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Pregnancy - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

i have already called and left a message with the nurse.
i am just looking for advice from someone who has gone through the same thing or anyone who might know what is going on while i wait..........i have a couple of questions
30 weeks pregnant and i keep getting these pains in my lower abdomen. they are real sharp pains and last for a few seconds then come back every once in a while. (mostly when i am getting ready to sit or get up) does anyone know what this is?
i feel like my litte girl is a gymnast...seriously. she kicks really hard and sometimes it feels like she's doing cartwheels in there. even when i look at my stomach and she's doing that it looks like my belly is jumping! is that normal??
pains in my lower pack that seem to go all the way down to my thighs. when i get up it feels like she drops down and i have shooting pains from my back all the way to my upper legs. anyone know?

2007-10-26 04:10:26 · 5 answers · asked by Samantha Love 2

I am 39 weeks pregnant with my first and am so physically uncomfortable that I'm finding these last few days to be extremely difficult.

What are some natural, physical, ways to induce labor besides intercourse and nipple stimulation?

I don't want to try Castor Oil or Raspberry Tea Leaf (anything that I would have to ingest) unless my doctor tells me to do so.


2007-10-26 03:56:47 · 23 answers · asked by Ashley M 3

If you're a week or so late, but then your period comes and lasts the usual amount of days - can you be pregnant?

2007-10-26 03:46:27 · 10 answers · asked by Hum B 1

First off let me say im not for it or with it.
I do not condone it. I am not passing any judgments!!
I just would like to have other peoples opinion. I found this website
*it has alot of information on abortion, viewer discretion advised though..
I believe it is a womens choice, considering if I was raped and i got pregnant I have NO idea what i would do!! I dont know if i could bring myself to the clinic to get an abortion, But in that case i might... but i really dont know.

I would not have an abortion for any other reason.
While growing up my mother told me that she would use a coat hanger!! yea and i was 17, with a job and had a two yr relationship with my now husband!! when she was telling me this!!
I always thought it was scary, then when seeing these photos of these dead fetus I couldn't bare it, its sad.
***And again, Im NOT passing any judgments.

thank you for your info, and opinions!

2007-10-26 03:20:43 · 22 answers · asked by ♥ღ♥Mom of Alyssa and Kamden♥ღ♥ 4

A woman I never met was babysitting for the son or my mother in laws co worker.That woman had 2 children when she bagan babysitting him.While watching him she got pregnant 5 times and lost them all between 22 and 35 weeks pregnant.After the 3rd loss my mother in law voulenteered me to watch the boy for a week while the other woman dealt with the loss.At that time I was 26 weeks pregnant with my 4th.I had gone to the doctor the Fri before and everything was great.They scheduled me for a sonogram the following Fri.When I went to that app. my baby had no heart beat.This boy started kindergarden last year.His teacher was 6 months pregnant.At 36 weeks her baby died.I got pregnant again had beautiful baby.The other woman got pregnant again after the boy started school.She had a full term healthy baby.Also the boys mom had 3 miscriages after having him.All of us that lost our babies were given no explanation as to why their hearts stooped beating.The only thing we had in common was that boy??

2007-10-26 03:13:16 · 13 answers · asked by lovemyittybitty 3

After our ultra sound I could tell he was really disappointed not to be having a boy but he was just acting really ridiculous about it. He even went to the extent as to saying he felt sick to his stomach that we are having another girl. All he could talk about was how that was two weddings we were gonn ahave to pay for.. seriously, who thinks of that? Plus Its not my fault he made himself believe we were havign a boy.(not to mention hes the only one who can give the Y chromosomes) anyway i got really upset and started crying after he made his rude comments... should I have just disregarded them? I mean really those kinds of comments are better left unsaid, especially to a pregnant woman. I understand that he was disappointed but now I feel as though he is not excited about this baby because its another girl, and not the boy he really wanted.

Im personally just happy that the doc said the baby looks healthy. (21 wks along)

(we have a 2 year old daughter)

2007-10-26 03:07:54 · 30 answers · asked by lindsrobpark 1

2007-10-26 01:50:09 · 38 answers · asked by laura 1

does the darkness of the line mean anything? for example: if you peed on the stick and it came back positive as soon as the urine moved across the window, and the test line was much darker than the control line, does that mean you have a lot of the pregnancy horomone in your system? or does it mean nothing at all? i've been reading up on miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies a lot. if you had an ectopic pregnancy would the line be that dark? i took another test and it keeps getting darker. is that a good sign or does it mean nothing at all?

2007-10-26 00:39:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have one daughter and my first symptoms appeared 3 or 4 days before my period was due. I am trying to get pregnant again. My last period was on the 12 of October. My mouth fells very dry all the time and I have been feeling nauseas in the morning for the last 2 days. Can this be symptoms of pregnancy?, even this early? I My period is not due until the 9th .
Thank you.

2007-10-25 23:37:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am booked to be induced next wednesday where they put the gell on ur cervix.....Im 41 weeks today and not dilated at all was quite disapointed after the check up :-(

Hi .....I Would like to hear any experience anyone has had with this type of induction....how many times did they have to apply it? How long was labour? how long did it take to work? ANY INFO WILL BE GREATLY apprectiated as im quite nervouse about geting this done.

2007-10-25 23:05:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it harmful to my baby to paint my toenails/ fingernails while pregnant?


2007-10-25 19:08:09 · 16 answers · asked by BTB{06.22.09} 4


So i may be pregnant, I havent gotten any positive rusults yet but im going to the doctor next week, to find out for sure. But i heard that cats can sense that youre pregnant. Has anyone else heard this? and is it true and if it is i was just wondering how they act...?

2007-10-25 17:45:47 · 11 answers · asked by cutie4444 2

OK, I am now 8 months pregnant. I went and had a bowel movement yesterday and strained. I KNOW you shouldn't strain, but I had no choice, I was cramping and had to get it out so I could pick my daughter up from the bus...anyways, later on I lifted something heavy and since then I have a massive hemriod. It's about the size of a small grape and it hurts sooo very badly. I started using Tucks wipes, taking baths every few hours and I used a suppository a little while ago. So my question is, if I keep doing everything i'm supposed to, how long before I get relief from this God awful pain?

2007-10-25 17:15:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

If a man ejaculates all over a girl's vagina can she get pregnant that way?
Does sperm really swim up even though the male ejaculated in the outside?

i heard of this so i was wondering if it's possible...

2007-10-25 16:59:33 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

this may be a very dumb question but can a woman get pregnant if she was wearing her underwear any giving a lap dance to a man who was wearing his pants but ejaculated while she was dancing on him?

2007-10-25 16:00:13 · 13 answers · asked by Babysmom303 1

I want to have a baby with someone i truly love. And is it good to be pregnant while in college?

I have found my guy and we're ment to be (my friends would say so..) but...there are things going on at the moment.
My guy doesnt want me to go out and have sex quite yet (no he's NOT my boyfriend, but he cares). He loves me.
Idk. Shall i wait for him, or keep looking for others. My guy (im not dating) has a girlfriend at the moment.

Would it be hard to be pregnant while in college?

2007-10-25 15:45:29 · 13 answers · asked by ♥mcmanda♥ 5

I am 13 weeks now with number 2. I was super bloated for a while but my tummy has gone down. I dont look preggo anymore.Anyway when did you start to actually look pregnant?

2007-10-25 15:40:12 · 16 answers · asked by tink65804 2

I am 26 weeks pregnant and I have read that it is recommended that I get the flu shot. My work is going to provide them for free but if I go through my dr. my Medicare will not cover it. Do you think I should get it through work? I am going to ask my dr. tomorrow but I was just wanting some opinions. Thank you for your help.

2007-10-25 15:34:52 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

The past week or so I've been feeling really tired and almost nauseous. It occured to me maybe I could be pregnant, but I had my period last week, so I don't know if it's too soon to be pregnant or if it was a pregnancy-period. I also haven't had the other symptoms of urinating frequently, vomitting, or breast tenderness. I don't want to waste a test if its not possible or too soon.

2007-10-25 15:29:00 · 9 answers · asked by iudfbiabndajkn 2

This will be our first child, and we are ecastic!! We are thinking about naming our baby girl Maria Delilah Rose Grajeda. I have 11 weeks left to go and I'm sooooo ready!!!

2007-10-25 15:22:47 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

i had sex with a friend and the condom broke and just found out that pregnancy came in the result of it.He is pressuring me to get an abortion and i CAN'T do something like that.Can someone please help me find a way to explain to him that i DO NOT want an abortion?thanks

2007-10-25 14:36:14 · 60 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok my boyfriend ejaculated on my jeans when i was
right on top of him...can the sperm swim to my vagina?????

2007-10-25 13:50:04 · 49 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't have a lot of friends so...I was thinking of having a baby to get rid of my loneliness.

What's the best time to get pregnant?

2007-10-25 13:47:39 · 39 answers · asked by Britney J 1

This is totally wishful thinking because we are only TTC...but my husband and I were talking last night on how we would exactly surprise our families with the news (should this be our month....fingers crossed!).

We finally came up with announcing it at our Thanksgiving meal...where our families are joined together...we want our son to wear a "I'm a Big Brother" shirt and just see who notices first...then obviously have the big announcement at that point. We know we'd have to arrive last...to make sure everyone was there to hear the news....

But, is this too much for a holiday gathering? We like the idea...but are open to others....

What do you think? How did you announce your pregnancy to your families?

2007-10-25 12:54:40 · 7 answers · asked by Lovin' Life As Mama & Wife 6

I am 5 and a half mths pregnant 22 weeks. I am constantly worrying about having a mis carriage or even a still birth. Is this normal? This is my first one. I do feel the baby move.

2007-10-25 12:50:07 · 17 answers · asked by Wendie 6

last week i had an appointment with my ob-gyne and the results we're ok..my blood pressure was 110/70 and my baby's development is great..but what happened? 9days after that checkup, i went back to my ob to have myself checked again because i always felt dizzy..and oh my god, my blood pressure dropped to 80/40. we don't know what happened, i was taking my iron supplements daily, was drinking my milk twice each day and i was eating more vegetables than before..but the difference now is i take my iron supplement with milk..was this the cause?i remembered when i studied nursing (which i wasn't able to finish)that iron shouldn't be taken in with milk..what do u think guys?i'm 23 weeks pregnant.

2007-10-25 12:49:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

It started over a week ago, lightly and then the majority of the pregnancy came out yesterday. I just wanted to know when it will be over. I'm still cramping and bleeding lots.

2007-10-25 12:37:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

so my little cousin is in a debate and shes supposed to argue the con side of abortion and she needs facts.
this isnt a poll if you are for/against abortion.
we need facts and the source where you got them (and not personal beliefs)
thank you so much.

2007-10-25 12:35:08 · 15 answers · asked by love_always 3

IS there also a website that gives you the fetal heartbeat ranges?

2007-10-25 12:34:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

fedest.com, questions and answers