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Society & Culture - 23 October 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

I have now read several things I understand to be racial slurs about Mohamed. I read about sex with a six year old, and many war like behaviors I assume were to releave oppression. One I understand might be true and that is that if a Muslim converts to Christianity in Afganistan or Pakistan, then that person may be murdered by their own family (a missionary told me the last one).

Please tell me if these are out of context,, in error,, or what reasoning justifys these if they are true.

not interested in answers from Muslim haters, i have already heard your side without referances I might add, no more please

2006-10-23 15:04:46 · 14 answers · asked by icheeknows 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I am making about 30 goodie bags (for adults and children) for a Halloween party. So far, I am putting in a pack of either Nutter Butters, Oreos, or Chips Ahoy...a granola bar...and a pack of gum.

Does anyone have any fun, or inexpensive ideas, other than the typical candy?? I was thinking maybe a Halloween pencil or something....I don't know, is that stupid? lol....

2006-10-23 15:03:29 · 29 answers · asked by kelikristina 4 in Halloween

For examples, there are various Feasts that are mentioned. Also type of fabrics to avoid, etc.

2006-10-23 15:02:47 · 30 answers · asked by rokdude5 4 in Religion & Spirituality

It's because the Koran and Muhammad match their personalities and character

2006-10-23 15:02:37 · 6 answers · asked by ubuntu 2 in Religion & Spirituality

AND, if it is the entire universe and stars are BILLIONS of light years away from earth. could he have already started the destruction on the edges of the universe and it just hasn't gotten to us yet?

2006-10-23 15:01:59 · 19 answers · asked by politicallypuzzeled 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Do you like to spend Christmas with your family, sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, cousins, step mothers, step fathers, godmothers, godfathers, friends, and so on.....

2006-10-23 15:01:42 · 18 answers · asked by stevenpotter00 1 in Christmas

A woman who has never been with men? How about a woman who tried to repress her feelings, ended up married with 3 kids, divorced after 25 years and then comes completely out of the closet, 2 years later finds the woman of her dreams and now lives happily ever after with her?
I don't understand all of this labeling. I have been with men in the past, I hated it, but I did it because I didn't want to be outcasted. I finally got tired, I'm out of the closet now and would never think to be with a man again, but yet I'm still classified as bi. Most of the time I don't care, I know what I am. Any thoughts on this?

2006-10-23 15:01:10 · 27 answers · asked by Agent Double EL 5 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Okay, I have someone who does not believe in GOD that is out to get me. The closer I get to GOD the worst it gets. I have TVs turning off and on and toilets flushing on their own. Yes, I've had this problem before when I picked up spirits at a haunted hotel, West Baden Hotel, West Baden, IN. It was from the Historical Society. When I was young I saw orbs. Still do. I need help, this is ruining my life. Can I please speak with someone over the phone. I'm scared to death. I'm a professional woman, married and career ruined over this.

2006-10-23 15:00:18 · 35 answers · asked by elyslittleangel 1 in Mythology & Folklore

I have been dating or seeing a married man for 9 years that happens to be muslim and I am a catholic; therefore, I am already in need of confession. My issue is now my affair has put us into a predictment. I am pregnant. He has decided that he does not want to disrupt his happy home with his wife and their 2 perfect children because he can not afford an outside child physically, mentally, nor financially. So he has just left me high and dry.
Not that I really care, I feel that this is a gift from God and I am going to work my best to raise this child alone.
Is there anything in the Muslim religion that stipulates that this is a grave offense?

2006-10-23 14:59:05 · 18 answers · asked by fetracy 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Most of us can point to some person who has had a eiterh a decided influence on our conversion (to Christianity) or so impacted our spirituality that we base much of our faith walk on the model of Christ-likeness that this person presents. The person may be one you know personally or an authoer, preacher, missionary, etc that you have been exposed to.

2006-10-23 14:57:49 · 20 answers · asked by Phoebhart 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Hello. I'm a student. English is my 2nd language. May I have your help, I can't understand the Grammar structure of this sentence: "Furthermore, crimes under jurisdiction answer to this compromise and show at the same time its limits since everything is not clearly determined for the moment, as we will see". Pls explain for me, I need your help. Thank you very much

2006-10-23 14:55:43 · 6 answers · asked by feel_it_deeply_2006 1 in Languages

Hey there!

This question is for followers of Islam... or those who know a lot about it. I had heard in the past that it is considered sacreligious if the Qur'an is translated from Arabic to any other language. Right now I'm taking a course on world religion and we are reading the Qur'an -in English-. Is it considered a taboo? How do you, as a Muslim, feel about it being translated, if in fact it is against your religion.

-Only answers pertaining to the question, please. I'm only interested in what the "rule" is on that, not anything else-

Thankyou!!! :)

2006-10-23 14:55:05 · 8 answers · asked by Stina 2 in Religion & Spirituality

stresses out so much and spends way too much money, we have quit a large family, immiediate and extended. I am strapped for cash my own self and am still trying to pay off the debt I made last Xmas season. Is it wrong of me to tell my family please not to buy me gifts and that I won't be giving gifts. What do you think?

2006-10-23 14:55:00 · 15 answers · asked by KatieJ 3 in Etiquette

and had them after the civil war.for a while.

2006-10-23 14:53:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

2006-10-23 14:52:42 · 14 answers · asked by SIVA KRISH 1 in Religion & Spirituality

i have no clue what to be... like at all...
i have to have a costume for skool, one for work [[i work at the mall and we do trick-r-treating for little kids]] one for a halloween party. and yeah thats it... im 16, have no clue what to wear... i need help. for skool it needs to be cute but not revealing cause its lameo high skool, work has to be somehting i can wear around like 4 year olds, but i still have to look cute cause ill be at work, and a halloween party. well i dont know about this one, cause its an adualt party, but its hosted by my family and so yeah... there all protective, so little revealing but not much, help?? please??

2006-10-23 14:52:23 · 9 answers · asked by Who-Lia 2 in Halloween

The Ten Commandments
Deu 5
1 Moses summoned all Israel and said:
Hear, O Israel, the decrees and laws I declare in your hearing today. Learn them and be sure to follow them. 2 The LORD our God made a covenant with us at Horeb. 3 It was not with our fathers that the LORD made this covenant, but with us, with all of us who are alive here today.

Deuteronomy 1:3
In the fortieth year, on the first day of the eleventh month, Moses proclaimed to the Israelites all that the LORD had commanded him concerning them.

these are just two. The point is if the Levitical law was only given to the Israelites and their decendants how can modern day Christians 99.9% of whom have no connection to the Israelites calim that they are free of the Levitical law if they were never bound by it?

2006-10-23 14:51:54 · 11 answers · asked by Gamla Joe 7 in Religion & Spirituality

You have beliefs based upon many different things, but if what you believed were actually wrong, would you want to know it?

2006-10-23 14:51:51 · 21 answers · asked by just me 1 in Religion & Spirituality

A workmate had been married for 8 years, he used to be a male model and now he's a photographer. He has a strange voice and his appearance is too much acured. With his wife he had never had kids only pets. Is he gay?
He prefers to travel with male friends than stay with his wife.

2006-10-23 14:51:46 · 13 answers · asked by Gabrio 7 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Black women are into white looks these days. Kudos white girls for taking their men, their jobs and their chances of being an equal part of our society.

2006-10-23 14:51:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

church, workplace, or just some common problems that arise from the prejudice that is out there. Also, the difference in being transsexual as compared to a crossdresser..thanks everyone for the replies I got already. Anything is helpful, pick one thing near and dear to your heart...thanks again..Angie

2006-10-23 14:51:23 · 7 answers · asked by tahwneeangel03 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

normally womens don't like other women like man

2006-10-23 14:50:36 · 5 answers · asked by vinutha s 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Ok answer me this religious people/evolution people. Why is that the early people (the ones that hunted animals and made fire with sticks) had bigger skulls, were bigger in height, and I think they had a bigger brain, so the question is why is it that all of us humans are different form the early ones physically? It's a fact that they were different thus theory of evolution seems realistic, don't you think?

2006-10-23 14:50:30 · 9 answers · asked by Loving Life, Always, and Forever 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Why do you teach your children about santa when santa is just an anagram for satan? This is not against christian religion at all if anything it is about everybody who believes in and fears Satan.

2006-10-23 14:48:53 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Why do you think people seem to believe that Wicca is from Santanism when Wicca is based on religion older than christianty and christianty was the ones to event satan?

2006-10-23 14:48:13 · 17 answers · asked by windwillow2004 2 in Religion & Spirituality


2006-10-23 14:46:01 · 11 answers · asked by Allison P 1 in Languages

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