In the corporate world, you tend to notice that alot of those who climb up and get noticed or are respected are those who really know how to play the social game.
I find it very unfair, however, that those who refuse to play, but desire genuinity and aloneness are not placed as high.
"Wallflower" is a semi-derogatory term, quoted of course, by social climbing extroverts, to describe those who prefer quietness.
It is really hard to juggle the social game and be true to everyone, especially since needs differ. Stepping on toes require placation, and usually ditzy name droppers and socialites eventually just live for the superficial game they play.
The popular social media does not laud the introvert, who would rather go where his heart desires.
How fair is it, that one camp is celebrated for being who they are, while another is derided for it?
There should really be a term for social discrimination.
Introverts shouldn't feel like they are less than anyone.
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