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Society & Culture - 12 December 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

I just bought this tree like a week a go and i've started decorating it. colors so far include red, blue, green, yellow, silver and gold. red and white lights. it looks sort of good so far. but kind of bare. please help I want a good looking tree!!!!!

2006-12-12 09:46:41 · 3 answers · asked by ceriseypoo 2 in Other - Holidays

2006-12-12 09:46:29 · 14 answers · asked by Ginnie B 1 in Religion & Spirituality


In the book of revilations it says that we will no longer use marked money, ( we now use credit cards- strike one)
Good vs. Evil ( Us.vs Terrorist )
And it will come like a theif in the night...

What are you all's belife on the subject ?

2006-12-12 09:45:27 · 9 answers · asked by May 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I don't understand this. All through out history the Jewish have been persecuted. Iran's President is almost echoeing what Hitler has said. Can someone please answer this for me? Or even send me to a site that I can read up on reasons why?

2006-12-12 09:44:22 · 17 answers · asked by Brandi H 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

2006-12-12 09:43:55 · 7 answers · asked by vehement_chemical 3 in Religion & Spirituality

why pick jesus and not and not any other false prophet of that time?

2006-12-12 09:43:55 · 19 answers · asked by gaylordfocker1994 3 in Religion & Spirituality

consider this, and go and read about it,... but the davinci code says that there is a royal blood line of Jesus Christ,... it also says that mary magdalene is the holy grail.... so if you find the holy grail you find the royal blood line.... WRONG: there is not DNA of jesus christ, so if you prove someone is related to mary magdalene, thats all youve done, you havent proven anyhting to do with Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the saviour or people, so that our sins may be forgiven and we can have a chance to eternal life.

2006-12-12 09:43:41 · 20 answers · asked by kat 2 in Religion & Spirituality

i just want to know the common things and difeerences

2006-12-12 09:43:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Has any one been to heaven and then came back? i really want to learn what its like in purgatory and heaven. pleeze tell your story

2006-12-12 09:43:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-12 09:42:59 · 5 answers · asked by Heather M 2 in Christmas

This is my story. I am the mother in the story.
I would like to share this with everybody. Please tell me what you think! Thank You.

2006-12-12 09:42:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Uh well my grand mother is the wildly christian type of person and I am pagan. I have been pagan for around two years and I think I am ready to come out of the broom closet to my friends and family. Though I think most of my family will understand my Grand mother is the problem I don't know how to tell her. or if it is wise to come ou to her in the first place.

2006-12-12 09:41:56 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

This question is often hurled at Muslims, either directly or indirectly, during any discussion on religion or world affairs. Muslim stereotypes are perpetuated in every form of the media accompanied by gross misinformation about Islam and Muslims. In fact, such misinformation and false propaganda often leads to discrimination and acts of violence against Muslims. A case in point is the anti-Muslim campaign in the American media following the Oklahoma bomb blast, where the press was quick to declare a ‘Middle Eastern conspiracy’ behind the attack. The culprit was later identified as a soldier from the American Armed Forces.

Let us analyze this allegation of ‘fundamentalism’ and ‘terrorism’:

Definition of the word ‘fundamentalist’

A fundamentalist is a person who follows and adheres to the fundamentals of the doctrine or theory he is following. For a person to be a good doctor, he should know, follow, and practise the fundamentals of medicine. In other words, he should be a fundamentalist in the field of medicine. For a person to be a good mathematician, he should know, follow and practise the fundamentals of mathematics. He should be a fundamentalist in the field of mathematics. For a person to be a good scientist, he should know, follow and practise the fundamentals of science. He should be a fundamentalist in the field of science.

Not all ‘fundamentalists’ are the same

One cannot paint all fundamentalists with the same brush. One cannot categorize all fundamentalists as either good or bad. Such a categorization of any fundamentalist will depend upon the field or activity in which he is a fundamentalist. A fundamentalist robber or thief causes harm to society and is therefore undesirable. A fundamentalist doctor, on the other hand, benefits society and earns much respect.

I am proud to be a Muslim fundamentalist

I am a fundamentalist Muslim who, by the grace of Allah, knows, follows and strives to practise the fundamentals of Islam. A true Muslim does not shy away from being a fundamentalist. I am proud to be a fundamentalist Muslim because, I know that the fundamentals of Islam are beneficial to humanity and the whole world. There is not a single fundamental of Islam that causes harm or is against the interests of the human race as a whole. Many people harbour misconceptions about Islam and consider several teachings of Islam to be unfair or improper. This is due to insufficient and incorrect knowledge of Islam. If one critically analyzes the teachings of Islam with an open mind, one cannot escape the fact that Islam is full of benefits both at the individual and collective levels.

Dictionary meaning of the word ‘fundamentalist’

According to Webster’s dictionary ‘fundamentalism’ was a movement in American Protestantism that arose in the earlier part of the 20th century. It was a reaction to modernism, and stressed the infallibility of the Bible, not only in matters of faith and morals but also as a literal historical record. It stressed on belief in the Bible as the literal word of God. Thus fundamentalism was a word initially used for a group of Christians who believed that the Bible was the verbatim word of God without any errors and mistakes.
According to the Oxford dictionary ‘fundamentalism’ means ‘strict maintenance of ancient or fundamental doctrines of any religion, especially Islam’.
Today the moment a person uses the word fundamentalist he thinks of a Muslim who is a terrorist.

Every Muslim should be a terrorist

Every Muslim should be a terrorist. A terrorist is a person who causes terror. The moment a robber sees a policeman he is terrified. A policeman is a terrorist for the robber. Similarly every Muslim should be a terrorist for the antisocial elements of society, such as thieves, dacoits and rapists. Whenever such an anti-social element sees a Muslim, he should be terrified. It is true that the word ‘terrorist’ is generally used for a person who causes terror among the common people. But a true Muslim should only be a terrorist to selective people i.e. anti-social elements, and not to the common innocent people. In fact a Muslim should be a source of peace for innocent people.

Different labels given to the same individual for the same action, i.e. ‘terrorist’ and ‘patriot’

Before India achieved independence from British rule, some freedom fighters of India who did not subscribe to non-violence were labeled as terrorists by the British government. The same individuals have been lauded by Indians for the same activities and hailed as ‘patriots’. Thus two different labels have been given to the same people for the same set of actions. One is calling him a terrorist while the other is calling him a patriot. Those who believed that Britain had a right to rule over India called these people terrorists, while those who were of the view that Britain had no right to rule India called them patriots and freedom fighters.

It is therefore important that before a person is judged, he is given a fair hearing. Both sides of the argument should be heard, the situation should be analyzed, and the reason and the intention of the person should be taken into account, and then the person can be judged accordingly.

Islam means peace

Islam is derived from the word ‘salaam’ which means peace. It is a religion of peace whose fundamentals teach its followers to maintain and promote peace throughout the world.

Thus every Muslim should be a fundamentalist i.e. he should follow the fundamentals of the Religion of Peace: Islam. He should be a terrorist only towards the antisocial elements in order to promote peace and justice in the society.

2006-12-12 09:40:38 · 29 answers · asked by Muslim 1 in Religion & Spirituality

So many people have fallen away from God.... why? why do we do what pleases Satin! Do you know that after death you can be eternally happy.... How do you feel we are slipping away from God? have you noticed how all you have to do is ask God to reveal himself to you and he will... if you ask God, and you mena it, God will reveal himself to you,... god of the hoyl bible, reveals himself to you in the Holy Bible... where are you with your relationship with God?

2006-12-12 09:40:32 · 23 answers · asked by kat 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Which calender is the right one? Why are they 7yrs behined from the rest of the world?

2006-12-12 09:40:09 · 1 answers · asked by CuteWoman 1 in Other - Society & Culture

People there is a God, what u call luck are actually blessings. Where do u think miracles come from, and oh yess i know that all of you who question the Almighty know of some miracles. The truth is you are afraid to admit that there is a God because you are afraid to live a righteous life. It is not hard believe, it is actually more rewarding than the life u live....imagine EVER LASTING LIFE!

2006-12-12 09:40:06 · 17 answers · asked by longer 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-12 09:39:53 · 5 answers · asked by ELIZABETH C 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Okay i am in an organization and tomarrow would like to give everyone somthing special (homemade) for x-mas. I only get to see them tomarrow and am willing to stay up and make the stuff... I am limmited at supplies and need 25 things...


2006-12-12 09:39:43 · 4 answers · asked by May 2 in Other - Society & Culture

last year i got her a family ring. that was like the best idea i ever had but unfortunately now its been used up. she doesn't care much for nonsentimental jewelry or clothes. she doesn't cook so that rules out like appliances and stuff. she doesn't listen to music or anything like that. mostly all she does outside of work is play with the kids. i only have a couple days left to buy something and i'm stuck. does anybody have any ideas? she likes taking family photos, is there anything really cool that can be bought for a digital camera that she might like?

2006-12-12 09:39:38 · 52 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Holidays

0 Exclusively heterosexual
1 Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2 Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3 Equally heterosexual and homosexual
4 Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
6 Exclusively homosexual


Is it accurate? Do you believe in it, or is it just a construct of faulty statistics? What are you along the lines? Decimals can be used. :) Flames will be used to light the fire in my girlfriend's pants.

2006-12-12 09:39:30 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I know I'm stronger than her it's just getting up the courage to punch her in front of all the guys.

ADVICE, and no, "The best way you can "win" a fight is to walk away". I need to fight this girl.

2006-12-12 09:37:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

would they see more clearly what the plight entails, or would they just be excited because they think they can use the "n" word without ramification?

2006-12-12 09:37:22 · 13 answers · asked by tridentoftime 3 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Being obese shows greed, eating more than you need. Also, sloth, not doing enough excersice. What do you think?

2006-12-12 09:37:17 · 11 answers · asked by interested_party 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Can't we head church bells on sunday mornings? Like in europe? Is it against the law here to play the bells early on sundays? I Had this question on my mind for a while. Ive been to europe several times and i heard bells on sundays before people gathered up to pray...

2006-12-12 09:37:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Some are saying the rapture was something thought up in the 18th century. Those of you that think or believe that, please read 1Thessalonians Chapter 4. I know the word "rapture" is not in there but the term caught up is. What's your response? Paul wrote this way before the 18th century.

2006-12-12 09:36:12 · 16 answers · asked by bbjones9 3 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-12 09:35:26 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I belive in god myself i am jewish but i have a question, if god is so good why make all of the jews suffer during the holocost why not stop all wars why not keep pease all over the world if their is a god why is the world so full of hatred?

2006-12-12 09:34:34 · 19 answers · asked by M R 1 in Religion & Spirituality

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