I've never had a real relationship. Never have I been introduced as "hey, this is my girlfriend". That's a bit weird don't you think? I've seen guys but I can't seem to sustain anything to the point of gf status. Four months is absolute tops, then it ends.
I graduated college; I have a great job, I'm pretty smart, I don't think I am bad looking; I mean guys do check me out and people comment.
I swear; I'm not messed up LOL As far as abnormalties, I mean, I cut half of a finger off on my left hand, but that ain't bad and you can't even notice.
My lawyers like to compare my abnormal relationship past due to my fathers death and whatever psychological bs that came with the event, but really... could there really be any relation there?
I never used to care, I always said I have lots of time and that someday it would just happen; but I'm almost 22. I'm starting to think somethings wrong with me.
Whats your take on it? Plz don't tell me to wait it out, that don't work (obviously)
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