In the sixties and seventies, women protested strip clubs, Playboy enterprises, and other pornographic institutions. The idea of prostitution is hotly debated.
Is a woman's ability to take control of her sexual life and to sleep with whomever she chooses empowring and feminist, and a product of the Roe v Wade right to privacy rueling, or is it degrading to women everywhere, turning them into male sex symbols?
Should a femenist woman strive towards "promiscuity," using her sexual rights as she choses, or should she be concious of mysoginist worldviews and keep her sexuality in check, focusing instead on her career or education? Is sexuality something to be repressed, should we strive towards gender neutrality or should we amp up our sexualities and take pride in femeninity?
The first joker to say women belong in the kitchen will wind up with a karmic boot in the butt, when a meal cooked by a woman gives him Montezuma's Revenge. Like whoah.
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