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Pregnancy & Parenting - 7 October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

just a few mins. ago i was talking about how i have no symptoms of preg. and im 6wks b/c i went to the doctor.

well i just puked but it was yellow. is this normal? this is my first pregnacy and im not sure whats normal and whats not

2006-10-07 06:24:45 · 11 answers · asked by hannah 1 in Pregnancy

2006-10-07 06:20:21 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Our daughter has been pretty on track with her sizes. She's going to be one year old in the first week of January. We're looking to buy a winter (snow) suit for her now, as it gets very cold here early on, especially at night (it hit 30 degrees here one night this week).

I don't mind buying a bit big, so getting her a 12 month sized suit now would be fine. But I'm not sure how long after she gets to a year the suit will fit her.

So I guess the questions are...

What size winter suit would you recommend that we buy for the baby, 12 months or 18 months? Is there an in-between size?

What would be better a one piece or a two piece? Why?

How much growth room will she have with a 12 month suit? (It stays cold here until late March, so she'd be almost 15 months.)

Are we just destined to buy her two snow suits every year? :-o

Many thanks!

2006-10-07 06:19:58 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

2006-10-07 06:17:54 · 18 answers · asked by ALVIN P 1 in Parenting

Okay, here's my ?.
Were your pregnancys alike with the same gender.
for example. Same symptoms, I had very parallel pregnancys with my girls.
and complete opposite with my boy. I knew something was different when I carried him.
Now this pregnancy is so similar to my sons,

is it fair to say or compare pregnancys ? and how many of you had similar experiences like mine?

2006-10-07 06:16:08 · 13 answers · asked by Make u 2 in Pregnancy

i am nearly two weeks late on my period and am not sure how long i have to wait, will it show up now???

2006-10-07 06:13:05 · 28 answers · asked by welshwife 4 in Pregnancy

I happened to actually watch a decent Oprah last night that was all about parents ruining their kids by not saying NO and literally spoiling them into ruin. There was this little 3 year old up there going off on her mother, a 9 year old who would hit her mother when she didn't snap to attention and do exactly what she asked when she asked, or objected. I was just lke WOW. I would have got the spanking of a lifetime had I tried that as a kid.

Well, a lot of people here seem to find discipline in any strict form too harsh for kids. How would you handle brats of that caliber? Do you already have them? Do you find it hard to say no to your kids? Or, do you give them any and everyting they want?

Kids in my house earn, they are not just given willy nilly. It's a good system. Punishment comes when you break the rules, simple as that. I beleive in the liberal use of the word "NO", and spankings when needed.

2006-10-07 06:07:00 · 20 answers · asked by Goddess of Nuts PBUH 4 in Parenting

2006-10-07 06:06:46 · 46 answers · asked by Ruby S 1 in Newborn & Baby

I know some of you might remember me. I found out yesterday that I I'm really pregnant and cried myself to sleep. My sis cousin and friend thinks that abortion I should have an abortion cuz I'm only 18 and I don't work, and I'm paying 72 thousand for college and this is my second year. We are having financial problems. It just really breaks my heart because the one time I miss a pill I get pregnant and the abortion thing makes me want to puke. I don’t believe in abortion at all because is not the baby's fault so y should he or she be send away from this world because of my own happiness? The dad does not know yet and he does not believe in abortion as well and we are not together anymore so my cousin and sis believe that the decision is all mine but I don't c it that way cuz I did make the baby myself even if we are no longer together. I prefer to get a job and take care of my responsibility and if I can handle it, I can always put the baby up for adoption because I know a lot of people out there wants baby and can have any so why kill an innocent child? I can’t even eat cuz I don’t know what my parents would do to me or what they might want me to do. I want to tell the guy first but again I’m being told I should tell my mother first so she can know what to do. What do u ladies think? Should I tell the guy first so that way we can try to figure things out or should I tell family first? I’m I wrong for not wanting abortion and wanting to tell the guy first? Please help me cuz I’m losing weight over this.

2006-10-07 05:59:27 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

i am planning to buy the Britax Decathlon Car seat for my daughter. She has low muscle tone and this seat looks very supportive. I was just wondering if anyone else has one and how they like it. To see it go to babiesrus. Go to car seat. Go to convertable seats. It is the Decathlon. The style is Tiffany.

2006-10-07 05:51:52 · 6 answers · asked by mommyofthree 3 in Newborn & Baby

Can your diet or any kind of exercise do it? I'm trying to change the way I walk to see if that helps any

2006-10-07 05:51:15 · 21 answers · asked by Marcy C 2 in Adolescent

I have white spots/small lumps by my nipples (on the dark park of the breast), could this be a sign of pregnancy?


2006-10-07 05:43:17 · 18 answers · asked by Abby B 2 in Pregnancy

I have posted earlier regarding this but didnt give enough info i feel..I just stopped nursing my 20mths boy...and got my 1st menses on 17/09 ( after 2yrs without menstrurating). I had intercourse on 02/10.The last i remember im on 28day cycle.I had a dark brown discharge last night & today i had a dark red spots..like my periods only very light..I did not experience this with my 1st pregnancy.Could this be implantation bleeding? When should i go for a test? Or is it normal to experience this after so long without my periods.Please share your views...
Thanks in advance

2006-10-07 05:28:04 · 8 answers · asked by ddko 2 in Trying to Conceive

i just turned 20 i have a three year old daughter and i'm 6 months pregnate with twins!! and my daughter tara wont accept the fact that she will be an older sister what should i do? and advice on baby names?

2006-10-07 05:25:28 · 12 answers · asked by sweet thang 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I doubt it's the iron causing it as there is hardly any in it. Is it too soon to give her prune juice?

2006-10-07 05:19:55 · 25 answers · asked by Tammyorr 2 in Newborn & Baby


well i wanna no could i be pregnant or not and if not what could it be?? could u get pregnant 7 days after u ovlate and 7 days b4 ur period?? here are the signs:

1. tried
3. hungery
4. bloated
5. nasueated
6. breast hurt
7. heartburn
8. sometimes headaches....

2006-10-07 05:17:27 · 6 answers · asked by MZ.SMOOTH 2 in Trying to Conceive

When my son wants something and I don't let him have it he throws a fit and screams and crys. I guess it's the terrible twos. I put him in his room and told him when he can stop crying he can come out. Is that ok? How do you handle your child when they scream and cry? thanks so much

2006-10-07 05:04:48 · 21 answers · asked by tina*21 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

I know I have kinda harped on this subject, but I never heard of people being so down on pagents until I started getting on Yahoo Answers. One of my best friends growing up, was in pagents all her life and she is a perfectly normal, sweet, loving adult, so she wasn't harmed by them. I have heard some on her make reference to perverts and such, but I have never heard a case where a child was harmed as a direct result of a pagent. They haven't even proved why Jon Benet was killed, so there is no proof it was related to the pagents. I personally wouldn't put put all that makeup, hair pieces, and $1000 costumes, but regular pagents, like local town pagents don't do this, or not the ones I have seen. If a child wants to do these pagents, the parents don't deserve to be critisized for allowing it. What is the difference in these pagents and a parent who gets their kid an agent and starts hiring them out as a model for clothes companies or magazines? It is all in good fun, so please tell me.

2006-10-07 04:54:11 · 12 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5 in Parenting

he started nursery 3 weeks ago

2006-10-07 04:52:42 · 48 answers · asked by clair r 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

My 2 week old newborn has been on 3 different formulas since she was born.
First in the hospital she was given Enfamil with Iron......they discovered that she had a reflux and had us switch her to Enfamil Prosobee.......a week later she was still spitting up horribly and decided they wanted her to switch to Enfamil A.R. and she has been on that a week now.....
Dr. thinks that she might be mildly colic and have severe gas, plus she is not eating a whole lot and now they want to switch her again to Enfamil Gentlease.....

Does anyone have any opinions on this? As far as, should she be switching formulas this much and whether Gentlease works better than the A.R. formula.

Any help is appreciated.

2006-10-07 04:43:21 · 15 answers · asked by samanthasevart 2 in Newborn & Baby

My daughter is 6 months and tom cruises baby was three months in the magazine with a full head of hair. My son had a lot of hair at birth and still has a chunk of hair. My daughter doesn't have much at all. I'm just wondering what is the typical age for babies to toddler to get their hair. My husband and I have thick hair, her's is thin? I need help from parents with this problem!

2006-10-07 04:41:16 · 13 answers · asked by fourcheeks4 5 in Newborn & Baby

They dont need to do much do they! Just sit back and push! Its only like dropping a jobbie!

2006-10-07 04:38:41 · 54 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

my friends say breastfeed only to make fun of my big breast, but I befuddled(confused)

2006-10-07 04:38:21 · 22 answers · asked by ♥MissC♥ 2 in Pregnancy

2006-10-07 04:38:08 · 4 answers · asked by Curious Mind wants to know 3 in Pregnancy

i love my 13 yr old nephew; so much so that I have taken him into my home to raise along with his 10 yr old sister, as well as my 8 yr old daughter. I took them in, bc I felt that they needed attention that they werent getting while living with my dad who now has a new girlfriend and no time to spare or spend with them. There mother (my sister) has not had an active role in any of there lives since she gave up her rights 5 years ago and my dad adopted them, but she does come around once a week( but never on weekends "bc she has things to do"). He has been living with me since 8/06, and has been suspended for calling a girl out of her name, plus he's failing some of his classes, and talking back to teachers,all of which are female. The male teachers say they have had no problems with him. I understand WHY he has no respect (bc of his mother), I just need to know a way to gain it without busting him upside the head. I've ran out out patience and talking doesnt help anymore!!!

2006-10-07 04:32:22 · 10 answers · asked by Free_Spirit 3 in Parenting

Should I let her keep it and get myself a new one? She's only 10, I can't believe she knows what they're for.

2006-10-07 04:25:50 · 36 answers · asked by Emily 3 in Adolescent

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