Last answers wasn't good enough still don't quite know how it works. I'm working with MD-500, 600's, 900's all the F models, the M's, etc.
Gas engine is fairly simple, just like a transmission. But how? do you get the rotors rotate? All I see is a huge intake on top just behine the main rotors, have a fan going threw the back "which is very flippin awsome" and the exhaust flaring to the left. but all I see in the engine compartment is a kinda like transmission looking thing thicker, allyou see in side over the rear jump seat is a circle shaped thing, not very big at all.
Is it rocket science? Or is it just that simple? Big future with helicopters ahead of me, so i'm needing to understand EVERYTHING in this science. Yes I think I might be able to land a Shwietzer*?? 900?? Looks too easy, I'm pretty good at aviation.... flight simulator, longbow game, etc. Dad was in the Airforce..
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