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I don't get why people are so against those of the gay community. They never did anything to us; they're just people. It seriously annoys me.

2007-08-16 18:10:06 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Sociology

22 answers

It annoys many people. One thing that straight people don't understand is that gay people accept them. They do not understand why they are not equally accepted. No gay person wants to see straight people kissing in public, but if two gay people do that, it is not accepted.

Typically, gay people keep their sexuality private, while straight people flaunt it. They say that gay people flaunt their sexuality, but not nearly to the magnitude of straight people. Heterosexuals hold hands, kiss in public and most homosexuals do not. Why some heterosexuals despise homosexuals is a subject of study and not understood.

On the other hand, there are gay people who are too much for the straight community. They are wrist flickers and swish their butts and slur their speech. This is not typical of the gay community at large. Same with the straight community who keep their business to themselves in their homes; much like the majority of gay people.

For the most part and in answering your question, straight people do not understand that gay people are really the same as them. They do not want to acknowledge that gay people are their sons and daughters, as well as their friends and co-workers. I'm not sure why they are so adamant against them except that they might want to know what it is like to be with the same sex in a certain circumstance.

2007-08-16 18:30:12 · answer #1 · answered by Boomer 5 · 1 0

I don't know how to answer for others, cause there are different reasons. Me, I don't consider myself a "homophobe" (although I get called that a lot.) I simply don't support it. I have nothing against gays and bys as a group, if I have any problems with them, it's cause of something else. The reason I don't support it is partly because of my beliefs, and mostly how i was raised. I am, however, fine with gay people as long as the lesbians respect that I am straight. (I had an issue with a bye girl a short while ago about that, but we're fine now, friends even :) All it is basically, is you won't see me wearing buttons or ribbons or whatever that "support gay marriages" or things like that because of my beliefs. But I don't dislike gay people and I would NEVER mistreat them because of their sexuality. NEVER. It makes my mad when people do.

2007-08-17 01:16:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

people are just ignorant and think that bc there are gay ppl, everybody is going to be gay. i honestly get angry when a person insults a gay person, im not gay, but why insult or hate them for their preferences, they have the right to love a person regardless of sex, just like we do in loving a woman or a woman loving a man. its what makes them happy and no one should interfere with a persons happiness. besides gay man attract the most beautiful women so it wouldnt hurt having a gay man as a friend ;) but all serious, leave them alone they are human, just like everybody else.

2007-08-17 01:18:29 · answer #3 · answered by AvO21 3 · 1 0

the lowest common denominator of people are always going to hate people for being different to themselves- whether it be colour, culture, religion, sexuality, gender- it's a sad truth about the human animal.

And as a response to somebody below, Believing that homosexuality is a moral sin is not, you are right, homophobia. It's a much worse form of ignorance because it entails a complete rejection of modern science, and a complete lack of understanding of the evidence in favour of something some guy called Moses probably did not write in a book called leviticus 3 millenia ago- we know through the study of identical twins and genetic theory, not to mention from the testament of homosexuals themselves that homosexuality is not a choice, it's a natural predisposition- if it is not a choice, it is not sin. And saying otherwise does homosexuals a grave disservice, you are demonising that which you have no want or will to have understanding, love, or tolerance about- what kind of christian thinking is that mate?

2007-08-17 01:14:06 · answer #4 · answered by Way 5 · 4 2

I agree with Fenfir. The 'queers' are disliked because it is feared that the contagion may spread. It is not that gaity is only an inborn tendency. It can as well be acquired. And even if wmae may sympathise with born gays we have to keep them away lest the contagion spread if not anything then for the sheer novelty of it. While it is all right if the gay agitate for fair treatment but it is another to demaeend rights and privileges. If the like-minded individual desire to stay together they may do so. Why are then trying to create a parallel society of the queers? While we can understand their queerness we cannot give in for demand that it should be raised to a natural thing(though the inborn tendency of a few may entirely be due to natural causes and needs understanding) The insistence on recognition, marriage ,inheritence rights are not required and it is precisely for this that these queers are not accepted. We had queers and they knew it and we also knew it but we could deal with each other by keeping a respectable distance between us. When all is said and done it is a perversity and should be treated as such though not punished. Normal people who keep them away ,therefore, are not far too wrong. Criminologists say that sexual misuse of children who are otherwise normal is by such queer people ruining their lives. It can never be condoned.

2007-08-17 01:47:29 · answer #5 · answered by Prabhakar G 6 · 0 4

I believe its the moral upbringing of most people. Even if they aren't serious Christians, most people believe that homosexuality is wrong because the Bible says that it is. Whether that is right or wrong, I can't say and I don't feel that anyone else should either. Keep your opinions to yourself and allow people to live their lives they way they wish to live them. If what they are doing, not just gays but everyone, is morally wrong, they are the ones that will have to answer for it in the end.

2007-08-17 01:18:53 · answer #6 · answered by ? 7 · 1 1

Because they believe that the hippies and feminists created homosexuality 40 years ago, and that nobody would be gay if they just prayed hard enough. Logic and common sense are not readily apparent to most homophobes.

2007-08-17 01:39:16 · answer #7 · answered by maryjane 3 · 1 0

I don't think this but ima tell you in a way they would think. Its because they think that if gays are able to roam around freely they will influence others to become gay. Homophobic people are just afraid they will become gay if gay people are spreading their influence proudly and freely. Thats the main reason I think, or they think it'll make their children gay.

2007-08-17 01:20:04 · answer #8 · answered by Closed 5 · 1 0

I honestly believe they are homophobic because it allows them to feel superior to others. For Christians and other religions that preach against homosexuality, I'm sure it just thrills them to death to be able to believe they are morally superior to homosexuals (which is so far from the truth, it's not even funny). Someday I'm going to have to explain to my children why people who are gay weren't allowed to marry or discriminated against so horribly, just as my mother had to explain to me why whites and blacks had to drink from separate water fountains.

And King Henry, I don't know any girls who think ALL guys are creepy - just the ones who come on to them that they're not interested in. You can't hate an entire group of people because a few people have hit on you that you're not interested in. And I really find it hard to believe that a good looking hetero guy is getting hit on sooooo often that he is really having that big a problem. Where the hell is he hanging out????

2007-08-17 01:14:48 · answer #9 · answered by Jenm 3 · 4 2

Its because they believe they deserve more rights than anyone else.. For hundreds of years life was about man and woman getting married, having children and that was the way of life. Men worked and provided for the family and women stayed home and took care of the family.. so when everyone decided to love the same sex it disrupted the normal routine of life, reproduction and adam and eve. Being gay is fine but its only become open in the last 25 years and its been associated with aids and unprotected sex and also kids are totally affected by it. gays have disrupted the normal way of life and children suffer etc....

2007-08-17 01:20:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

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