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that they are 100% wrong about Liberals 99% of the time? It's past time to burst that stereo type bubble they have of Liberals.

I am a Liberal
I own guns
I am a home school teacher for my youngest child with learning disabilities
I am a Christian
I am against abortion
I despise terrorist
I support the troops
I don't want the troops to fail, I simply didn't want the war to start
Our family income is above the national average
I have never been on welfare
I know that Clinton lied, I just like to put it in perspective
I love the United States of America
I do have strong family values

Please feel free to add to the list. Conservatives will be baffled by just how wrong they are IF they are willing to accept the truth.

2007-07-26 09:42:06 · 17 answers · asked by truth seeker 7 in Politics & Government Politics

17 answers

I hate George Bush as, a person ruling a country must have brains and he doesnt.

2007-07-26 09:47:20 · answer #1 · answered by The ROCK 4 · 10 3

I am a Liberal
I don't own guns.. but I'm not anti-gun
I'm a veteran
I'm a father with two sons now serving and two daughters
I am a Christian (but don't feel the need to impose my beliefs on anyone else)
I am NOT against abortion
I despise terrorists
I support the troops (but not the President)
I don't want the troops to fail, I simply didn't want the war to start and I don't define sucess a WWII victory
My income is pretty decent (college educated thanks to the VA)
I have never been on welfare
I know that Clinton lied, I just like to put it in perspective
I love the United States of America
I do have strong family values (but that is not to be construed as Pat Robertson's value system)

2007-07-26 16:51:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 9 1

Not that I care what others think of me;

No affiliation
I love the United States of America
I have no problem with responsible people owning guns
I have no problem with homeschooling
I am college educated, and returning to finish my degree
I may be a non-practicing catholic, but I read my bible, and try to live my life accordingly
I have strong family values
I am not against abortion, but I strongly advocate for education and prevention over it's use
I despise terrorism
I support the troops; I just hate the war, and our soldiers being used as insurgent target practice
I've never been on welfare, nor will I ever accept it
I work for a living
I'm not well off, but I'm not starving either
I do not live in my parents' basement, I own half of my parents' home

2007-07-26 17:28:07 · answer #3 · answered by tiny Valkyrie 7 · 4 0

I'm with you, truth seeker, here you go:

I am a moderate with liberal leanings
I don't own guns, but I believe in the 2nd amendment right to do so.
I have been married for 16 years
I have three children
I am a homemaker
I am a Christian, though I am not religious in the traditional sense
I am against abortion for me, but I am pro-choice.
I despise terrorists
I grew up in a military family and I support our troops
I don't see the war in Iraq as a troop failure, but rather a political one
My family is comfortable
I have never been on welfare
I know that Clinton lied, but I don't think that the ramifications of that lie were as far reaching as the present administration's lies.
I love the USA and would never leave it
I have very strong family values
I am against illegal immigration and amnesty.

2007-07-27 10:29:54 · answer #4 · answered by Bon Mot 6 · 3 0

I think it shows how far words have been twisted. We've come to believe that social issues are the only thing that shapes the political view. The basic difference was the debate on what the federal government's role should be in society.

But to put the shoe on the other foot as a conservative I get tired of hearing about how much we love the war, we're so cold and uncaring, unenlightened or just dumb and racist. One of the major reasons why the Dem's won back the senate and the house is because conservatives didn't goose step behind Bush and his neocon crownies to the polls.

We all want people to live happy, healthy and productive lives. The question is how to achieve it.

Also a big :) to you and anyone else that home schools their children!

2007-07-26 17:19:18 · answer #5 · answered by Ken B 1 · 3 0

I'm a liberal.
I hate political correctness
I hate Affirmative Action
I hate guns.
I'm pro-abortion.
Illegal aliens need to be deported.
I'm Christian.
I despise terrorists.
I support the troops.
I have never been on welfare.
I believe all men are created equal, thus gay rights.
I have strong family values
I don't want the troops to fail either, but ignoring a blunder and pretending that the war is going well is dishonest and wrong
I'm aware Clinton lied (albeit about a BJ), but I feel that one is able to separate their personal life from their job as most Americans do everyday in order to be successful at work.

2007-07-27 14:06:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I am proud of my life accomplishments and don't care what they think of me. But for grins here ya go.
Independent with liberal tendencies.
Own guns
Believe in a higher consciousness
Work for a non-profit
Support the men and women of the military
Against the illegal invasion/occupation of Iraq
Abortion is private and has nothing to with the government. As well as any personal decision.
I live very well.
Yes Clinton lied. Not comparable to this days fiasco.
I love this country.
I have a great family and extended family.
I will never wear Birkenstocks.
Bathe daily.

2007-07-26 17:22:46 · answer #7 · answered by gone 7 · 4 0

I'm a bleeding heart liberal and I have guns; registered of course. I am a Christian - but instead of saying; I live by example. I have never been on welfare, I make a decent living; I support the troops; I do not want them fighting another country's battle though. Yes Clinton lied, I do not agree with abortion but never had to make that choice; I hate Osuma Bin Laden and all other Jihadists!

2007-07-26 16:59:35 · answer #8 · answered by buzzard 2 · 4 0

Well... politics definitley aren't black and white. It's how you see yourself, and everything in this world is definitley defined through our subjective perspective.

To add to your list.

- I am a Liberal Moderate Socialist

- I don't own guns and believe in gun control (although I think if you're fit and capable of owning a gun I have no problem with that).

- I am not a Christian, nor a member of any other organized religion, but I have no problem with those who are.

- I believe in expanding the democratic process, and believe that democracy is above right/left politics currently dominating political thought.

- I believe this war on terror really has nothing to do with terrorism.

- I have never been on welfare, and earn more than the average person in my age group (21 -25).

- I believe health care is a right and not a priviledge only for those who can afford it.

- I believe education is a right and not a priviledge for the wealthier members of society.

- I believe people shoudl take responsibilty for their actions, and that people decide their own destinies... moreso I believe government should never interfere with the individual deciding his/her destiny.

- I believe in peace and discussion first, before war. I only think war is acceptable when absolutley necessary.

- I am for birth control, gay marriages, I am pro-choice, and I am against religion having any place in the political structure.. religion shouldn't even be debated since we live in a land diverse with religions. All of these topics are private individual matters, and should not be communal initiatives... that will only result in people getting alienated and feeling "left out".

- I am for financial responsibilty in the government, and believe debts should be paid first, before we as a society indulge in anything extra... we must be responsible first.

I can go on and on but you get the picture. That was fun.

2007-07-26 17:03:33 · answer #9 · answered by MattH 6 · 5 0

I'm a liberal and I work as a Social worker...many of the people I work with are soldiers returning from Iraq.....sort of blows a hole in the whole "hate the troops" thing. I am also pro-life

2007-07-26 16:49:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 8 2

Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it
deserves it.
Mark Twain


2007-07-27 12:18:17 · answer #11 · answered by fitzovich 7 · 3 0

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