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Gender Studies - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Gender Studies

Amelia Bloomer was an early feminist who championed women's rights. Why do you think women today believe in women's rights but do not call themselves feminists? Is it the feminist agenda that has changed or does the term have different meanings today?

2006-10-29 15:43:14 · 7 answers · asked by MJ 3

2006-10-29 13:59:15 · 17 answers · asked by Bright Eyes 4

the male terr--ori--sts get 72 virgins?
what do the women terr--ori--sts get?
beaten by their husbans? just like a normal day?
anyone else wonder this?

2006-10-29 13:25:21 · 5 answers · asked by Dan Tanna 1

Is my body language conveying some wrong message?

Do the girls insecure? Or do they feel some sort of guilt, knowing that Muslims approve of modesty rather than skin flashing.

I actually have to tell them to relax and "I'm not looking there" for them to feel at ease.

I'm a bearded Muslim and I look directly into people's eyes when talking.

What do you think?

2006-10-29 12:38:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a virgin and I want to marry a virgin woman. Which U.S. state has the highest concentration of virgin women?

2006-10-29 12:24:12 · 13 answers · asked by Go For Broke 3

I'm relativley new to the child custody situation but I find that my ex-does not want to share. She makes up claims of domestic violence and abuse. The relationship was not good. I filed for divorce so that my daughter would not have to be raised in a house of conflict. Regardless our marriage and our own problems between us both I find it reasonable to share custody. I find it ironic that the cops have never been called in a dispute yet the day I file she tries to say I assulted her, and since has called the police trying to get me arrested. Each time the police saw she was full of it and so I never was.
My question is: If there was absolutley no abuse that would substantiate one party not haveing 50% custody would you support it even if the other party did not?

2006-10-29 11:43:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need to know please!

2006-10-29 11:38:32 · 15 answers · asked by peace 1

There are so many divoice cases today in court. Girls and women scrambling for the men, and also scrambling for fathership. Many young women house just too many lazy men, providing them shelter and food, in the fear they might loose them. Why such craving? Can't her just be, taking her time to develop a concrete relationship? Many fatherless kids are own by young women out there. Some having morethan two from different men. Yet the same men go out on just another woman, a recent such victim. It's crazy.

2006-10-29 08:59:26 · 19 answers · asked by Rutherford 2

The following does not refer to some liberal feminists. The feminists encourage fornification, homosexuality, and prostitution, and many of the nations in the world are following this lead, such as with the U.N.'s signing of CEDAW, which legalized prostitution (all of the developed nations except for the U.S. signed it). They encourage fertilization without intercourse, and they are also against marriage.

2006-10-29 06:25:36 · 17 answers · asked by John B 3

i love uk very much but i donot know why wemen is allways the head of the family and the man is ... just there, its not even funny .

2006-10-29 05:59:45 · 18 answers · asked by waleed a 1

In the sixties and seventies, women protested strip clubs, Playboy enterprises, and other pornographic institutions. The idea of prostitution is hotly debated.

Is a woman's ability to take control of her sexual life and to sleep with whomever she chooses empowring and feminist, and a product of the Roe v Wade right to privacy rueling, or is it degrading to women everywhere, turning them into male sex symbols?

Should a femenist woman strive towards "promiscuity," using her sexual rights as she choses, or should she be concious of mysoginist worldviews and keep her sexuality in check, focusing instead on her career or education? Is sexuality something to be repressed, should we strive towards gender neutrality or should we amp up our sexualities and take pride in femeninity?

The first joker to say women belong in the kitchen will wind up with a karmic boot in the butt, when a meal cooked by a woman gives him Montezuma's Revenge. Like whoah.

2006-10-29 05:59:44 · 11 answers · asked by gheefreak 3

2006-10-29 05:20:41 · 15 answers · asked by Suzanne P 1


Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more [strength] than the other,

what do you think about that lawful peeps

2006-10-29 03:34:03 · 22 answers · asked by muttentrumpet 2

who is the most intelligent male or female

2006-10-29 03:02:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Countries and why.

2006-10-29 01:47:49 · 13 answers · asked by Brianzz 1

2006-10-29 01:06:18 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Which body part of a man is liked most by women?

2006-10-28 23:21:05 · 22 answers · asked by KARMAN 1

do you think that men are so stupid because of the y cromizone, we have two x cromizones, which makes us 1 part eXcellent, and 1 part eXcellent...perfect....but men on the other hand have an x and a y cromizone which makes them 1 part eXcellent, and one part whY!!!!.....you do the math.

2006-10-28 19:26:35 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Recently I've noticed that a lot of women think that the fact that they CAN be sexy and hypersexualized must mean that feminism is over and that this is actually what empowers them.

2006-10-28 18:05:28 · 9 answers · asked by josephenecat 2

would you rather have the closeness that the "act" confers or the orgasm itself?

2006-10-28 17:23:02 · 40 answers · asked by katrina_ponti 6

I tell her all the time she doesnt need them, She is a very beautiful young woman, But she dont listen to me!

2006-10-28 17:06:03 · 14 answers · asked by thugshady06 2

2006-10-28 16:49:48 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

When she is well endowed and wearing a top that's very revealing showing alot of cleavage and gets upset when she catches a guy staring at the twins. What do you expect a man to do. Everyone knows men are more visual and women are more sensual, but if a man was well endowed and wore pants that really showed it off, I guarantee you women would be staring the same. But, women are better at staring than men.

2006-10-28 15:49:05 · 18 answers · asked by matt45lc 2

Strickly personal, no relationship.

2006-10-28 15:09:26 · 9 answers · asked by kama sutra partner 1

stupid girls

i was standing in a group at school with a couple of girls. we were joking around a bit, but i didn't know why nor did i see it coming. i didn't do anything, i wasn't even talking to her. and than wham melissa kicked me in the nuts. for no reason at all! and it hurt like hell, i couldn't stand upright for the whole day.

and when i told my dad that a some b*tch gave me a kick in the beans, he was actually smiling! "get used to it, as it probably won't be your last" my dad said. glad he supported me...

but do you think it's normal to just kick som1 like that?

2006-10-28 13:54:15 · 12 answers · asked by forzapatrick 1

2006-10-28 11:24:57 · 2 answers · asked by victoria m 1

2006-10-28 10:25:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

what do you think guys

2006-10-28 10:01:46 · 10 answers · asked by sundance 1

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