If a Creator exists, it took tremendous reason and rationality to create the universe and to create life. It took great passion and love.
It follows that we, as created beings, are meant to use our minds, and not be illogical or destructive or shut down our minds and have blind faith. Faith is good, if you know what and why you believe. To do this takes your use of reason. Most times, to come to a decision of faith is a great mental struggle (eg, CS Lewis).
Atheists are illogical. Example: how did the brain get programmed for eyesight. To accept 2 images, combine them, to provide near instant assessment and response, millions of lines of unbelievably brilliant genetic coding, how did that happen? We could put 1000 genius's to work on this today for 10 years, and they would not be able to figure out how to do that today. Not only is there no randomness, there is unimaginably brilliant creation involved. It simply makes no sense to believe this just happened.....naturally.
11 answers
asked by
Cogito Sum
Religion & Spirituality