Movie perversions of all kinds have been made of God and his Son, Christ Jesus. What in the world brings pleasure to these movie makers to have such fictions of sickness in regards to the 2 greatest personages in the universe. Misrepresenting them and painting their personalities as perverted, etc. etc.
That amazes me as to the degree people will go to belittle the Ones who gave us air to breath and could cut that precious supply off for just 4 little minutes if They got angry enough and we would be gone, the whole human race.
How precarious our flimsy little lives are, and yet we mock the God of the universe and belittle His personality as accurately described in the Bible, not in false religion. I say "false" because of how false doctrines have painted God and His Son as propagators of doctrines of hideousness that has vented sicknesss in this false world of movies & a sick world. There are indeed consequences for such contempt of God.
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Religion & Spirituality