name]"

Can someone help me please?

2007-06-04 18:48:29 · 3 answers · asked by TheRisingForce 1 in Languages

Sometimes I think they are far superior to us. They understand how things work. They understand death. They don't stress about unnecessary things. They take the time to bask in the sun. They seem a lot more happy then us in general.

How can you really compare different species though?

2007-06-04 18:47:35 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

people say that knowledge is prerequisite for bhakti . like radha maan was gyan abhimani in previous life so ....... she was born as ordinary Gopi . please enlighten me something

2007-06-04 18:42:04 · 7 answers · asked by KrishanRam(Jitendra k) 3 in Religion & Spirituality

where I am now, people ask their friends/family "what do you want for Christmas?" (or birthday, or whatever holiday)... where I'm from, that would be considered incredibly rude- like asking somebody to give you a gift... what do you think?

2007-06-04 18:38:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette


1. Evolution is a fact because we're here

2. The proof that monkeys and humans have a common ancestry is human's existence

3. I know God is fake because I feel it in my heart

4. Christians have to be evil because they need a book to tell them not to be evil

5. How could you believe in God? IT'S JUST A THEORY
(This is what Christians say about evolution)

6. You may not believe in the tooth fairy but she still loves you

7. I know the tooth fairy's real. Someone smacked me in the mouth and my teeth didn't fall out. She saved me

8. I know evolution is true because the evolution book said so

2007-06-04 18:38:06 · 36 answers · asked by Black Atheist 1 in Religion & Spirituality

There is one in Strasbourg, France where I will have to take a semester of French before going and I have never taken French.

There is another with the European Union in Germany and I will have to take a semester of German and I have not taken this language either.

Both of this programs sound interesting but I do not know which one to pick. Plus, I will have to pick which language to take as well soon for my Fall semester. What do you suggest?

Pros and cons?

Please help!

PS- Which language would be cooler to learn (I'm already fluent in English and Spanish)

2007-06-04 18:34:46 · 5 answers · asked by Luz Sotomayor L 1 in Languages

what i understood is gaining the knowledge is gyan yagya , but how it is yagya please tell me

2007-06-04 18:34:03 · 8 answers · asked by KrishanRam(Jitendra k) 3 in Religion & Spirituality

If their ideas and thoughts are based on science, wouldn't men want to "spread their seed" and not want to settle with one person? What is love mean to them anyway? It just really is a thought process..

2007-06-04 18:33:32 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Well...since God is a jealous God (Deut. 5:9), does He sin?

2007-06-04 18:32:51 · 15 answers · asked by asianasian 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Please explain how the Honey Bee evolved.

When it evolved it's thirst for nectar and pollen, did it's leg's pollen sacks evolve first, or the nectar proboscus?

Did it evolve it's ability to fly before it evolved the nectar Dance?

Did it evolve the complex navigation trigonometry after the Honey Dance, or before?

Did it evolve the ultraviolet sensing eyes before it evolved it's thirst for nectar?

Did the Honey Bee live in ant hills before it evolved to create hives?

Did it evolve the ability to make octagonal honey comb cells by experimentation with quadralateral cells first?

Did the Bee originally evolve it's colony societies around a democracy, or was the queen/worker/drone the first idea of the original hive?

Did the bee develop the hive cooling methods by trial and error before, or after deciding to live in trees?

How many committee meetings did it take to conclude that ALL Honey Bee colonies should have a queen and drone society? Is there a law?

2007-06-04 18:29:41 · 23 answers · asked by TEK 4 in Religion & Spirituality

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