Okay, before I get any "the baby will come when he's ready" my situation is this... I am full term, my due date can't be off (hubby was gone before and after), I'm dilated to a 2 and 80 % effaced and his head is VERY LOW (as of doc. appt. yesterday). My husband is leaving town in 3 days!!! (He's in the military) and even though he'll only be gone a month, it would devastate me to not have him by my side for the birth of our child. I have tried the following sex, nipple stimulation, walking. I've been advised against castor oil. I will have strong contractions after sex, but then they stop after an hour or so. I would appreciate ANY ideas that I haven't thought of! I am a wreck over this! I've heard of black cohosh, but don't know much about it and the pills come in so many miligram levels so I'm a little nervous about that....
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