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Politics - 26 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

I ask this question because according to Webster's dictionary Liberal means respectful of the ideas of others, and also favoring democratic reform and the use of governmental resources to effect social change. Isn't this what our forefathers envisioned for our nation?

2007-07-26 05:13:25 · 13 answers · asked by perception 2

Let's make a deal.

Cons: Legalize Gay Marriage Libs: Give up Social Security
Cons; Legalize Dope Libs: Give up National Health Care
Cons: Legalize Abortion Libs: Give up welfare
Cons: Give up the guns Libs: Death sentence for every criminal that uses a gun in the offense of a crime.
Cons: Support Stem Cell from fetus Libs: Support Flat taxes

Here is a good start, on bringing us closer together, what say you?

2007-07-26 05:08:29 · 7 answers · asked by libsticker 7

2007-07-26 05:03:22 · 18 answers · asked by sally 1

Since people think we need to spend less on handouts to people (I am assuming they mean to people, and NOT corporations) and more on the military, I was just wondering how much more money the military would get, if we cut all of the poor children off of welfare...and while we are at it, let'e let the GOP have all of their way, and make abortion obsolete, that way our population goes up 25%...and we get rid of welfare, and spend it on the military. How does your country look now?

2007-07-26 05:02:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it easy for you to use and does it work well? I am just curious because it seems to be such a bad thing here in the US to want a similar health care program. Thanks! Please, serious answers only...

2007-07-26 04:43:57 · 14 answers · asked by slykitty62 7

would you fall on a grenade to save your country?

Would you blow yourself up to save your family and your country?

Are there some some things worth dying for ???

Are you a christian....???

2007-07-26 04:43:36 · 10 answers · asked by ron j 1

No EU country will extradite a suspect if they face the death penalty.

In theory if Osoma Bin Laden gave himself up in the UK, he could not be legally extradited to the US without a legally binding assurance that he will not face the death penalty.

2007-07-26 04:37:25 · 7 answers · asked by eorpach_agus_eireannach 5

2007-07-26 04:31:45 · 21 answers · asked by Seaweed 1

Folks, an attorney general is a symbol of integrity and honor holding steadfast to the law before the constitution. Gonzalez is refuting HIS OWN testimony before Congress, this is another sad and continued demonstration of the inadequecy of the Bush White House.

2007-07-26 04:24:38 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My taxes could go up $12,000 a year, and I would break even. Since I got health insurance, I can't get them to pay for ANYTHING. It takes 4 visits to the pharmacy, 3 phone calls to my insurance company and still I can't get my prescription filled. When I went to the clinic, I could get a prescription and fill it right there. Clinics are GOVERNMENT run. So, without using hypotheticals, tell me how UHC could possibly be worse than a for profit insurance company that stands between me and my doctor?

2007-07-26 04:23:11 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

the answer is Yes, but I would like to hear your opinions.

2007-07-26 04:22:44 · 21 answers · asked by cujo711 2

2007-07-26 04:21:12 · 19 answers · asked by The real Ed-Mike 3

I posted a question asking whether global warming had stopped, since 1998 was the "hottest year on record."

Beren then posted "where do cons get their information" with a link to my question and a link to NASA saying 2005 was depending on how you assess it, .1 degree warmer than 1998. This q/a still stands.

Actually NASA is alone among the various agencies worldwide in considering 2005 to be hotter than 1998. Most consider 2005 the second warmest - though some try to "adjust" for the El Nino in 1998 - - - not that that makes any sense, that heat had to come from somewhere and go somewhere, I don't see how you don't include that - - - - and everyone puts 2006 at 4th or 5th.

So I posted a question responding to Beren, saying "Yes Beren, 1998 was the warmest year" and supporting this assertion with several links. THAT was reported and removed by Y/A as a "violation" - - - -

It was no more personal than and no different from the Lib post, yet mine was removed. Why?

2007-07-26 04:11:03 · 7 answers · asked by truthisback 3

In the Koran, it says that you get 72 virgins in heaven if you die killing an infidel. But it doesn't go into much detail about what the virgins look like, or really anything about them. So, their virgins may be more like this:


You think they might be in for a surprise???? What kind of virgins do you think they'll be getting in heaven?

2007-07-26 04:09:00 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

In theory, it's not a bad idea...I've never understood why we treat it like it's evil...still. Think about it, in theory mind you, a bunch of people working together toward a common goal of bettering the lives of everyone and eliminating hate and violence based on wage disparities? If it wasn't so easily corrupted, I don't think that it would be a bad way to organize a government...who's paying for your healthcare or making sure that you are able to find employment...not the capitalist system. Any thoughts other than calling me an Anti-American Communist?

2007-07-26 03:50:24 · 26 answers · asked by jaimelleonard 4

Long gas lines and video of exploded helicopters attempting to save the hostages plastered all over the television. Those poor hostages blindfolded and giving confessions 24/7. Would that have made his popularity in the single digits?

2007-07-26 03:49:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've always heard Republicans accuse Democrats of being the 'gimmiecrat' party..or giving government handouts to people.

But what about Republican welfare handouts to companies?

Isn't corporate welfare just as bad as individual welfare?

Okay..the argument is...companies create jobs so that seems to make it okay..but the reality is..if people have to fend for themselves without handouts...why shouldn't corporations have to fend for themselves as well? If a company can't survive without a government handout..let it fold!

Basically, isn't it true Republicans love giving government handouts as much as Democrats?

2007-07-26 03:47:04 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

An hour and a half to go-- HURRY, I can't miss class!

Thanks so much!

2007-07-26 03:45:09 · 9 answers · asked by SEXIEST AVATAR™ is HERE. 6

I just finished watching that democratic propaganda film, "An Inconvinent Truth" and Al Gore should have to pay me back for the time I spent watching it. I know all my loyal conservative fans out there are thinking, Why C.L.? why did you watch it? I watched it because somebody lied to me and told me Gore admited he hated America in it, so I watched the whole thing waiting for it to happen. But since I watched it, I want all the hippie tree hugging liberals to tell me why do you care? Lets pretend all those scientist are right and It's going to happen, I won't be around so why should I care? I can prove to you it's not true

On one side you have a bunch of respected scientist saying it's going to happen. These are the same scientists that used to think the world was flat! On the other side we have big Oil and George Bush telling us it's not going to happen. Bush has never lied to us, and big business cares more about us then profit. I believe Bush his record speaks for itself.

2007-07-26 03:44:59 · 4 answers · asked by Chuckles 4

Why are americans so naive about thier own leaders? is it the Disney Factor? Living in a false fabricated La La land of vapid distractions? They lack sophistication and knowledge of history..pathetic

2007-07-26 03:40:40 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

According to news reports we are heading for a recession. But we do not need the media to tell us becausde we know it. My neighbour's homes have been reposessed, they cannot meet the mortgage repayments.Unemployment is on the increase.A Third of our economy is financing War. $2Trillion to be exact. While property's in freefall slumped by 30%. What's going on ? Thousands of our troops have been sent home in body bags always in dead of night they don't want to publicise the increasing Iraqi death count. Hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians have been slaughtered and for what? Oil Green and Dollars. Meanwhile Cheney is smirking all the way to his offshore account to the tune of $1Billion from the sale of his Haliburton Shares! If that is not blood money I don't know what is. How can they sleep at night while our young men and women die as their kids part in Palm Beach and the Hamptons not the hell hole that is Basra

2007-07-26 03:34:20 · 20 answers · asked by Eric 1


2007-07-26 03:31:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Directed mainly towards Bush supporters:

The facts:
Gas prices have tripled since 1999 (anyone who has paid for gas in 1999 and today can verify that)

Health costs have gone up double digit per year since 1999

The government added nearly 4 trillion to the debt under
Bush (source..Dept of Treasury..bureau of public debt)

We're borrowing and spending hundreds of billions on that sandpit Iraq..

Osama bin Ladin is still alive and so is Al Queda (recent generals report on Al Queda)

Unemployment was lower in 1999 vs today (Dept of Labor statistics)

Wages were higher on an inflationary basis during the 1990s

..These are all facts that can be verified through government reports...so if you even say its wrong..you're basically an ignorant moron who has no use for facts.

So really..how can anyone say that the economy is better in the 2000s vs 1990s? Prove it.

2007-07-26 03:28:29 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is due in two hours. Darn my procrastinating ways!!!

2007-07-26 03:25:26 · 17 answers · asked by SEXIEST AVATAR™ is HERE. 6

Since libs hate America why don't they move to a communist country like France or Russia, where they'll fit in better?

2007-07-26 03:17:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you do then you are single minded and biased! If you do not vote straight ticket tell me who you have voted for in the past who is opposite of your party. Lets get it out in the open for all to see.

2007-07-26 03:12:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My dear friends you; who are seeking for justice , peace , human rights ......Tell and try to convaince me why the world is so silent about what's happenning in Irak ; Afghanistan and in all that poor countries ?

2007-07-26 02:51:37 · 4 answers · asked by mk.mk67 1

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