My husband and I have been trying to concieve for about 2 months now and just in October I got to really know my ovulation cycle and we had sex when it is the best time. Anyways, I have some systoms such as sick to my stomach,tired,moody, and the only time in my life that I can stop smoking at the drop of a hat is when I am pregnant and guess what two days ago they made me sick and I have not had one since, my period isn't late yet, and yesturday all I did was cry and my husband would asl me whats wrong and I would tell him I don't know because I really didn't....I don't feel this way before my period so I was wondering could I be pregnant or could it all be in my head because I want it so bad?? I have taken 2 test but my period isn't due until this friday, so of course they both said negative.
11 answers
asked by
Chandra H
Trying to Conceive