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2007-12-06 18:26:21 · 11 answers · asked by ashok a 1

That is extremely inconsiderate. Then they want you to raise their baby like you made that dumb decision. They make you give up everything to raise their mistake. They already hve a kid, so why do they need to ruin their teen's life with a new one. That's terrible. They decide they want a cute cuddly new baby, whether it ruins their teen's. All babies do is cry and make life harder for eveyone. Teens shouldnt have to be co-parents. It's terrible that anyone would do that to their teen.

2007-12-06 12:27:21 · 13 answers · asked by Iiaria 3

my mother in law had alot of problems with her last 2 pregnancies. with her 3rd baby, she had a period until she was 5 months old and did not know she was preg. until she went to the ER with very sharp pains and found out. the dr told her she could not have any kids, ever, but already had 2. anyways, my oldest sister in law had 2 or 3 miscarriages before having her oldest daughter then had another one after that and my youngest sister inlaw might be having one-knock on wood- she was told that she had a 50/50 chance, anyways, could this have anything to do with their mom having difficult pregnancies, and they are the only 2 girls and both are having bad luvk with their 1st pregnancy. or is it just what happens happens? just curious!

2007-12-06 10:28:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

people i am so done with being pregnant now and cant bare waiting for my baby anymore, my watersw havnt broke and i still havnt had a show, what can i do im going crazy lol

2007-12-06 09:53:37 · 20 answers · asked by umbongo1984 3

I am 16 years old and I already know that I want to be a mom.
I want to know what is a good age to do this because the urge is really strong now. I am a senior in high school and plan on going to college so I know that now isn't an option, but I am really serious with this guy and I know that I will have his babies some day. Is 19 or 20 too young? I want to be young enough when my children are teens that I haven't forgotten what it is like to be one. There are also health problems in my family and want to make sure I see my grandkids. How old were you when you had your first kid?
Did any one feel the way I do now at this age?
Any advice is appreciated.

2007-12-06 09:17:05 · 40 answers · asked by ashley c 2

I know older people that regret not having children and CELEBS always make it out to be the best thing that happend to them. So what do you think.

2007-12-06 07:59:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husbands best friend has a little girl who will be 2 in the spring. He has not been with the mother since shortly after her birth. The mother has custody of the girl, while our friend gets her on Saturday morning, and has to give her back on Sunday by 8 pm. Our friend is attempting to gain full custody of the girl, and has been fighting for it for several months.

Recently, a boyfriend of the mothers called CPS on her, because she was doing drugs. CPS tested her, and she failed.

Now, I thought that because she failed it, there would probably be a hearing and custody would go to our friend. But instead, CPS said that they are giving her another test in one week, and if she fails that one, they'll give her a third test. After that third fail is when 'further actions' will take place.

Why does she have to fail drug tests so many times and CPS allows the little girl to remain with her? What do they mean by 'further actions'?

2007-12-06 07:33:16 · 5 answers · asked by Queen Queso 6

I have been on bc since september. im having a little pink spotting is that what i think it is or is it from the birthcontrol. and i never had spottin the last couple months. & i take my pill everyday between 6-630. never missed one.

2007-12-06 06:59:18 · 6 answers · asked by leighh 1

2007-12-06 05:56:26 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

So i am currently 24wks pregnant, i went to my regular OB appt on Tuesday where he told me they saw something suspicious w/my ultrasound and wants me to go to a perinatologist. Anyway my doc says my sono appears to be showing the baby having gas in her tummy. I wanted him to elaborate but he says he's not really sure so that's why he is sending me to a periantologist for another sono. I read the sonographer's report which says he sees a "questionable gastric double bubble" in her abdomen which may be stenosis or could be insignificant. I went home and did some research on the web, i didn't really find much besides some articles saying1/3 of babies w/this have down syndrome and they may require surgery immediately after birth, or born early. All my other testing came back fine, the quad screen testing and no other abnormalities were seen by the sono. Has anyone had any experience w/this or had it happen to them? Made appt w/specialist for Monday in the meantime very scared!

2007-12-06 03:41:58 · 3 answers · asked by Nina 2

Heres the deal, last year after Christmas, we found a cute Christmas dress that I knew what fit my baby girl this Christmas and it was only $5 so we bought it, we have 2 older children and we could not find any Christmas outfits on clearance, money is really tight this year, and I was only able to buy the older children each a Christmas sweatshirt, I want to get a Christmas picture of all 3 of them together, but I am afraid it will look tacky since one will be wearing a dress and the other 2 will be wearing sweatshirts, do you think it would look alright or do you think people will think the little one is getting special treatment when they see the picture? Please no rude comments, if I could afford 2 more dress outfits I would buy them, and the picture is only going to cost $3.99.

2007-12-05 18:26:50 · 14 answers · asked by This girl 3

im still not sure what to give. are baby clothes/bottles a YES or NO?? or any other ideas??

2007-12-05 16:15:08 · 8 answers · asked by Jonquil 2

Lets say their are two sets of identical twins..one set of boys/ one set of girls, from different families
and the two boys marry the two girls..would their kids be 'double' cousins or practically brothers and sisters genetically?

2007-12-05 13:56:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

So... I found out my mom used LSD when she was pregnant with me. I would like to see if anyone else out there found out such a thing... and do you think it effected you in any way? There are a few weird things about me but not anything major. Just wanted to compare notes.

2007-12-05 13:18:59 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

Honestly, is there any word or phrase that can describe the unconditional love that parents have for their children? No matter how hard I try, I can never think of anything that can express just how much I love my little girl. She's my life.

2007-12-05 12:00:19 · 3 answers · asked by Amanda 7

"Attention Parents: The Golden Compass is a movie that is coming to "Any City" on Dec. 7th. We would like to give all of you a friendly warning about this movie. It is based on a book written by Phillip Pullman, a proud atheist who hates CS Lewis's Chronicals of Narnial. He wrote three books to show the other side. The movie has been dumbed down to fool kids and their parents in the hope that they will buy his trilogy where at the end of the third book the children kill God and everyone can do as they please. If you would like to know more about this movie, you can go to Snopes. com. "

This was a note sent home at a local school.

So, what do you think?

2007-12-05 09:11:49 · 13 answers · asked by Wildflower 6

Mine was a aunt I have, then cousins and now my own child.

What was yours?

2007-12-05 08:54:42 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do you do chritstmas morning for the children?
Do you leave the stocking at the fireplace downstairs or put it at the bottom of the bed?
Do you leave the main/big presents downstairs or put everythig in a pillowcase or santa sack at the bottom of the bed?

2007-12-05 08:23:50 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

developing human being. It's like they think that in the beginning it is some alien life form and call it a fetus, like it is a way for them to rationalize that they aren't aborting/killing an unborn HUMAN being, but rather are abortioning a piece of tissue/fetus or something like that. This is all hogwash. Eventually that fetus or whatever you want to call it, will turn into a baby. You can rationalize all you want, but at the end of the day, you are aborting a developing HUMAN being. If you don't want to raise the child yourself, put the child up for adoption. That is always a better answer than aborting. And for all the people out there who say, what about rape/incest. Well, the % of women in the US who get pregnant through rape/incest is very very very small. I don't have the figures, but I'd make an educated guess and say, 1%, or .5%. It's not that many. And in those cases, I still wouldn't advocate abortion, because it is not the unborn child's fault what happened to

2007-12-05 05:58:34 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

im on my third day away from my babies who are in intensive care. I have been told by a doctor i have food poisoning and cant risk the infection to them... i really miss them and it hurts that i can only watch them through some glass....

few questions really..

how long does it take food poisoning to clear?

can i do anything to speed up the process?


will it effect my babies me not being there to hold them for the past 3 days?

i can wave at them through some glass so they still see me, im just not allowed into the room to hold them. i really miss them and love them.

2007-12-05 03:47:59 · 11 answers · asked by spongebobs biggest fan 5

I understand most vaccinations. But to avoid the chicken pox? Why?

Researchers say children getting the pox is a GOOD thing, as their bodies/immune system are learning how to fight. If you don't give them something to fight, how will it strengthen?

They also say, it is actually dangerous to get the vaccination because it will wear off when they are adults, making them susceptible to the pox ..... which can be deadly to adults.

Yes, some families have a bad history of the pox, in which case I understand if you want to avoid it.

But other than that, come on guys .... the chicken pox is no big deal. We, as humans, have been getting it for ages. Don't fall for it. They are not "omg, so dangerous!". In fact, more people have died from the vaccination than the actual chicken pox.

So, WHY get the vacc????

2007-12-05 03:40:31 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am very disappointed in them after reading they made the TOP 10 LIST for WORST PRODUCTS EVER - because they Blamed CHINA for the lead and bad design flaws in the products that were recalled...Matel itself was to blame - and even though they have publically admitted that it was wrong to blame China - I feel the damage was done... I will not support this company (heck I try to support LOCALLY made companies more anyhow...)

How do you feel about Matel? will you continue to support them?

2007-12-05 01:49:29 · 5 answers · asked by CF_ 7

so i lost my virginity 7 yrs ago, becuase i was raped (i am now 15)

so now i am a SECONDARY virgin, and im waiting til marriage to have sex again. but my question is, i heard that sex hurts the 1st time. so since i already had sex for the 1st time, will it hurt with my future husband

2007-12-04 14:05:28 · 13 answers · asked by Kristin 4

What are some pros and cons of Television and children

2007-12-04 12:45:07 · 4 answers · asked by what? 1

this is just a silly question becuase im bored. isnt it funny the way genes work? like my mom is white but my dad is blk, i have light brown hair like my mom, but dark skin like my dad. so what do your kids look like between you and your husband/wife.?

2007-12-04 12:20:05 · 3 answers · asked by Kristin 4