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Other - Politics & Government - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

He refuses to honor any subpoenas.
He obstructs justice on a daily basis.
He vetoes everything in sight.

I think he's painting the Congress into a corner, and there's a problem when you do that...you paint yourself into the corner too.

2007-07-09 21:55:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-09 21:55:45 · 6 answers · asked by djm749 6

The conservative GOPs here are always saying...."Why are you worried about telephone wiretapping if you have nothing to hide?"

Could someone please ask Bush/Cheney the same question when it comes to testifying under oath?

2007-07-09 21:51:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-09 20:18:27 · 9 answers · asked by bsharpbflatbnatural 5

the government would have you think so. But the truth is that you are more likely to be struck by lightning twice than to be killed by a terrorist.

2007-07-09 19:30:04 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know their religious beliefs are different, but so is a Baptist or Catholic's and I don't see that fanatical hate between them. I would like to know the real reason.

2007-07-09 19:18:01 · 12 answers · asked by whome 2

Assuming Democrats today wish to oppose any future Bush nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court, and assuming that the nomination clears the Judiciary Committee and all Republicans are unified in voting for the nominee, how could/would Democrats stop the President's appointment on the Senate floor?

2007-07-09 18:56:17 · 4 answers · asked by vannalascano1987 3

How many of you have already seen Michael Moore's newest documentary "Sicko" ?

What are your thoughts now, on Privatized healthcare and HMO's ...Have your opinions changed? Are you even more outraged than before?

Does it surprise you? Would you like to see socialized healthcare in this country?

2007-07-09 18:47:02 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Such a hot topic the Yahoo! censors shut the quesion down within minutes.. I'll ask again... without details on the question...that would get the question deleted.... lol fair speech and all...

2007-07-09 18:23:57 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-09 18:06:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a french immigrant and am tired of all the disrespect my home country receives.

Many claim that the french are cowards. Well did you know that if it weren't for the french resistance your invasion of normandy would have failed America??

Are you americans mad at us french because we did not join you in your wonderfully executed war in iraq?? *rolls eyes*

France is an amazing place where -

people work 35 hour weeks and have two months paid leave a year.

Is the world's 4th largest economy.

Is a country with strong cultural and traditional values.

Is a county with arguably the best food and drink in the world.


A country with second-to-none public systems - TGV (train), education, healthcare.

A country that smokes and drinks more wine than Britain and America and has a fraction of the heart disease and obesity rate.

A country full of charming, well-dressed people who do respond well when not approached by tactless English-speaking philistines

2007-07-09 17:37:36 · 24 answers · asked by mr.toadey 2

I'm in an argument with one of my friends over whether the US is the only country with states. Can anyone answer this question?

2007-07-09 16:42:18 · 6 answers · asked by Max K 1

For example, is there truth about the Iraq War, the attorney firings, the Price of oil, UFO's, etc?

not to debate these issues, but is there truth in all things? or is it something that we all reach for but will never attain. thanks for answering.

2007-07-09 16:23:41 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

They bitchh and moan about america, how we are sluaughtereing innocent people(which is just not true) they apparently love dictators(CINDY SHEEHAN) , if they hate america so much, wouldnt it be easier to leave than cry and make everyone elses lives miserable because they try to push their crap on everyone else, dont say im anti-first amendment because i never said anything about prosecuting anti-americans.

2007-07-09 15:35:39 · 14 answers · asked by gonewithdawind 1

...And what do you think of the current U. S government and how they have handled things so far?

2007-07-09 14:38:03 · 16 answers · asked by Satellite Eyes 6

Please post a link to support your answer.

2007-07-09 14:34:17 · 9 answers · asked by TG79 5

2007-07-09 14:33:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

there won't be another attack on the US ?

2007-07-09 13:41:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-09 13:35:25 · 9 answers · asked by Honor 2


whats up with the deficit? no one has ever explained to me who we owe 3 trillion dollars. do we really owe someone this money, and if we do f**k um, don't pay deficit solved.

2007-07-09 13:24:57 · 10 answers · asked by _ 3

I've seen plenty of moronic attempts to "expose the truth" about 9/11, but I just can't get past one thing.

Let's say the govt. did bring down the world trade center and crash the plane into the pentagon and shot down flight 93.

Let's just pretend that the piece of garbage known as Loose Change is accurate,w hy is Dylan Avery, the creator of Losse Change, still alive?

I mean, according to him our government succesfully massacred thousands of people that day in front of millions of people.

So here's my question, if they were willing to do that, why haven't they seen to it that he have an unfortunate accident?
It makes sence, doesn't it?
If you had pulled off something like that only to have some punk college kid expose it all, wouldn't you kill him or see to it he was killed?
What's one more life after the thousands you took that day, and whats stopping you from silencing every other "truther" out there?

2007-07-09 12:31:48 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm from Iran and I spent most of my life in the US. In US we get a completely different view on this issue. Well firstly we don't really care about what goes on there. But for those who care, there are a set of information available, so we have a certain public opinion on it. But in the mid east, where the issue is always hot, there is a completely different perspective.
Can some one, informed person on this issue, please shed somelight on this for me? I want to know how did it all start. Was Palestine a land that was taken over by the jews wrongfully, or was there a pact with the palestinians to secure the land for the jews? Did this land belong to a nation called palestine before 1948 or was it unoccupied?
I'm not looking for any propeganda from either side. I'm looking for facts.

2007-07-09 12:31:18 · 11 answers · asked by Almost freeee 3

There's been a lot of falsehoods, since Bush eliminated all jail time for Scooter Libby for his felony Perjury and Felony Obstruction of justice convictions, so let's see who knows the real facts about Clinton and Perjury:

Bill Clinton Was:

A) Convicted of Perjury
B) Indicted on Perjury Charges but Never Convicted
C) Impeached by congress but then Acquitted by congress.

Let's see how many people know the answer. 10 Points for the first person to get it right.

2007-07-09 12:12:47 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well I guess it does make sense, when you've got junk science on your hands you might as well demonize everything. What's next, a Live Earth concert to stamp out Global Nice Weather With Slight Breezes From the Northeast?

2007-07-09 12:09:31 · 12 answers · asked by RP McMurphy 4

The cons are always criticizing EU, Canada, Australia, and other liberal democracies in the world. Where is a good example of what they'd like to accomplish??
A USA without any government programs such as public schools, police, fire, roads, water, sewer, Social Security, and Medicaid would be like where in the world???
If they got their dream, a one party Republican system, what country would the USA start becoming more similar to?

2007-07-09 12:08:57 · 7 answers · asked by topink 6


2007-07-09 12:06:28 · 2 answers · asked by Bonneville P 2

Does triangulate mean to be able to blend the best of each party's position? If so, please expand. I do not quite understand the meaning. Does it mean to be able to see all sides of an issue or to be able to take all sides of an issue so you are not always on one side?

2007-07-09 11:47:08 · 2 answers · asked by Gurrly_Knowledge 3

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