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Pregnancy - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

ok I am 36 Weeks Pregnant and I am scared. I know women go through it all the time. But I am so scared of the pain. The epidural I heard is just like a little be sting and it nothing compared to the contractions you are/will be having. But the thing is every piercing every blood being drawn I passed out. The sight of a need make me sick and i 98 percent of the time passed out. I guess I am just wondering stories and words of encouragement. Also what do I do about my Boyfriend, yes we are together and happy But he sometimes is the joker and I think he will joke with me during labor and I think I may get really mad at him, because when I have those little Braxon Hicks contractions I get Irritated because he tries to hug and comfort me. I don't Want to be touched so do I have to say babe I'm sorry for all the things I may say to you?

2007-10-25 08:41:13 · 15 answers · asked by camopaiser 3

i have been breast feeding my son since the day he was born. he will be 4 eeks old tomorrow. i have had no trouble breat feeding him at all. although now i decided i would like to pump some breat milk for when we go out in public just so i dont have to pull out these huge knockers when im out and about.
i tryed pumping about 4 times and i only can ever get an ounce at a time... whats up with that. it takes about 20 mion to get that much and then i just get frustrated bc then milk just drips out. i know my son is gettin more than plenty b/c he has gained 2 lbs since birth and the doc says i am doing great!
but am i just being impaitent when pumping or what... any pointers?

2007-10-25 08:35:09 · 5 answers · asked by Amos&Asher=MyBoys 3

i was just wondering how my lil girl REALLY looks now. i cant really get a general idea with a ultrasound pic. or these fake pics. of fake babies on some websites. so i was wondering if anyone knew where i can find pics. of REAL babies at 5 months. lord forbid, and i hated to look at these awful pics. of aborted babies. but i seen a few that was 5 months & younger. but i cant stand to see little babies like that. i know it will be hard to find realistic pics. of a 5 month old fetus, but just wondering .. thanks

2007-10-25 08:29:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 39 weeks starting today and the docter said my cervix is 30% not sure what that means but my question is if im 39 weeks and im only 30 % what are my chances of having my baby on its due date which is only 10 days away?
i havent dialted yet and the baby hasnt dropped i also havent had a braxton hicks or a false contraction yet in my pregnancy?????

2007-10-25 08:18:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am 13 weeks pregnant, we dont know what we are having yet, and we want to have another baby shower. our son is 2 years old. Everyone tells us that its not right, we arent "allowed" to have another one. there are a lot of people that didnt go to my last one, we have made a lot of new friends, and my fiances family wasnt able to be there last time(long story). what do you think?

2007-10-25 07:59:09 · 17 answers · asked by mam14d 1

Hi all,

midwife says that if I bounce up and down on a 'fit ball' it might bring on labour!
I've been doing this now for half an hour and my uterus feels a bit tighter.
I'm over due by 3 days,
has nayone else tried this?????


2007-10-25 07:55:54 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

My water just broke (actually its still kinda breaking, lol) I'm waiting for my mom to come get me to take me to L&D but I was wondering, am I allowed to go pee real quick or will it cause infection cause I have a bladder infection right now.

2007-10-25 07:47:21 · 15 answers · asked by Redheads Are The BOMB 2

So ladies, Friday the 26th is a full moon!! I have always heard that l&d is super busy when its a full moon outside!! Im soo hoping I will go into labor!! I was 2cm dialated on friday so...Maybe I made progress?? Hopefully! Well, let me know what you all think about this theory!! Labor Dust to all soon 2 be mommies!!
Do you all agree with this theory. If you have stories Id love to hear em!!

Im 38 weeks pregnant with a lil boy :)

2007-10-25 07:35:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Will I be able to find out my babys sex tomorrow Im 16 weeks and 5 days. My husband is very anxious and excited

2007-10-25 07:08:33 · 13 answers · asked by Jayden & Jordyn's_Mommie 2

I'm currently almost 33 weeks pregnant... and I've already gained 34 pounds... and I'm not quite sure how. I don't eat that much more than I usually did before pregnancy (maybe about 500-700 extra calories a day, which is recommended), and I don't eat unhealthily. I actually eat more healthy NOW than I did pre-pregnancy!

I'm just nervous, because I still have 7 weeks to go... and I really don't want to gain a lot of weight. My doctor doesn't seem to have too much of an issue with it, but it isn't like I've been eating everything in sight.

How much did you gain, and how long did it take you to lose it? Also, if you had stretch marks... did those go away and did you/were you able to do anything to help diminish their appearance? I'm carrying way out front and kind of low, so my sides/back are COVERED in gross purple stretch marks and nothing seems to be helping... they just keep on getting worse.

2007-10-25 06:54:26 · 14 answers · asked by mums_the_word 3

Okay I have a paper due in 10 minutes and it has to do with Abortion- I need a creative title like "Is It Killing?" something like that. It is a paper where I and a friend state our postions on the case I am pro she is con, (I'm not really pro) Thanks!

2007-10-25 06:49:00 · 11 answers · asked by Melly 2

i got pregnant at 21 and lost it a 21/2 months. I am 41 and been trying to get pregnant. when i miscarried the doctor said i had an inbalanced hormon and it would be hard. my last period was in august 2 wks after period was due brought a riteaid test it was neg. had lite bleeding for 1/2 a day this month still no period but been having light cramps and again 1/2 lite bleeding but no pad was needed. i am very tired moody back ache and my muscles in my stomach feel strained like if i pulled them. felt sick slightly but got past it nipples were a little itchy and slighty sore but ok now. ate some weird food but every so often feels like my period is coming. my breast are not swollen i feel more blotted than anything. my b/f thinks i am but i just dont want to get my hopes up i have wanted it for so long. i know i have to take another test and also have to see a doctor but was just wondering if this has happened to anyone else.

2007-10-25 06:47:15 · 4 answers · asked by myluckydakota 1

My husband and I had a miscarriage last month. We have been together for 5 years. TTC for 6 months... His best friend visiting from another state is coming here to visit in a couple of weeks that just got his g/f of 3 months pregnant (shotgun wife of 1 week). They had the conversation whether or not to keep the baby. It is really painful for me to even go into the baby section of a store. How am I going to deal with her for an entire weekend? You know that they are going to be talking about her being pregnant. I think that it is too soon for them to visit. Need some advice.

2007-10-25 06:40:42 · 19 answers · asked by Jamie12345 2

I’m expecting a child in May. My first child is almost two. I’ve been thinking for a while about what will happen when the new baby is born. I would like to have someone help with my son so he doesn’t feel left out, get cranky, or just have a hard time. I figure my husband and I will be in the hospital for at least three days [of course he’ll probably go home at night…] but I don’t know what to do about my son.

What did you do when you delivered your second child? Did someone watch your first child while you were delivering? What was the plan?

I’m really worried about this. Our families live in New Mexico and Ohio. We live in Florida. It would be hard for them to come down for a week because you never know exactly when a baby is going to come.

If you’ve been in this situation before what did you do?

2007-10-25 06:31:20 · 13 answers · asked by .vato. 6

When a woman have her tube tied...what is the word called when a man have this procedure done so he cannot produce anymore children? Is it still possible he can get a woman pregnant? If so, how long will she noticed that she may be pregnant. Can she get pregnant right after her cycle? Or 3days during ovulating.....Many responders....

2007-10-25 06:29:39 · 9 answers · asked by Ms. Attitude 2

I am 38 weeks pregnant tomorrow, and for the past 3 days I've been waking up from my sleep with a lot of pain in my pubic bone area, and having to urinate badly. Is this normal? Or should I be concerned? This is my first pregnancy so I'm unsure of what I should be feeling at this point. Thanks to anyone for answering :)

2007-10-25 06:23:28 · 10 answers · asked by krisindeed 3

My period, which is usually on time, is 4 days late. There is no reason it shouldn't be on time and I am not stressed out. I didn't even begin to suspect pregnancy until the day after my period was due. I decided to take a test this morning. I used E.P.T. The one with either a + or - sign. I know the test worked correctly as the window filled with color like it should have and the control line appeared right away.

This issue is, within the first few seconds the second line appeared making the + but it was very faint. Then a few seconds later the line disappeared. I know for a fact that it was there. I know they say a positive no matter how faint should be considered a positive but what about when it disappears a few seconds later?

I'm confused and unsure how to interpret this test? What do you think??

2007-10-25 06:20:08 · 11 answers · asked by Love is the word 1

Okay. Long story short, my ex-girlfriend and i had a very ugly break-up and i caught her in a lot of her own lies. B/c of this, i have trusting issues with her.
About a month ago, she called and said that shes pregnant and its my child.We argued, blaming each other, etc. And at first I had a hard time believing that shes pregnant, but there truly was a possibility that she was. (and that it may also not be mine...which was the reason why we broke up cause she cheated on me) but i owned up to my responsibility until otherwise. Now, she lives in NC. She called me the other day crying and said that she had a miscarriage two weeks ago. she started again blaming for her miscarriage and said shes been in and out of psychiatric help. then finally she said she doesnt want to hear from me again and hung up. SOO. now my problem is, that i dont trust her that she even had a miscarriage. what i can do to verify in fact she did had a miscarriage?

2007-10-25 06:06:06 · 20 answers · asked by blankname1012 2

hi,im 24 and got a 5 year old daughter,and im 7 weeks pregnant to another guy who has just told me that if i keep the baby im on my own,and for me to tell the baby when its older that it was never wanted,i was only with him for like a month,my stupid fault,i know i know,just dont know wat to do!

2007-10-25 05:59:26 · 39 answers · asked by sharpay 1

Ok, so here's the deal..he accidentally got some chic pregnant. he wore a condom and didn't even bust (ejaculate). Now she's claiming it's his.
He already told her ahead of time that he wasn't going to be invovled in anything, he didn't want her to go through with the pregnancy, he wanted her to get an abortion, he wasn't going to be in the childs life, etc etc. She said, she didn't need anything from him, money etc etc. That she was going to do the whole pregnancy/baby thing on her own without his help. And she didn't need him for anything.
He wasn't there throughout the pregnancy, nor was he there at the hospital to sign the birth certificate. There was no paternity test done either.
How is it that she was able to get a child support case without a paternity test, with no father on the cert. and let alone with all his information (ss#, DL #, financial information)? Is there anything he can do? What should he do? HELPPPPPPP!!!!

2007-10-25 05:38:59 · 15 answers · asked by mommyof2preci0usblessingz 1

The doctor is taking my cerclage out on Monday has anyhone ever had one and if yo uhave how long after your cerclage was taken out did you go into labor?

2007-10-25 05:36:05 · 2 answers · asked by Jennifer 3

im not 100% sure of the date of my last period, i think im 11 weeks, can the doctor tell excactly how far i am by a scan or just approximately?

2007-10-25 05:33:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have a friend who said she was pregnant then had a miscarriage and is now pregnant again .... so she had the miscarriage and ended up pregnant all in about a months worth time...maybe a month and a half. Can this really happen?

2007-10-25 05:13:32 · 6 answers · asked by TheSavant 3

I have pretty much no idea how far into my pregnancy I am, because I have no clue when my LMP was since they've always been irregular. I had one exam where the GP determined I was probably 13-15 weeks or so, based on how my uterus felt. At my first prenatal appointment, they just scheduled me for another exam to do the same thing! I asked for an ultrasound, so that I can know for sure, and the nurses said that I should just get the same exact exam as before. She then said that they don't do ultrasounds until at least 18 weeks. Well how are they going to know whether I'm 18 weeks or not if they don't do an ultrasound prior to that?

Am I wrong to want a dang ultrasound? I want to know how far along I am! And the exam that I got (as well as the next one will be) is merely an educated guess that can be wrong. What if I'm a lot farther along than they think? What should I do?? Thanks =)

2007-10-25 05:11:24 · 16 answers · asked by jennifer 3

i am about 12-13dpo and i took a pregnancy test from early pregnancy tests.com, and it was negative, is there still a chance that i am pregnant? should i take a more reliable test like first response? or am i not pregnant? i am expecting my period in 2 days.... please tell me what you think

2007-10-25 05:10:12 · 6 answers · asked by Mason's Mommy 2

Im 25wks preggo and have(I think)food poisoning. Been feeling sick after eating for the last couple of weeks in the new apt. and couldn't figure out why-thought maybe it was dairy. But last night we realized that our fridge isn't running properly and when I use meat that has thawed in the fridge I get sick...when I use meat directly from the grocery store without storing it, I'm fine.

I haven't had fever or chills, just throwing up about an hour or two after I eat and then feeling fine, or sometimes diahrea which lasts about 24hrs. This last time it was ground beef and the results are a little worse...threw up, very sweaty, but the sweating passed when the vomiting was done, and now have mild cramps and bad nausea and feeling sick to my stomach. Fridge is getting repaired tomorrow, but I'm worried about hos this has affected Baby. I'm waiting for my dr. to call back, but in the meantime, does anybody know how this may be affecting the fetus? Any personal experience with this

2007-10-25 05:08:41 · 5 answers · asked by emma_darling 2

A lot of people have asked on here if there baby would be OK if they continued to smoke while pregnant. Well, I am wondering if babies were born OK after smoking.

2007-10-25 05:01:45 · 26 answers · asked by working gal 3

i know you cant lie on your stomach or back for obvious reasons....just wondering

2007-10-25 05:01:05 · 22 answers · asked by stefanie p 2

2007-10-25 04:56:26 · 26 answers · asked by tonya s 3

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