Once my son grew too big for infant/newborn-type sleepers, I encountered a pajama nightmare. Every single pair of pajamas I find is seemingly made to fit like a second skin. The problem? My son cannot stand them. The minute I put them on, he pulls and pulls at the sleeves and the legs in such a way that it's obvious the tightness is uncomfortable for him. I do NOT understand the idiotic reasoning for the way these pajamas are made. Supposedly "snug fitting clothing is less likely to catch fire." (At least, that is explanation The Children's Place gives.) Well, I'm sorry. To me, there is a difference between "snug" fitting and so tight you feel like you're being eaten alive by a boa constrictor. Are there ANY pj's out there for toddlers (he wears 18-24 mo clothing) that are not made this way? If so, please, please tell me where I can buy them. I would be happy to order them online, if need be. They don't have to be loose, just loose enough that he can breathe.
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Toddler & Preschooler