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Pregnancy & Parenting - 29 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

Do you encourage college to your children? If so, what do you do? If you don't, why not?

2007-05-29 03:21:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I'm 13 and I want to know if you have had experience in babysitting... if so what did you have to do to become a certified babysitter??? PLEASE HELP... NEED MULAH (money)

2007-05-29 03:19:32 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

i'm 2 and months17years old now and scince i found out i get sharp pains in my abdomen and around my lower side is this normal

2007-05-29 03:14:26 · 5 answers · asked by Mommy2b 1 in Pregnancy

My son, who is 8, has been staying with my parents for the past two years. When I force him to come home, he cries, won't sleep, and I end up letting him go back there. I have never been neglectful of my son; I am a good parent. (I also have a 4-year-old daughter who is an absolute angel.) Part of my son's problem rests in his initial upbringing. His father was an abusive alcoholic, and I got out of that situation. Regardless of what I told the courts during our custody battle when he was 3, his dad still sees him regularly. Also, my son has some developmental disablilities, like ADHD and other behavior problems. I am married, and my son hates my husband. Every time he's home, he says that he wants me to get a divorce and get back with his dad, and he says it in front of my husband. My son requires someone to be with him at school, and my mom goes every day, since she is a homemaker. I work full-time, I'm in school, and I have another child, so I don't have time to do this.

2007-05-29 03:10:31 · 16 answers · asked by JoMama 3 in Parenting

I had my son 12 weeks ago.The first 2 weeks I lost 20 lbs, that included his weight and all the stuff that comes out with giving birth. I have only lost one damn pound since.I gained 35 lbs.So I weight 139 at 5'1 right now, and I feel dumpy.I was 125 before this pregnancy, but even that was alittle too much.I'm eating pretty good, and have been active.I don't have time for a regular excersise routine, with a newborn, a 4 year old, and alot of pets, but I have been walking when I can, and doing alot of yard work? Ant other mOms have trouble? Does your body hold on to the weight for the first 3 months for a reason?

2007-05-29 03:09:39 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Like Allison means fame
What names means Polar Bear

2007-05-29 03:02:55 · 8 answers · asked by alliedeal94 2 in Baby Names

what is a good middle name for Brylynn???

2007-05-29 02:57:44 · 17 answers · asked by elizabeth m 1 in Baby Names

I babysit a 2 1/2, 5 yr old and a 14 month, and have a 9 month old of my own. I don't feel comfortable taking all 4 children outside by myself. So I am looking for some good exercise activities that they can both do. I live in a side by side duplex and it seems like we can hear everything the neighbors do so I am sure they can hear us so I don't want things like jumping jacks that is going make them jump up and down and shake the whole house. Thank you

2007-05-29 02:55:31 · 3 answers · asked by mdoud01 5 in Toddler & Preschooler

I am 8 weeks pregnant. For about the last week I have had discomfort in my lower back. Not cramps just achy. It is as low as my bottom. I did break my tail bone about a year ago. I am wondering if I should call my doctor to see if this is normal. Thanks.

2007-05-29 02:54:29 · 4 answers · asked by Mandi 1 in Pregnancy

So ive im 100% effaced, and lost my mucus plug 4 days ago, does this mean im dialating? Or not? Last friday i was told i was 100% effaced, not dialated, but very very soft cervix and that the bag of waters was trying to push through. Whatever that means!! anyone know?

2007-05-29 02:51:08 · 8 answers · asked by jess_n_flip 4 in Pregnancy

It is also very hard for me to poop. Is this normal? I had a checkup at 8 weeks and heard the baby's heartbeat and the doc said everything looked good.

2007-05-29 02:50:30 · 5 answers · asked by Sarah B 1 in Pregnancy

Im having a girl and my family has a tradition with using A names. Im looking for something different but pretty. My sister already has 3 girls and they're Ansleigh, Ava, and August so i cant use those. If you have any suggestions it's highly appreciated! Thanks.

2007-05-29 02:49:41 · 23 answers · asked by elizabeth m 1 in Baby Names

My cycle this month was 48 days my period was on for a week and 3 days, I took the clomid 50mg pill on day 2 as advised by my Doctor. They said 5-8 days after the last pill you should start ttc because you're suppose to ovulate, but my period is still on, do you think I might be ovulating whiles my period is on, and what cousres long menstral cycles? I am 21 years old and has been trying from September 2006 but was unable to conceive, is there any one out there who had the same problem as me and still conceive after trying for so long, I am on my 2nd cycle of clomid.

2007-05-29 02:47:58 · 2 answers · asked by Mom of 2 w/ PCOS 6 in Trying to Conceive

Before it was quite often, but now as time goes on it seems as tho I cant feel it as much, once every 3 days I feel it I know its still alive, because i feel it move...but its just not as often? I t hought i would be feeling it more by now???????

2007-05-29 02:47:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My whole pregnancy I used my 7 year olds stretch marks. I am 37 weeks tomorrow and yesterday morning I woke up with new ones. My skin stretched so much that it was like a sunburn... my whole stomach and legs were red and warm to touch. They are sore and SO itchy. And so dry. I used baby oil and lotion. What to put on it????

2007-05-29 02:41:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Here is the deal I had protected sex with a condom, and was suppose to get my period on fri. the 25th and it is now tues. the 29. Still nothing. Its probably too soon to tell anything now, but I was wondering what the chance may be that I could be pregnant?

2007-05-29 02:38:56 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My son is going to turn 2 years old in 2 weeks.He says very few words(I think only 5 words)I talk to him in my own language(Portuguese)and my husband talk to him in English and evereybody else talk to him in English.So Do you think there is anything wrong with my son?When he wants something usually he start screming or crying until he gets.he usually try to talk to us but still in baby language so we don't understant anyting.Do you think I should take him to a doctor?Thanks for any answer.

2007-05-29 02:37:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

Ok here's what's going on! I HAVE to study until midnight tonight for a math test for some reason (that is not necessary to mention). I repeat, I HAVE to study until midnight, so don't tell me you shouldn't and you're going to fail yada yada yada.... And I have to wake up tomorrow at 7 am and my test is during the first period! What should I do? How can I take my test tomorrow without feeling tired? 7 hours of sleep won't be enough right? So what should I do or eat to stay productive during the test? PLEASE help, it is the last math test this year (excluding the finals)! So what do you suggest?

Thanks in advance... I have to go study now I'll check for the answers shortly!

2007-05-29 02:37:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

2007-05-29 02:31:42 · 12 answers · asked by Paige 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Hello I need for you to be completly honest with me. I just found out that I was pregnant this weekend. I took two pregnancy tests and I couldnt believe it, Im still in shock. I should have gotten my period around the eighth this month so I figured, let me test...I was on birthcontrol so thats what drives me insane even more. I havent told the father, but that is another story ( I can get into later). Im really scared. Im 26 and in graduate school to become a counselor..I dont have any family support, all of my family lives somewhere elseand I do not want to move or leave until I finish my masters degree next June. I spoke to most of my friends and theyre are all telling me that this is going to ruin my life. I have some siblings in Penn, but I know how they would react and it would be with so much disappointment. They were so happy that I started graduate school and although Ill probably be due in Feb or something three months before I finish school, it wil be a disapointment

2007-05-29 02:30:15 · 17 answers · asked by lOvInG mOmMiE 3 in Pregnancy

feel dizzy aswell any advice heartburn also

2007-05-29 02:26:10 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

2007-05-29 02:19:04 · 28 answers · asked by Nadi 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

My daughter has been free of headlice for 5 years and having experienced them once, I always check her hair as soon as she scratches her head. Yesterday I checked and found headlice. I asked her if she knew of anyone else in the class who had them and she said there is a girl in the class on whom the other children have actually seen the lice crawling. When they asked her about it, her reply was, "Yes I know but my mum doesn't do anything about it". I have mentioned it to other parents and they have all said they have suspicions that this girl is infecting and reinfecting everyone else.

Now I spent an hour combing my daughter's hair last night and will do so every day this week and every other day for the next 2 weeks to get rid of them but I don't want her reinfected by this other girl whose mother obviously doesn't bother.

I want to call this mum and ask her to take some action for the sake of the rest of us and her own daughter.

How do I do this tactfully?

2007-05-29 02:13:15 · 15 answers · asked by happy 3 in Parenting

this is my 3rd day to be sick. i dont know if its pregnancy because i am not due for my period until next month i just had a period on the 5th of may and i dont know weather its a virus the flu pregnancy or what. i took a pregnancy test and it is showing negative. my symptoms are tender breast throwing up and feeling very sick to my tummy, and aching in my body i feel like i could faint everytime i stand up im weak and have hardly no energy i had diareah 2 days ago but now thats stoped but alll the other symptoms are still going on please tell me if it is a virus why did it go away for a whole day yesterday and now i feel again like it came back this morning , unless its pregnancy please tell me what u think it is?

2007-05-29 02:07:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am trying to figure out how many packs of newborn diapers I should be buying. How big was your baby when he/she was born and how long did you did you use "newborn" diapers. Please answer both parts of the question. Thanks.

2007-05-29 01:52:05 · 34 answers · asked by angel32984 3 in Newborn & Baby

i am 4-5 weeks pregnant and bleeding dark red and brown . has this happened to anyone i think i am miscarrying because . please be honest as to what you think i have no clots and no pain or cramps. so help.

2007-05-29 01:51:42 · 19 answers · asked by shannon m 2 in Pregnancy

This is my daughter's last week of pre-k. She had a great teacher that was a joy for me to work with in developing my daughter. I would like to say thank you but don't know if a card would be enough. Do you think a card would be enough? What would be a good thank you gift?

2007-05-29 01:45:31 · 15 answers · asked by livapoo1 2 in Grade-Schooler

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