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Pregnancy & Parenting - 25 August 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

Just wanted to ask ppl's opinion about this because i know everyone is different.

2006-08-25 13:18:58 · 19 answers · asked by VaLeRieZ_MaMii 2 in Pregnancy

i am 35 weeks pregnant and i have been having rectal pressure and pain whenever the baby moves his head...its really uncomfortable..is this normal?

2006-08-25 13:18:47 · 10 answers · asked by 5 JEWELS 1 in Pregnancy

I got my periods when i was 17 then it lasted couple of months then when i was 19 i had it again for couple of months then at 22 i get white discharge often(signaling start/end of periods i guess)ive never had sex nor taken pill since i had ops i waited to regularise it now im 24 i want to regularise it what tests needs to be done(this is for me to research dont say ask dr i will)and what should i take instead of birth control since i want to have baby now.I was quite short 4/7 so i had ops,lost alot of weight,im 5'2''88lbs now,24yrs

2006-08-25 13:18:08 · 6 answers · asked by unleashedemotions 1 in Trying to Conceive

Hi Everyone. I'm 39.5 weeks pregnant with my first baby (a girl) and I'm totally losing my patience! I am soooo ready to get this moving along! The house is clean, the bag is packed, the nursery is set...and here I am..HUGE, exausted, crabby and waiting to meet my precious baby.

So...my question is..are first baby's likely to go past their due date? God..I hope not! LOL

2006-08-25 13:17:45 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I want this club to be spectacular. I mean, this is the God of parenting we are following here. What criteria should I set up for admission? Does anyone here want to join? I am a late follower. i was misled by the naysayers and idiots that told me to follow my instincts, then I bought his book and golden light shone from it once I opened it, and I was shown The Way. I want every parent to see the light. We must obey Dr. Sears. Must. Obey. Sears. Must. Obey. Obey.

2006-08-25 13:16:18 · 5 answers · asked by Goddess of Nuts PBUH 4 in Parenting

I like men and females am I crazy ?

2006-08-25 13:13:37 · 14 answers · asked by Monica R 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Well, it's mostly my mom. I don't even know why she all the sudden starting to act like this. I'm 15 and not the ugliest girl in the world. Ok like whenever we go somewhere, she and I'm not at her for like THE WHOLE TIME we're there [if I walk off or something], she throws a fit and starts calling out my name and stuff and I'll be doing something normal like hanging out with my friends. And recently, I was just talking with my best friends bf about school and stuff and we were alone waiting for my friend to come out of the bathroom. We were sort of standing by a door but not completely in a corner. I wasn't flirting with him or anything like that. My dad walks out, notices us, smiles, asks me a question and then walks on. Later on he told my mom that he had me 'cornered' and when she asked me what we were talking about, I said school. Which was the absolute truth. And yet she still gave me this face like "I don't belive you." And yet she says she trusts me. I just hate it.

2006-08-25 13:11:37 · 11 answers · asked by K 3 in Adolescent

would you give 13 year old child drugs or alcohol just because you don't want them to do it behind your back ? my mom made me do this when i was 13 yaers old.

2006-08-25 13:02:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

if so did they carry the baby full term and how did they learn they were pregnant?

2006-08-25 13:00:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

i put orl jell on her gum's sometime's it helps and sometime's it doesn't i put a warm cloth on her gum's can anyone tell me when they cut teeth does it feel like they have a tooth ack because my son was not this bad when he started cutting his teeth but that was 9yrs ago can anyone give me some advice

2006-08-25 12:56:30 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I mean those which are non-washable.
Is spraying them with lysol disinfectant safe?
Is there any 'kid-friendly' disinectant available in market?
Please help me....

2006-08-25 12:52:17 · 11 answers · asked by RST 2 in Parenting

I am tring to throw my sister a baby shower but i dont know where i should have it. i want to have it somewhere other then the house or the park. for my first sister we threw it at this place called PoFolks and it was inexpencive and nice. I would like to give her kinda the same thing but NOT AT PoFolks! THANK YOU

2006-08-25 12:51:32 · 6 answers · asked by jailhouserockgurl 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

My mom and me never talk!! It's really complicated. She wasnt ever really a good mom anyways. Always choosing her new bf's over us. She tried to commit sucide when i was 5 months pregnant. I was the only one who pulled her ex convict husband off her. Since me and my fiancee have moved in together. She lives with her brother. She never comes by and there house is like less then a block away. She never calls and when i do call her she finds and excuse to get off the phone and always says shell call me back and never does. It's frusterating because she comes to my work sometimes and all she does is pick fights. Like i was upset yesterday and she just sat there and smiled and was like i told you it wasnt going to work out and then drove off. and never bothered to call and see if i was okay. She's not the perfect mother but i do wish we were closer it bugs me more everyday. I just want to be close...Anyone else ever wish they were closer to there mom??

2006-08-25 12:50:40 · 8 answers · asked by cutenwild1769 5 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

An assemblywoman in California is putting a new law in front of our governor to sign. That they have to sit in a booster seat until they turn 9. How ridiculous is this. My son is seven and he's so tall people think he's about 10, like I'm really going to make him be a baby and try and fit into a booster seat.
What about people who have more than one child? They want to tax us for getting larger cars, but they want to make it impossible for us not to have one.
What do you think?

2006-08-25 12:48:24 · 13 answers · asked by lc 5 in Grade-Schooler

if i had a abortion 2 weeks ago can my doctor tell i had a abortion because i told her i had a mis carriage would she beable to tell the difference even after everything has cleared up.i lied because i am shame of getting a abortion .

2006-08-25 12:46:50 · 12 answers · asked by new orleans cutie 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

First when a child is very young, the parents do whatever it takes to satisfy their every want and need. Then, when the child is older, the parents realize that they've completely spoiled the child, and resort to fascist policies where the child has to do whatever the parents say, no matter what the child thinks about it. The child, raised as a spoiled jerk, is confused and incapable of doing all of what the parents order them to do, and so they whine. Then, the parents' realization of how wrong they were years ago hits even harder and so they become even more fascist and start taking away things that the child's life revolves around (also due to the child being spoiled, because the parents let it revolve around those things). The child, now confused and angry, starts complaining more and more until their complaining reaches Yahoo! Answers in the form of a question as to whether or not other parents do the same thing. So tell me, has this happened to you?

2006-08-25 12:43:48 · 18 answers · asked by rokkon 3 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

And give a good reason why you feel this way

2006-08-25 12:38:04 · 22 answers · asked by lynn 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

School starts soon and I need a LARGE bag to carry my text books, binders, notbooks, folders, you name it, around school and we don't have enough time to go to our locker inbetween each class so I will need a large bag to get me through a few classes. Any places I can find nice/designer/preferably juicy couture bags cheap? Any idea's for a bag would do but I'm hoping for a Juicy Couture, CK Bradley, Lonchamp...ANYTHING! please and thank you!

2006-08-25 12:37:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I read somewhere that it was ok to drink moderately while breastfeeding just as long as you drink immediately after the feeding so that when the next feeding comes around the alcohol content will be lowered and not so much will pass to baby. is this true?

2006-08-25 12:37:36 · 39 answers · asked by nesha0972 1 in Newborn & Baby

he says he wants nothing to do with the mother he just wants to be a good father and i want nothing to do with the child we're madely in love with eachother and are getting married in 9 months. will things work out or will i be heart broken

2006-08-25 12:37:04 · 20 answers · asked by confussed 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

How it felt to give birth
After going through Lamaze, Leboyer, and La Leche classes with his expectant wife, the proud new father remained by her bedside throughout the labor delivery and wanting to be as sympathetic as possible, he took his wife's hand afterward and said emotionally. "Tell, me how it was, darling, how it actually felt to give birth."

"OK, honey," his wife replied. "Smile as hard as you can."

Beaming down at his wife and smile, the man followed her instsuctions. "That's not hard."

She continued, "Now stick a finger in each corner of you mouth." He obeyed, smiling broadly. "Now stretch your lips as far as they'll go," she went on.

"Still not to tough." he remarked.

"Right." she snapped. "Now pull them over your head."

1. When I forget to go to the grocery store, I will not boil the macaroni necklaces my children made for me in preschool.

2. When I hear one of my children wake in the middle of the night, I will run upstairs to supervise before he relieves himself in the sink and then creeps into the bathtub to return to sleep.

3. I will pack the kids' lunch boxes the night before so I don't throw in a slab of frozen lasagna as they're running for the bus. "It'll defrost by lunch. If not, you can suck it like an ice pop."

4. I will resist the urge to explain to strangers why my son is wearing winter boots, a bathing suit bottom, and an inside-out and backward pajama top. I will be grateful that he is able to dress himself.

5. I will not tell my children that the Play-Doh dried up just because I don't feel like cleaning up after they use it, even though I know it means I'll spend the evening harvesting the colored stuff from the carpet fibers, chair cushions and the dog's fur.

6. I will always protect the rights of my children, especially their right to remain silent.

7. I will learn to accept the outbursts and tantrums as a part of life. After all, I promised to love my husband for better or worse.

8. When my husband and I go to a restaurant without the kids, I will not roll up his sleeves or move the knives from his reach. I will not accompany him to the bathroom and remind him to wash his hands with soap. If my husband wants dessert at the end of the meal, I will not tell him it depends on his behavior.

9. When I'm tired of hearing "mommieeeeee!" a thousand times each day, I will resist changing my name to "Please pass the spinach" or "TV is boring, I'd rather read."

10. I will develop an ability to have a conversation with an adult that doesn't revolve around labor pains or children's toilet habits. I will feel comfortable in the silence that ensues when neither of us can think of any other topic to discuss or remember we can always discuss the weather.

11. I will be more flexible about children's nutritional requirements by counting the ketchup and green crayon as vegetables.

12. When my children beg for a pet, I will buy them each a hutch for the dust bunnies that have multiplied under their beds. I will let them name each dust bunny.

13. I will count how often I repeat the phrase "You'd better listen because I will not repeat myself", until my children actually notice that I have spoken. I will not raise my voice until I have said it at least that many times.

14. When my kids are older (at least 50), I will explain why they never have any chocolate candy left after Mommy and Daddy "check" their Halloween bags.

15. I will be a good, fair and loving parent to my children. I will provide them with enriching experiences and opportunities. I will give them a solid foundation on which to build a useful life. After all, they may eventually be responsible for choosing a nursing home for me to live out my final days

2006-08-25 12:32:27 · 7 answers · asked by Pisces 2 in Parenting

My godchild and his brother have been living with me since May. Well it's that time again for school and my godchild started Pre-K. and his brother is in 3rd grade. They see each other for lunch everyday and then my godchild starts to cry because he misses his brother. What can I do to maybe help him. I have done sitting down with him and telling him that it will be ok and that he will see his brother on the bus but it did not work. Is there anything I can do or he will just have to get over it himself.

2006-08-25 12:31:44 · 7 answers · asked by Amy L 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

im 29 weeks preg, due in nov, and i feel like a blob, nasty. i have a two year old and when i became pregnant of him, my body drastically changed, i never went back to the old me, how can i feel attrative with myself i feel embarased in front of my husband.
any suggestions?? please dont be rude

2006-08-25 12:21:43 · 19 answers · asked by junkinmytrunk 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I was breastfeeding my son when I was hospitilized for my high blood pressure. They told me that I couldnt breastfeed him because of the medicine that I was taking so I had to "pump and dump" as they called it. I did this for two days until my nurse for the night whom also happened to be a lactation consultant told me that it was okay to breastfeed while taking the magnesium sulfate. But by then the damage was done. My son was hooked on formula and wasnt latching onto my breast anymore. I really miss the connection and I know that breast is best but my supply has completely dwindled. Is there anyway that you can "restimulate" your breasts to make milk again?

2006-08-25 12:21:27 · 15 answers · asked by Ms.Shortcake 1 in Newborn & Baby

What if I choose life? Am I Pro-Choice?

2006-08-25 12:17:42 · 20 answers · asked by Ayumi 23 3 in Newborn & Baby

I've got a little bulge in my lower abdomen, and I've gained 7 pounds, bringing me up to 126. Someone told me today that I wasnt gaining enough weight and I should be showing a lot more already. Then she asked if I had felt the baby move yet and I said "No, not yet", and she said that "Thats not good. It might not be alive then because you arent gaining much weight and you should have felt it move by now." I dont have another Dr. appt for 2 1/2 more weeks. I'm trying not to freak out, but I'm scared now that I may have lost the baby even though I've been healthy. Any input or similar experiences?

2006-08-25 12:15:49 · 34 answers · asked by Island_Girl 2 in Pregnancy

What do you think?

2006-08-25 12:15:35 · 20 answers · asked by nana_dt 2 in Parenting

Unless this baby comes out of me in the next week, I'm being induced. I'm between 1-2 cm dialated already, and am losing mucous plug bits throughout the day. I know Clary Sage oil can help speed things up, but how do I use it? Just sniff it? Massage on acupressure points? In a bath? Roll around in it like a giant hog?

Anyone got the dirt on how to use the stuff?

2006-08-25 12:12:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I swear this is true!!
At the supermarket checkout today, the woman in front of me sent her 14-ish year old son off to get something she'd forgotten.
He came back with that "see I can be useful" look on his face and handed her a jar.
She "What's this"?
He "It's what you asked for"
She "Read the label"
He "French mustard"

2006-08-25 12:10:48 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

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