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Pregnancy & Parenting - 4 November 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

he is going irritate day by day.

2006-11-04 19:39:22 · 13 answers · asked by satvita g 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

i slow danced with a guy at my dance (note the email she replied to was directed to sum1 else) how do i get her back? PS im in 6th grade PSS dont tell me crap about i should get over it

2006-11-04 19:29:36 · 7 answers · asked by Chicken C 1 in Adolescent

For laughs............

2006-11-04 19:14:18 · 19 answers · asked by Direktor 5 in Toddler & Preschooler

The past few times my husband and I have gone out, we've come home, taken the sitter home, and then gone to bed. *Mind you our sitter doesn't ask for payment through our meager finances, but through other ways* Then we wake up at three am drenched in our own sweat because she turns up the heat to the highest temperature on the thermostat. Is there a way to tactfully discuss this with her, or should I just say: "Please don't do that. If you are cold bring a sweater."

Two things to keep in mind:
1) Our heat is free...but we keep waking up drenched
2) She's from South Africa and this often happened last year but not to this extent...


2006-11-04 19:13:23 · 15 answers · asked by nmhflute 2 in Parenting

she applied for maternity leave but our HR rejected it saying molar pregnancy was not a pregnancy but a disease. but her doctor said otherwise. that she got pregnant but the pregnancy was abnormal and got a disease. her biopsy was ok she did not have cancer. can you help us? we need to know more about this molar pregnancy for her appeal for reconsideration. is there anybody out there who filed for maternity leave who had molar pregnancy? our law states that any cases related to pregnancy can avail maternity benefits.

2006-11-04 19:10:58 · 5 answers · asked by benj 1 in Pregnancy

2006-11-04 18:59:24 · 11 answers · asked by Rock 2 in Grade-Schooler

2006-11-04 18:58:41 · 10 answers · asked by Ashley W 1 in Newborn & Baby

I have a 5 month old daughterr and I am planning to back to work. The only problem is that she will not stay still with anyone but me, even with my family and my mom she cries until I hold her. What can i do? i want my mom to babysit but the baby doesn't want to stay with anypne but me.

2006-11-04 18:57:15 · 7 answers · asked by CR 3 in Newborn & Baby

My 8yo boy is really good at soccer but lacks the competitive drive his father and I have in sports? How do I inspire him to push to be better without breaking his love of the sport or being to pushy?

2006-11-04 18:55:21 · 4 answers · asked by Susan and Grant O 2 in Parenting

I am breastfeeding my 3 and half months son. He looks big but his weight is not heavy as it is. He doesnt want formula..everytime he tries, it breaks his skin.(rashes).He only feeds 3 ounce every 2 hours..Do you think there is a problem? What is the average feeding of a 3 and half months olf baby? Why it seems that he doesnt have a good appetite?

2006-11-04 18:51:51 · 5 answers · asked by just me 3 in Newborn & Baby

When I was 7 weeks preg my child's father asked me to get an abortion. I refused and he sent me an email telling me we were done. He cut off all contact with me and didnt plan on telling his family about our child. I contacted his family before I went into labor and told them It took them four months, but they contacted me and want to be apart of her life, which i have no problem with. I have taken her for a visit and I plan on taking her for another visit on christmas. My child's father said he wants to see her during this time. I dont think he cares for her at all, he just wants to impress his family by letting them think that he is trying to be a good dad. She is now 5 months old and he doesnt give me any financial support and he doesnt even contact me. If or when he does its on yahoo i/m and briefly. I dont mind my daughter seeing her grandparents but I dont want her with him Would I be wrong to bring her to see them before he comes home from college or after he has already left?

2006-11-04 18:51:05 · 6 answers · asked by confused346 1 in Parenting

my 5 year old has two blankets that he is very attached to since being a baby. he decided to get rid of one last year, but the other one he still has. i don't mind if he has it at home, but he wants to take it to school for nap time. i didn't let him take it the first few days, but the teacher told him he could bring it. now she says its a problem. how do i get him not to take it to school and still be ok without it???

2006-11-04 18:32:56 · 15 answers · asked by Summertyme73 2 in Grade-Schooler

hi, i had sex with my boyfriend about 2 days ago and realized that the condom broke. i just froze and im scared i might be pregnant. i took the plan B pill (which has two pills, one is in 72 hours? and the second pill about 12 hours later or something) and so i did take it. and today is november 4th and my period starts around 15th'ish. im scared, ....

2006-11-04 18:26:46 · 16 answers · asked by KC 1 in Pregnancy

I know a couple who wanted 6 children, preferably all boys to help with the farm.
Do you have a specific purpose for parenthood?

2006-11-04 18:18:22 · 10 answers · asked by Cookie 5 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

My son who is so incredibly stubborn (just like me) is sick and refuses to take his medicine without at least an hour of discussion / arguing over its importance, i really have no idea how i convinced him to take it before his bedtime this evening, but he did willingly. Does anyone have any ideas or techniques that works for your kids to get him or her to take their medicine without so much trouble???? (I have already done putting it in his milk, he still tastes it and wont drink anymore than one or two sips just to make sure it is actually contaminated with his medicine!)

2006-11-04 18:13:07 · 20 answers · asked by Jessy 5 in Toddler & Preschooler

the last time i had my period waz 10/2 and i have'nt got it but befor i got my period the test say i am and ow i still dont have it what that mean?

2006-11-04 18:09:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

i have never had "the talk". how do humans have sex?

2006-11-04 18:07:25 · 19 answers · asked by CC 1 in Adolescent

My mom and friends say I am not fat. I believe I am. I am nervous that I might start a eating disorder. I am 11, and I don't like how I look. I think I am pretty, but I am 115 and 5'0. Should I just start eating healther? I need help, I don't want to start a eating disorder. Anyone want to send me soe quizs to see if I have an eating disorders

2006-11-04 18:02:29 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

My husband and I aren't trying to get pregnant, but I was wondering what do you think the chances are of pregnancy by using a foam spermicide together with withdrawal method? Thanks

2006-11-04 17:54:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

okay which name is better ..(decide in what way for yourself ) Trevor?Brett?Gareth?Dylan? ...you can put them im orders if u want . ..

2006-11-04 17:52:07 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I believe that I am around 9 weeks pg. Have all symptoms; headaches, sore breasts, nausea, dizzy spells. Had heartburn for a while but that is gone. I am generally even tempered but have been short tempered with my beloved son who only brings me joy... My husband reckons that the hpt's are wrong. Anyone ever went through this before?

2006-11-04 17:49:51 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

i want to know the advantage of pills or the desadvantage of them

2006-11-04 17:49:12 · 2 answers · asked by mihai_krompaczki 1 in Pregnancy

ok im almost 5 weeks pregnant and i feel im getting a cold, since i cant take anything what can i do. Im coughing alot and i dont want to hurt my babie. Is the Vicks Vaperizor or humidifier safe to use???

2006-11-04 17:49:04 · 7 answers · asked by SHYBABIE 2 in Pregnancy

Why do some of you people have to be so rude with people that are asking serious questions on here?

2006-11-04 17:47:19 · 6 answers · asked by Chandra H 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

i jus lost my virginity with my bf 4 days ago and we (stupidly, yes i kno) didnt use a condom. he pulled it out but he still says he might have pulled it out to late. When will i kno if im pregnant or not and wut do i do to find out for sure?.....oh im only 15 btw

2006-11-04 17:45:43 · 18 answers · asked by cc2gangsta 2 in Adolescent

i am getting cramps like if i had my period i get like 2 an hour every other hour what does it mean?

2006-11-04 17:43:35 · 9 answers · asked by 1st time mommy 1 in Pregnancy

she swears at me an throws things is well an hits her sister i have asked her has she any problems she says no i have asked her why shes so naughty all a get is caues a feel like it. i try to ground an give her no pocket money. i would really be greatful if a could have some good advice.

2006-11-04 17:42:13 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

2006-11-04 17:41:26 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting


My husband and I have been trying to concieve for about 2 months now and just in October I got to really know my ovulation cycle and we had sex when it is the best time. Anyways, I have some systoms such as sick to my stomach,tired,moody, and the only time in my life that I can stop smoking at the drop of a hat is when I am pregnant and guess what two days ago they made me sick and I have not had one since, my period isn't late yet, and yesturday all I did was cry and my husband would asl me whats wrong and I would tell him I don't know because I really didn't....I don't feel this way before my period so I was wondering could I be pregnant or could it all be in my head because I want it so bad?? I have taken 2 test but my period isn't due until this friday, so of course they both said negative.

2006-11-04 17:37:45 · 11 answers · asked by Chandra H 2 in Trying to Conceive

2006-11-04 17:26:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

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