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When I was younger I never thought that men and women hated each other or anything like that, I just saw it as one group of people being girls and another group of people being girls. But after being on Yahoo Answers, it seems like men and women (especially in the U.S.) hate each other, well I guess it seems more like women hate men. Based on some of the questions and answers, I get the impression that women don't want men, or don't want anything to do with them ... but I can walk into a mall, or go to the beach and see men and women with each other, getting along, couples holding hands, etc, and I'm 17 and I have lot's of friends who are girls and we get on great, but then I come to Yahoo Answers and it seems the opposite.

So am I making a mountain of out of a molehill (comparing the questions/answers on yahoo answers to the "real world") or do women and men really not like each other?

2007-08-16 08:00:47 · 15 answers · asked by me 1 in Social Science Sociology

15 answers

Not always.

2007-08-16 09:06:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As a teenager, you are going through lots of changes. Girls want your attention, but will act indifferent, weird or mean sometimes because they are as confused as you are. It does get better. When I talk to people who knew me as a teenage girl, some people say I was 'stuck up". That blows my mind, because I was painfully shy! My self esteem was actually quite low, and I wondered why guys didn't ask me out on dates. Turns out, they were as unsure as I was.

Most men and women do like each other, very much in fact, we just have trouble communicating it to each other. When you find a young lady who you can talk to as a best friend and who makes your heart feel twittery, thats when you know you've found someone special. It will happen.

2007-08-16 08:35:05 · answer #2 · answered by 2 Happily Married Americans 5 · 0 0

Women can't hate us as much as they would like to. Who else is going to do the hard labor jobs in our society that keeps the world moving? Men need sex. Women need leisure. It's an exchange.

2014-12-11 09:03:27 · answer #3 · answered by ? 1 · 0 1

Men look down on women. Women don't admit that they are, and also don't try to prove that they are strong.
Maybe this is because of ego. Both sides don't want to reconcile.
But such discriminating things disappear when it comes to relationships.
Also such stereotypes have nothing to do with your life. It's an utter waste to dwell your mind on such things.

2017-01-01 12:25:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

At last, god appeared to humans and said:

"I have come to assess the situation of my creation.
I want men to form two queues - one queue for
men who dominated their women, and the other
for men who were dominated by their women.
Further, I want all the women to go away so that no
man and woman can talk while the queues are formed"

When God came back after a while, the women are gone
and there are two queues. The queue for the men who
were dominated by their women is 100 miles long.
In the other queue, there is only one man.

God got angry and said, "You men should be ashamed
of yourselves. I created you in my image, and you
are not using what you can. Look at the only
one of my sons who stood up in the other queue
and made me proud. Learn from him!"

The men did not give reply.

"Tell them, my son, how did you manage to be the
only one in this queue?"

The man replied, "I do not know sir! My wife told me
to stand here."

2007-08-18 00:53:33 · answer #5 · answered by d_r_siva 7 · 0 1

Provocations and pretensions.These are the age old friends of debates,discussions,opinions and race for sharing what is limited,and host of other such social interactions.As long as the population graph of the world points upwards,there could not be any serious differences between Men an women.They are very close BUDDIES,if one can say so.

2007-08-16 19:34:56 · answer #6 · answered by brkshandilya 7 · 0 0

Hate is a strong word and One that isn't directed correctly.

First As a woman I hate No One man or woman, But I do Have Dislikes to "actions" not the person.
As in I dislike what you done , but I don't dislike you.

Second, We make mistakes, all of us, and yes we hurt people, some whom we love dearly. To correct this we must first realize we have made a mistake then apologize for hurting another. Then accept what has been done and move on.

Just my opinion...

2007-08-16 13:44:00 · answer #7 · answered by mscute1lori 4 · 0 0

I don´t think women hate men. It´s just that sometimes there are such communication/culture differences that what a man said is thought to mean something else than what he originally meant. However, I do hate those men (just persons, not all men. Get it?) who genuinely think they´re more worth than me. It´s people like them who see to it that I´ll always earn less than my male colleagues. (And now you need to understand that I don´t hate my future male colleagues unless they´re the kind of persons previously mentioned.) All other males are either neutral of positive in my book.

2007-08-17 06:07:32 · answer #8 · answered by missteatime 3 · 0 0

There are less inhibitions online, so one must take that into account.

I'm sure some of the women got a bee up their but and are man haters. They probably don't leave their house for anything but going to work.

But most of it, I'm sure is just some kind of frustration being let out.

2007-08-16 08:17:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I like men and women.
Here on yahoo answers there are a lot of people asking stupid questions and trying to act like big shots.
They don't really hate each other, they just want to try to prove something to someone. Whatever that is, I have no idea.
Don't base your view of the world and reality on this craziness.

2007-08-16 08:18:01 · answer #10 · answered by Tigger 7 · 2 0

men and women don't hate each other they just don't understand each other the segregation between genders is because its human nature to be around what you understand and are comfortable with it also has alot to do with the childhood for example
boys/girls that were raised primarily by there mothers(and got along well with them) tend to have more friends that are girls and tend to understand them better and vise verse
children that had both parents tend to gravitate towards the gender of the parent that they got along better with.

2007-08-16 17:56:26 · answer #11 · answered by bee 3 · 0 1

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