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Politics - 26 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2007-07-26 11:45:49 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-26 11:26:42 · 12 answers · asked by Dangerous 2

2007-07-26 11:23:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Comment if u do and tell me why.

2007-07-26 11:22:42 · 2 answers · asked by almz 2

It seems America has to be the ones to always step in and help other countries. Why dont the take care of their own problems? The indians, didnt ask for anyone to come here, but yet people have. So why is it that everyone wants to come here so bad, and for us to have to clean up their messes, give them grants, or federal aid. And i dont need a statistic scale to answer this question. Or someone to dodge it like a typical politician. Cant any one give a straight answer? These other countries have lots of people that out number their government, dont they have the intelligence to band together and fight back? And as far as outsourcing, the government is the one that puts the taxes on the companies, and also gives federal aid to companies to outsource.

2007-07-26 11:22:33 · 11 answers · asked by scorpio 1


2007-07-26 11:21:24 · 2 answers · asked by never_vote_democrat 2

Here are some things that I have noticed. -

Conservatives believe that the U.S. is filled with people who want to work and earn what they have and that the money they earn, they should be able to retain most of it to make better their lives. They also believe that the average American is responsible and can be trusted with their own safety and welfare.

Liberals believe that American need to be dependent on big government to survive. Furthermore, legislation that they pass I feel only contributes to and causes government dependance. They don't think that people are intelligent enough to make their own decisions (reason we now have warning labels on everything) or to even protect themselves from evil (why they continue to try to take our guns and make laws which protect criminals).

2007-07-26 11:00:03 · 21 answers · asked by Voice of Liberty 5

When Castro first came to power he was the people's hero until he showed his true Communist colors. Would Clinton II be a nightmare?

2007-07-26 10:58:39 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hillary was the second-largest recipient of campaign contributions from the health insurance companies in 2005-2006 after Rick Santorum, who is no longer in the congress, which makes her the largest recipient.

How can she honestly expect us to believe that she's going to bring about universal health care and fight the insurance companies when she has already sold them her soul?

A vote for Hilary = A vote for corporate America and the richest 1%

2007-07-26 10:55:12 · 16 answers · asked by worldpeace 4

1. A woman
2. An African American
3. A Hispanic American
4. An Atheist
5. A Mormon
6. A Catholic
7. Someone in a wheelchair
8. Someone who was obese

2007-07-26 10:53:11 · 19 answers · asked by mymadsky 6

"....The FBI is taking cues from the CIA to recruit thousands of covert informants in the United States as part of a sprawling effort to boost its intelligence capabilities.

According to a recent unclassified report to Congress, the FBI expects its informants to provide secrets about possible terrorists and foreign spies, although some may also be expected to aid with criminal investigations, in the tradition of law enforcement confidential informants. The FBI did not respond to requests for comment on this story...."


OK, now I'm really scared......

2007-07-26 10:50:40 · 14 answers · asked by Cookies Anyone? 5

...he woke up with a huge oozing pimple on his nose?
Seriously though, is there such a thing as being too vain to be an effective President? Think about how the mind of a vain person works.

2007-07-26 10:44:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

voting block in the overall scheme of things..plenty of people would love to see that generation learn some self respect..and be trained in a useful career..free college money..VA loans for a home..

2007-07-26 10:42:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

remember the american government after hurricane katrina it seems to me the u.k too interested in buying new weapons?

2007-07-26 10:36:15 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Careful now, I am off my meds and the ole neurons are afirin'...

2007-07-26 10:35:35 · 15 answers · asked by nom de paix 4

Seems that she is on the ultimate "ME POWER TRIP". If elected will she be the bully kicking sand? We already know she is intolerant and prone to unloading on other people with profanity, including the secret service who guard her.

2007-07-26 10:35:24 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Maybe it never did but I am sick of the lies and more lies. Our government is a joke at this point.

2007-07-26 10:31:24 · 17 answers · asked by Cindy P 4


Steven Spielberg, under pressure from Darfur activists, may quit his post as artistic adviser to the 2008 Beijing Olympics, unless China takes a harder line against Sudan, a representative of the film director told ABC News.

China, Sudan's largest oil customer and perennial defender, has come under renewed scrutiny in the lead up to the Olympics, as the country juggles its need for cheap energy with its desire to host a trouble-free games.

2007-07-26 10:23:51 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

George Carlin's solution to save gasoline:

The BEST way to save gas to is to deport 11 million illegal immigrants. If you do the math that will be 11 million less people using our gas. Thus, the price of gas comes down.

Bring our troops home from Iraq to guard the border. When they catch an illegal immigrant crossing the border, hand them a canteen, a rifle, and some ammo and ship them to Iraq. Tell him if he wants to come to America then he must serve a tour in the military. Give him fair soldier's pay while he's there and tax him on it. After the tour, he will be allowed to become a citizen since he defended the country. He will also be registered to pay taxes and be a legal patriot.

This option will probably deter illegal immigration and provide a solution for the troops in Iraq, as well as the aliens trying to make a better life for themselves.

If they refuse to serve, ship them to Iraq anyway - but without the canteen, the ammo, or the rifle.

Problem solved.

2007-07-26 10:23:16 · 6 answers · asked by Karma 6

Judge: FBI Helped Frame 4 Men for Murder

The FBI encouraged perjury, helped frame the four men and withheld for more than three decades information that could have cleared them, U.S. District Judge Nancy Gertner said in issuing her ruling Thursday.

She called the government's argument that the FBI had no duty to get involved in the state case "absurd."


After Waco, Ruby Ridge, TWA 800 and OKC. Seems like withholding info and not interviewing witnesses is standard operating procedure.....

2007-07-26 10:21:16 · 17 answers · asked by Cookies Anyone? 5

1) Seal the border to the point where illegal inflow is down to a crawl.
2) Fine employers so that those who hire illegals pay hefty amounts….like $20,000 for each illegal found working for you.
3) More raids on large employers suspected or possibly hiring illegals
4) Force employers do more due diligence to ascertain legality of employees, such as checking with a database to make sure the social security # is a real approved social security #.
5) Force social security and IRS to compare social security numbers of workers to make sure that only good social security numbers are working and paying payroll taxes, and refer bad social security numbers found to be working to the immigration for raids, and employer crack down.
6) Pass law requiring that to be a citizen when born in USA your mother must be a legal resident at time of your birth

2007-07-26 10:19:19 · 11 answers · asked by ez f 1



HAZLETON, Pa (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Thursday struck down as unconstitutional a local law designed to crack down on illegal immigration, dealing a blow to similar laws passed by dozens of towns and cities across the country.

U.S. District Judge James Munley said the city of Hazleton, 100 miles north of Philadelphia, was not allowed to implement a law that would fine businesses that hire illegal immigrants and penalize landlords who rent rooms to them.

"Federal law prohibits Hazleton from enforcing any of the provisions of its ordinances," Munley wrote in a 206-page opinion following a federal trial in which Hazleton's law was challenged by civil rights groups.

The city of 30,000 blames a recent rise in illegal immigration for boosting crime and overburdening social services. The law was passed in July 2006 but was not implemented because of a court injunction won by opponents.

2007-07-26 10:16:48 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

What next? Selling our ports, airports and railway system to the Chinese?

Ooops, wait! It's done already.

Great job, Cons. Al Qaida must be jealous.

2007-07-26 10:15:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

This study said that having overweight friends makes oyu more likely to get fat. What do ya thinnk?

2007-07-26 10:10:42 · 15 answers · asked by Jack 5

I have been hearing a lot about Alquaeda lately, and I hear Bush gave a 29 minute speech a few days ago that mentioned ALquaeda 120 times.

Isnt' the aim of terrorists to frighten us? and to make us really scared so that we change our way of life? Is Bush combatting them or helping them to frighten us?

2007-07-26 10:09:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

He gave testimony yesterday that has been refuted not only by documentation, but the head of the FBI. I see perjury charges coming down the pipe.

2007-07-26 10:01:32 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have read all the opinions of how everyone on yahoo answers thinks bush is bad and ya de freaking da.....Bring home the troops, quit getting them killed and so on and so on....mainly they hate him because of Iraq, you protest and what not but how about showing us in Iraq, the people who support bush a little respect......guess what he'll be out of office soon enough than you can vote for who ever you want, mabee even run for president yourself.

2007-07-26 10:01:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

You ALL said America is the land of opportunity and anyone can succeed.

Why don't liberals ENCOURAGE those on generational welfare to TRY to succeed instead of giving them handouts their whole lives. Look at the Katrina mess. Those people did not work before Katrina hit and did not know what to do when forced to do things on their own. They were basically paralyzed by fear of having to rely on themselves and not the Government.

2007-07-26 09:59:54 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

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