When I was younger I never thought that men and women hated each other or anything like that, I just saw it as one group of people being girls and another group of people being girls. But after being on Yahoo Answers, it seems like men and women (especially in the U.S.) hate each other, well I guess it seems more like women hate men. Based on some of the questions and answers, I get the impression that women don't want men, or don't want anything to do with them ... but I can walk into a mall, or go to the beach and see men and women with each other, getting along, couples holding hands, etc, and I'm 17 and I have lot's of friends who are girls and we get on great, but then I come to Yahoo Answers and it seems the opposite.
So am I making a mountain of out of a molehill (comparing the questions/answers on yahoo answers to the "real world") or do women and men really not like each other?
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