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Psychology - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

Is it low-self esteem?

2006-12-06 14:08:09 · 16 answers · asked by george k 1

We should question religion,Gods existance,society, government and policy,where are headed as a world ,how we treat each other, are we being lied to,whats right and wrong ,how to help bring about progress and end hate and start a loving world,ect.We need to open our minds and hearts and stop living a life of business as usual. Thank you and start coming up with solutions,please

2006-12-06 14:07:57 · 13 answers · asked by woodsonhannon53 6

One time I had a black spider in my dream, the last time it was a white spider...what does this mean? And who knows any good dream interpret sites?

2006-12-06 14:06:43 · 10 answers · asked by califonialove 1

I would like to try it, but I am the chicken sh!t here...Is it true what they say about the "other" side? and the hauntings... if you have experienced it,,,please tell me about it.

2006-12-06 14:06:31 · 10 answers · asked by rupmsn2 3

I am looking for a online list of these human characteristics and what they mean. Sometimes people act in a certain manner.it maybe short and during a conversation,leaving you wanting to pin point the word for their actions. I would like to know these terms for acting roles and a report. Thank you

2006-12-06 13:44:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i really like him. i cant concentrate. his smile....but i need to live my life. how?

2006-12-06 13:37:11 · 10 answers · asked by michielev 2

2006-12-06 13:32:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had to punch a dude in the face for getting out of his car and approaching me in a menacing way. Well before he could say anything, BAM busted him right in the jaw. Hope he learned his lesson. This was road rage, by the way.

2006-12-06 13:30:31 · 9 answers · asked by driftwood111 1

im really motivated and want to do this.I dont want silly anwsers i really want to do telekinesis

2006-12-06 13:29:20 · 8 answers · asked by Christian W 1

or hurting someone?

P.S. i used to listen to Eminem alot

i am very mad help me

2006-12-06 13:23:47 · 7 answers · asked by Love Patience Peace and Kindness 1

I went to my consulor today and we talked about me being like a mom to my friends that are really messed up, and she asked me to think about how I can hang out with them without becoming like them.

Im not sure I get it, well I get the question... I just dont what to say. any ideas?

2006-12-06 13:13:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you cheer for the players Or are you gleeful (for lack of a better word at the moment) when their choices lead them to the lower amounts? And why do you think that is--for you and/or others? And how intensly are you involved? I ask because I was so engroused in tonight's show that my heart was pounding & I was shouting numbers and "low #, low #" as if in the audience. I didn't cry when she lost, but I was, for a few moments, saddened & felt dis-appointment for her. (and, I know I'm opening myself up for an on-slaught of wise-cracks here, but)
--Any thoughts on this? --

2006-12-06 13:02:02 · 6 answers · asked by Clycs 4

2006-12-06 12:56:45 · 15 answers · asked by live life 4

what are some songs that go out of there way to exact positive change? please tell title and when it was written thanks

2006-12-06 12:44:46 · 9 answers · asked by goochie1234 1

met this guy 2 years and after we planned to be together he changed his mind and had decided to stay with his exwife. I got married a year ago . I never forget him. I don't want him as a husband but I just eager to hear from him and would like to be just a friend. He sent me an email a year ago said "never contact me again" should I contact him like send him an email just say hi and if hw would accept my friendship?? I know I will be so frustrated if he will not answer my email... Please tell me what should I do?

There is something inside me urges me to contact him. I know it is impossible for us to meet but what I want is just to prove for him that I have been making progress in my life and got over with him...But I really cannot forget him..what should I do?? I'm from different culture though, and we had met overseas. Now I live in the same country he lives but I know nothing about where and how does his life going...I don't want anything from him just to check on him

2006-12-06 12:44:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I caught myself that I don't want to have many things in my life simply because I don't want to be relied on anything or anybody but myself. When you really want something and have it, it's nice. However, when something goes wrong with it, it's a pain to part with it. Also, if you really work hard for something, and there's no guarantee that you will get it, it takes a lot of value away from it.

I also don't like setting goals because I'm not sure whether or if I will be able to follow through. Because I understand that human mind is changing all the time, I realize that what I want today, I may not want tomorrow, so if I want something, I already look at it from the point that I may not want it tomorrow, and therefore I don't want it today. And so I don't want to commit myself to doing things. Setting the goals is very hard for me, since if you don't even know if you will want something tomorrow, how can you work for it today? Tricky friggin' question....

2006-12-06 12:17:33 · 7 answers · asked by Negotiator 3

First of all I admit I love the south its my 2nd home ,so I am biased.If anyone has been as far south as Richmond you will know that most people are pretty nice to anyone in general down that way.I had a nice conversation with a lady who was my waitress for like an hour and a half,she was black and I am white and I felt like I had known her my whole life,We promised to keep in touch and when I go down that way we do just that..I left the place with a smile and good feelings.On the other hand when I went up north to Maine once, people were cold as hell to me and noticed I had a Md accent and brought it up constantly (when they talked to me at all).I have to wonder if the south is these days more tolerant then the north anymore.I haven't felt so welcome as I have down south and so dispised as I have up north.Do northerns hate marylanders or something?I guess thats my question.

2006-12-06 12:13:39 · 13 answers · asked by rust_in_peacez 2

Okay I just wanna know if this is something that other people do. I think its weird. alot of my thought patterns revolve around patterns. Like I'll walk on the sidewalk and count how many steps I take in each square. and then something compells me to take that many steps in each square even if I have to speed up or slow down. I dont step on cracks in the sidewalk. One time I walked into math class and there was a bunch of numbers written on the board and when I looked at them I started to add them all up in my head and then multiply them. and then I took those numbers and divided them.Or if I see a long number like 1,563,233 I'll take all the digits and add them up like 1+5+6 ect.... Its something I cant control. I'll always try to find a pattern in something like if I see a bunch of windows on a building I'll try to group them together. I just wanna know if other people do this and if this is like a specific condition. It drives my parents crazy and me also!

2006-12-06 12:13:30 · 13 answers · asked by texastreasure 3


2006-12-06 12:09:28 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

What's the longest period of time a patient can be on the same anti-depressant before that patient will most likely need an adjustment in his or her medication?

2006-12-06 11:56:10 · 6 answers · asked by oscpressgirl66 3

How to be more charismatic? I mean is it possible to change? I mean did it happen to someone out there? Someone who was a bit shy, introverted, "gray" and after a time got very charismatic, very outgoing, being always in the centre, having much friends, etc.
And if yes, than which circumstances led to this change in your personality? Was it a slow or a rapid change?

2006-12-06 11:53:36 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok. Note. I always have the freakiest dreams ever and even my friends are scared by them. I don't even watch scary movies....so here it is...

I was swimming in the pool and all of asuden I noticed blood all over me and saw that the pool was full of blood.and I saw arms,legs,heads all over the pool too and saw some of my friends heads just floating there. And I screamed of coarse and began drowning and chocking up instantly. I WOKE UP.

2006-12-06 11:39:54 · 14 answers · asked by DreamfullAngel 1

2006-12-06 11:34:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know that no one is really sure what it is, but I was wondering if anyone had any scientific expanations (no mumbo-jumbo stuff).

2006-12-06 11:23:42 · 17 answers · asked by LittleMissSunshine 2

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