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Pregnancy & Parenting - 30 October 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

Can they be used as a stand alone method? I know they dont protect against STDs but we've both been tested so thats not an issue.

2006-10-30 06:18:10 · 16 answers · asked by ridingspinners369 2 in Pregnancy

2006-10-30 06:14:12 · 43 answers · asked by Josephine 1 in Newborn & Baby

We are going to New Orleans for Christmas and our son will be 6 months of age at the time. It is a 20 hour car drive and would like to drive straight through if our son allows. Has anyone taken their child on a driving vacation before and do you have any advice? We have an SUV so it will be roomy.
P.S. He loves car rides by the way.

2006-10-30 06:12:37 · 18 answers · asked by Angie 2 in Newborn & Baby

My daughter will be 3 in december and she is not potty trained. she doesn't even do #1 in the potty. She understands how to use the potty. She will sit on the potty after she goes in the diaper. i need help in getting her to use the potty the right way. i give her pull up training diapers but she refuses to use them correctly and she ends up with a leak. Is there any advice that anyone can give for this situation?

2006-10-30 06:11:22 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

2006-10-30 06:10:21 · 20 answers · asked by agnella b 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

In the middle of october I had unprotected sex using the pull out method. Later that week I spotted for not even a whole day. Just last week i had signs of pregnancy but it went away. Now I was supposed to get my period on te 27th of this month but still no period. I took 2 TESTS but they came out negative! I am not under any stress..or anything. Maybe you guys can give me some advice. Thx!!

2006-10-30 06:09:24 · 8 answers · asked by mustalooandariana4ever 2 in Pregnancy

you had your baby girl/ baby boy? Was it sweets or sours?

2006-10-30 06:07:51 · 21 answers · asked by ♥BrOkEn_HeArTeD♥ 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I had a tubal ligation in Feb. of 1996. Within this past week I have not been feeling right at all. I am very tired, I have had almost daily headaches, heartburn,sore breast's and My face is breaking out with acne. My husband is convinced that I am pregnant. I however say no way, because of the tubal I had in 1996. I know that it's possible, after reading up on it on the internet. If I am I am now worried with an ectopic pregnancy. My period is not quite due. My last one started the 1st week of Oct.,but since my tubal they have always been very irregular. I thought about buying a home test, since some say they can detect even the tiniest bit of HCG in your urine. Now he has me wondering could I be? Has any other women who've had tubals become pregnant after them? Maybe I am going crazy here, who knows. I just know other than the missed period I do have all of the earliest symptoms. I even started having mild nausea 4 days ago, but it occurs in the afternoon and evenings.

2006-10-30 06:04:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I don't mind if it can't speak English.

2006-10-30 06:04:02 · 21 answers · asked by Josephine 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

i did the whole rape center thing and the police thing and everything that you have to do when your pregnant. this is the 4th time that i have been raped. i was raped three times by one person and raped once by this person. i havent told my mom and have no idea if i will even tell her. im 19 so i really can handle my own.. but now the thing is... he came in me and i had my period but could i still be pregnant. everytime i turn around i have to pee like a race horse and im really tired and swollen..you guys tell me?

2006-10-30 06:02:41 · 13 answers · asked by datgirlsoclassy 1 in Pregnancy

2006-10-30 05:58:30 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I took a ovualtion test this morning, it was positive!!! I know that it means that youll be ovualting in the next 24-36 hours, but how does all that work? If my Hubby and I do something tonight will it still get the job done,(if you know what i mean) . Please serious answer. I have been waiting along time for this test to become positive......

2006-10-30 05:58:15 · 7 answers · asked by TM 4 in Trying to Conceive

Me and my husband want to take our 6 month old trick-or-treating this Halloween, just for fun, to dress him up. If we knocked on your door with a baby in a stroller and a candy bag would you give us candy? Even though you knew the parents are getting the candy, not the baby?

2006-10-30 05:57:46 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

Okay I just asked a question, but I want to clear it up. When I went for an ultrasound at 17 weeks, my ob/gyn said she thought it was a girl but wasnt sure. Today, I went for another ultrasound at 21 weeks and the tech said she was 90% sure that it was a girl. The baby was moving around and she said she could see the 3 lines ( that would make it a baby girl ) She looked at the baby for 45 minutes and never once saw anything that made her think it could be a boy. I'm asking if anyone else has had a baby girl and how accurate were your ultrasounds?

2006-10-30 05:57:11 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

I need to know the avg shoe, dress, pants, shirt/blouse, etc for a six year old boy and a six year old girl.

2006-10-30 05:56:49 · 9 answers · asked by nytzgrl 2 in Grade-Schooler

i had unprotected sex on 10-25, i was ovulating at the time, and yesterday 10/29 i saw slight sign or spotting when i wipped. not a lot. my period is duw 11/09. i haven't had any symptoms. one breast did have sudden pain but only lasted 5 mintues than i haven't gotten again. i've also had a lot of headaches everyday i get one. is it too early to tell if im preg. me and my bf want to have a baby. has anyone experinced anything this early and found out they were pregnant later on?

2006-10-30 05:54:09 · 3 answers · asked by dominicanay2k 1 in Pregnancy

I am 16 and I have a son he is only a weeks old. But I want to start going to a night school but i dont know were any are. i live in new carlisle. Can anybody tell me about any night schools they know about?

2006-10-30 05:52:09 · 6 answers · asked by me 1 in Parenting

I was watching a video on babycenter.com about the procedures of an epidural...it looked fine but they mentioned that a urinary catheter was commen when you get the epidural...does this hurt?

2006-10-30 05:52:00 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I'm a stay at home mother. I recently just had a newborn & have a 3yr old. I feel like I do all the work, and my husband doesnt help as much as he thinks! He complains that being in the military and workin 60hrs a week makes him tired. So at night he doesnt wake up for the baby. Even on his days off. Is it fair?

2006-10-30 05:50:58 · 28 answers · asked by Island girl 2 in Parenting

I don't mean babysitting or mowing the lawn or anything. I heard at my school that you can get a job at the commissary bagging, but you only work for tips. I also heard that you can get a job there pushing carts. Any truth to this? Thanks.

2006-10-30 05:50:39 · 11 answers · asked by Sarcasm Queen 3 in Adolescent

2006-10-30 05:46:19 · 25 answers · asked by ~*meli$sa*~ 4 in Newborn & Baby

I was illegtimately set up 6 months ago by my exboyfriend to get pregnant....3 weeks after we had sex sure enough i had a missed period and was preg. i was 18 years old at the time and on my way to an ivy league school. I decided in my heart i would have the baby cuz abortion is against everything i believe it. when i told my parents my father wnet balistic on my boyfrined and went after him and kicked me out. my boyfreind ran away and i havent heard of him since... i heard he was now in the marines...never nthe lesst i was put in a situtaion and was forced to get an abortion. i was very eaarly in the pregnancy, not even 6 weeks when it was done through pills. I am very depressed and am in school. I am starting to date anyother guy and am bringing in striaght a's but i still cant get over this. I feel like such a horrible person. I would be 6 months along right now..., please i need some words of wisdom

2006-10-30 05:45:04 · 14 answers · asked by eden 1 in Pregnancy

I'm having my baby shower this upcoming weekend. We're having one big shower for all of our family (my fiance's family and mine). There are going to be a lot of people coming that I'm going to be meeting for the first time from his family and my fiance and I thought it would be more comfortable for me, and them, if he was there. My problem is, my grandma (who is one of the people throwing the shower for me) said my fiance CAN'T come! That baby showers are for women only! I understand that typically they are only for women, but I thought we could make an exception for him because he hasn't seen some of his family in years, and I thought it would be nice for him to be there and spend some time with them and be able to introduce them to me himself! But my grandma still said no way!

What should I do?

♥ Thank you! ♥

2006-10-30 05:43:08 · 19 answers · asked by Huliganjetta 5 in Pregnancy

is it normal to have a lot of discharge or is that a sign on pregnancy? we had sex the day before and after i was to ovulate last month; however, i had my pd when i was supposed to last... i have been having a lot of discharge the past week of so and i'm not due for my pd for a little over a week... also, i've been eating almost constantly and craving salads (which i rarely ate before)...

any help is really appreciated!

2006-10-30 05:42:51 · 5 answers · asked by curious 1 in Pregnancy

The pain has been nearly unbearable through most of the pregnancy. No one, including her chiropractor, has heard of anything similar. Someone guessed that it was muscle tearing away from the rib cage. She's small in stature, and terrified this isn't going to go away even when the baby gets here.

2006-10-30 05:42:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My little one tosses and turns all night, constantly kicking the covers off and then waking up several times a night from being cold.

I am looking for a store or company that makes sleep sacks in 24 mos/2t.

Thanks much! :-)

2006-10-30 05:41:27 · 9 answers · asked by lookingtomove 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

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