HELP! Could I be pregnant or could it just be hopefullness? I got off of my bc 2 months ago, after 4 yrs of use. My fiance & I had unprotected sex on the 10th & 12th day of my cycle. I am now only 2 days late for my period, which could very well be normal since I am not taking my bc anymore. Just in the last4 or 5 days I have been eating a lot. I never feel full & eat all day long. I have had this thicker than normal discharge that look beigish tan, or very light brown, but NO BLOOD. I am also not 1 to get headaches & have had them for a week now. I have now woken up the last couple of mornings so tired that I felt like I did not sleep a wink but I got my full 8 hours & also I have gotten sick the last 2 mornings. The last wierd symptoms is that my stomache feels so tight! I can not even stretch out because it feels like it is pulling back. I go to stand up 2 fast & I can feel my stomach pull like I have tight muscles. I have been under a lot of stress, could it just be that?
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