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Society & Culture - 10 July 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

God sees all which means he sees rape, murder, torture, etc. He's not doing anything about it, maybe he enjoys watching it? Is god a sadist?

2006-07-10 08:08:48 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-07-10 08:08:47 · 55 answers · asked by QA Guy 3 in Other - Society & Culture

Has there any been anything that showed one is more valid than another? If not, then please stop telling people they are going to hell, because one it is just rude, and two you have no idea if what you are saying is even remotely true.

Example:This is an answer I just read on another question...
The question was: What is Atheist?

An agnostic is someone who is not sure whether God exists. There is hope for an agnostic, since once they really question, they will find the answers they seek.

An atheist is someone who does not believe (there is no doubt to them) that God exists. Unless this person becomes a believer, he/she will spend eternity in hell.

2006-07-10 08:07:55 · 27 answers · asked by bc_munkee 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I've read that a million time since sunday school day's..I've many say in the past few years that is talking about Israel becoming a nation again in 1947.

I'd like to hear from the experts on this matter

2006-07-10 08:07:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality


The Bible says that Adam & Eve were the first humans. The Bible says that Adam & Eve had two sons, Cain & Abel. If these four humans were the only humans on Earth at the time, then where did Cain's wife come from? The Bible does say she came from the East, but who lived in the East if there were only four humans on Earth at the time.

2006-07-10 08:07:06 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Please make it real, if not post it anyway but post it is fake.

2006-07-10 08:04:43 · 15 answers · asked by maltese_i_love 2 in Mythology & Folklore

i dont want to hurt her feelings or have her leave me for my past, i think if she finds out it is such a large number she might freak...

2006-07-10 08:04:35 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Im a non-denominational christian,And from my understanding on what the word of god says we supposed to rebuke the people inside the church.As far as the world,the only thing were supposed to do is warn them of gods coming and minister to them.Let god judge the world.In christianity,people have a right to accept god or not,thats their choice.The lord never forced himself on anyone.So please, as believers stop judging the world,thats gods job.

2006-07-10 08:04:24 · 19 answers · asked by ReliableLogic 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I don't care if they number 1 or Numner 2 -WASH YOUR HANDS!! Especially if your going to EAT!!!!

2006-07-10 08:03:42 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

I'm full of wierd questions today. Gay men hire male prostitutes and strippers, you'd think that lesbos hire female ones.

2006-07-10 08:02:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

and thank god for all the possessions that they own, when it all belongs to the American Indians.
The whiteman brought over his biblical god and jesus, and killed most of the Indians, either with disease or weapons and then stole all their land in commission of the name of god and jesus, it may seem trivial to some people of today, but I happen to think it's an atrocity.

And then Christians have the nerve to claim that America was build on Christian principles.

America needs to be educated in this area, instead of spreading their holier-than-thou Christian bullshit.

2006-07-10 08:01:04 · 32 answers · asked by badferret 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I'm confused about life. Christians say that if you lie and don't believe in god, you'll go to hell And Buddhists say that you must believe in Buddha, be reincarnated to another life and strive to reach Nirvana. But when you look back at history, Roman Catholism split into many other religions (ex, protestant, lutheran, quaker, Anglican), who all grew to hate each other, when they all believe in the same god. And earlier, Christians and Jews didn't get along, even though their religion formed in the same area. should i become an atheist even though my parents believe in god?

2006-07-10 08:00:59 · 50 answers · asked by and_fellow_girl 2 in Religion & Spirituality

think about it. In the old testament, God is just plain mean. with all the brimstone and fire and ordering ethnic groups to be killed, it's a wonder anybody with just the old testament ever believed in God, he's so cruel. Then in the New Testament, excluding Revelation, God is all nice and happy, and full of love. What happened? Did God develop multiple personalities. The same is true for Satan. In the Old Testament, he's still an angel; he just doesn't like man. We get to the New Testament, and Satan is the Devil and is the enemy of God. What happened? These are pretty major theological shifts here.

2006-07-10 08:00:17 · 16 answers · asked by nazgulslayer78 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-07-10 07:58:20 · 2 answers · asked by Bill M 1 in Languages

I have a question… God spoke to Abraham and told him to sacrifice his child Isaac on Mount Moriah in order to test Abraham’s faith. How is this different from say Andrea Yates thinking she heard God telling her to sacrifice her children in his name?
But wait there’s more…

I really don’t want to incur anyone’s wrath but I am conflicted….
I always had a problem with the aforementioned parable, so here goes… it kind of makes me think God needed someone to tell him, “I think you are great and I will do anything for you” and on another note, what is the situation with Job? I mean bless his heart God made a bet with Satan about his devotion. I mean come on, doesn’t that sound a bit harsh?
Could this be the root of intolerance and devotion?

2006-07-10 07:56:10 · 20 answers · asked by go_to_girl 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I see rap and hiphop videos with mostly lighter skinned black people and also BET is the same way.

2006-07-10 07:55:54 · 34 answers · asked by sweeiepie 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

2006-07-10 07:55:34 · 20 answers · asked by Oldschool_icon61 2 in Mythology & Folklore

A very good friend of mine describes himself as an atheist. I asked him why a while back and he said for one thing the "Crusades" against the athesit. I then asked him when did these crusades happen he thought and said.. about 50 to 100 years ago. I explained to him that the crusades happened between 1095-1270 AD and it wasn't against the athesit..well he said it's because science proved there is no God back in the 60's but the Christians won't allow the truth...they control everything..he rattled several other bogus aguments..but they all seem to circle around these claims of victomhood...trust me he's no victom I'veown him since 2nd grade.

So why the rush to victimization? Is there some unseen honor..or does this somehow give a justifation.

It just looks like any moment they will grabs hands and sing "we shall over come"...give me a break!

2006-07-10 07:54:42 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

We all know that the answer to every single question is the beautiful "God did it!!" anyway..

(i didn't ask this question, btw...God did it)

2006-07-10 07:53:40 · 29 answers · asked by Thinx 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Is hajj in Mecca the greatest and biggest gathering mankind witnessed?

over 2 million people attend?


2006-07-10 07:52:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

We are asked to forgive our enemies and ask God for forgiveness when we sin. If we don't do this before we die, will God forgive us or are we forsaken forever? If we aren't forgiven, isn't it hypocritical since God should be the ultimate forgiver?

2006-07-10 07:51:24 · 17 answers · asked by Randy L 2 in Religion & Spirituality

From one source (in Egypt), I was told that the penalty was public whipping, 100 lashes for men and 80 lashes for women. From another source (a well-learned person), I was told that it's only whipping and it's done with a palm frond, and it's only for humiliation, not infliction of pain or physical injury. Is this correct?

2006-07-10 07:51:14 · 9 answers · asked by Dolores G. Llamas 6 in Religion & Spirituality

is there any gay men that are 70+ years old in ar.

2006-07-10 07:51:08 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

I am assuming the Old Testament was written for historical evidence for the Jews or Children of Hebrew. The New Testament for the new Jews and then the "gentiles" or non-believers. Can anyone give me more documentation about this?

2006-07-10 07:50:50 · 22 answers · asked by mountnluvr 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I'm just curious.

2006-07-10 07:50:23 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

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