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Politics - 26 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

I have no problems with affordable health care but not FREE health care. Just like a lawsuit, if it is free, people would love to sue anything for money.

2007-07-26 09:58:01 · 12 answers · asked by Samm 6

Do you not see your anti-semitism and the ties you have to Nazi Germany not the one you claim Republicans have. You want to defame a 4,000 year old religion whose members have been present in Canaan (currently the area of Gaza up to parts of Lebanon and Syria). Judiasm is a major influence on the religions of Christinanity and Islam. The British Mandate of Palestine that was adopted by the UN gives the Jewish people their homeland irrevocably. Your acting that Israel has done nothing for use forgets the Jewish resistance to the Nazis and the founders of the PLO the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem collaboration with the Nazis against the allies and their desire to create a final solution in the Middles East also. Palestinians were members of the Waffen SS. In all wars the losing states lose territory thus why should not the Palestinians? And Holocaust denyiers remember Soviets, Catholic Poles, Gypsies, Gays, Mentally Ill, and the disabled were also slaughtered in this.

2007-07-26 09:54:12 · 17 answers · asked by ALASPADA 6

Can anyone who wants to get a COLLEGE EDUCATION?

2007-07-26 09:48:48 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is becoming increasingly clear that one of the things facing us from the Insurance companies will be to charge us according to out lifestyles. Smokers, drinkers, overeaters, undereaters, underexercisers, overexercisers, workaholics, gamblers, those who drive too fast, those who drive too slow, etc. etc.
What these people are saying is that if you do anything extreme and become a medical risk whether mentally or physically it's going to affect your premium. It will start with the smokers, then the drinkers, then it will continue to snowball.
My question is... How many of us fit the perfect citizen criteria? Already we, or at least I, can't get insurance because of pre- existing conditions. Are those of us who don't measure up to the expectations of a board of inquiry going to be left out? Are we any less human than others who are more fortunate or may have made all the right decisions and were afforded the wonderful opportunities to make mental and physical healthy choices in life

2007-07-26 09:48:27 · 22 answers · asked by Don W 6

Will he find new laws to break?
Will he put us deeper into debt?
Will he get more thousands of kids killed?

You know it will be something, you can set your watch by GW doing something collosally stupid, illegal, unethical or outright bizarre.
What will it be today?

2007-07-26 09:44:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-26 09:42:49 · 21 answers · asked by Page 4

that they are 100% wrong about Liberals 99% of the time? It's past time to burst that stereo type bubble they have of Liberals.

I am a Liberal
I own guns
I am a home school teacher for my youngest child with learning disabilities
I am a Christian
I am against abortion
I despise terrorist
I support the troops
I don't want the troops to fail, I simply didn't want the war to start
Our family income is above the national average
I have never been on welfare
I know that Clinton lied, I just like to put it in perspective
I love the United States of America
I do have strong family values

Please feel free to add to the list. Conservatives will be baffled by just how wrong they are IF they are willing to accept the truth.

2007-07-26 09:42:06 · 17 answers · asked by truth seeker 7

2007-07-26 09:38:03 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-26 09:37:14 · 11 answers · asked by Dangerous 2

Many Democrats support the idea of raising the minimum wage
to $15-20 per hour.

2007-07-26 09:33:11 · 26 answers · asked by J.R. 2

I see a lot of banter on this site about gas guzzling SUV's, luxury cars etc. Who knows if there is any truth to the accusations back and forth. So, if yu wish, share the year, make and model of what your drive, your political affiliation if any and your job.

2007-07-26 09:32:42 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, on one side you have the Republicans who lied to get us into this endless war with Iraq, and are still lying about it.

On the other side, you have the Democrats, who ALSO lied to get us into this endless war. Now they regret it, but not quite enough to actually do anything to end it.

2007-07-26 09:32:35 · 9 answers · asked by ThatOneDude 3

2007-07-26 09:31:45 · 11 answers · asked by Dangerous 2

"Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric." Thomas Sowell

"The main political problem is how to prevent police powers from becoming tyrannical. This is the meaning of all struggles for Liberty." Ludwig Von Mises

"The true danger is when Liberty is nibbled away, for expedients and by parts.... The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"It is seldom that any Liberty is lost all at once." David Hugh

"A government big enough to supply you with everything you need is a government big enough to take away everything that you have.... The course of history shows that as the government grows, liberty decreases." Thomas Jefferson

2007-07-26 09:31:21 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous


Don't they know that Tin Foil Fez can help them out???

2007-07-26 09:30:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

At least 64 U.S. troops have died this month, a relatively low number compared with American death tolls of more than 100 for the previous three months, according to an Associated Press tally based on military statements.

2007-07-26 09:29:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was in Poli Sci and the prof mentioned something that sounded like "sailing" issue, and he said it's an issue that mostly everybody has on opinion on, like the war in iraq, abortion, etc. Can anybody tell me if I'm spelling that right?

2007-07-26 09:29:28 · 5 answers · asked by Me 6

2007-07-26 09:26:49 · 25 answers · asked by Page 4

got to get me some of that. don't ya know?

2007-07-26 09:22:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-26 09:20:47 · 28 answers · asked by Abu#2 4

To be more specific, is it a plus that she can intelligently defend herself and her positions or is it a negative that she feels she MUST ALWAYS defend herself?

2007-07-26 09:20:41 · 4 answers · asked by Greywolf 6

How could we have done it all differently up until today?

Assuming hindsight is 20/20. I'm not looking for insults or trying to insult, I'm looking for opinions on how we could have done it all differently.

2007-07-26 09:14:12 · 14 answers · asked by Incognito 5

were they more concerned about protecting religion from government or protecting government from excessive influence by religion.

When they said, Congress shall make no law establishing........

Does it sound like its about one or the other?

2007-07-26 09:10:32 · 19 answers · asked by ningis n 1

2007-07-26 09:09:17 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

WASHINGTON - FBI Director Robert S. Mueller said Thursday the government's terrorist surveillance program was the topic of a 2004 hospital room dispute between top Bush administration officials, contradicting Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' sworn Senate testimony.

2007-07-26 09:09:11 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

If Hillary is elected and steals oil companies profits, like she said she plans on doing, would this cause the gas prices to rise even more for the oil companies to recover their profits?

2007-07-26 09:08:11 · 13 answers · asked by Abu#2 4

2007-07-26 09:04:19 · 15 answers · asked by Garland Red Neck 1

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