My son is 33 months and we are starting to worry if he may have autism. He has a speech delay, although he speaks over 50 maybe 75 words but most of them are not clear .Also he has a behavioral problem - when we praise him for something he did , he gets mad , or also when we buy him a new toy , he throws it (but then he likes it) ,he opens and closes doors all the time,turns off and on the light,lines up in a perfect line about 30 cars, plays with the piano most of the day,likes to play or read books by himself instead with me or his 4 yr old brother , he throws tantrums ...are these autism symptoms or is normal...other parents experience this with their child? Or also can it be that he feels somehow less or left behind than his older brother that can talk,do puzzles,knows alphabet ,etc ?
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Toddler & Preschooler