I understand those of you who opposed our first attacks on Iraq in Gulf War I and II. However, we're involved now. We've established a democratic government and our troops are fighting to keep it safe - and keep the majority of Iraqis safe. The VAST majority of Iraq is quiet and safe and growing. The Sunnis are having a hard time. But opposition to the war only emboldens our enemies - they've made this clear - If we pull out of Iraq now, the nation will descend into true chaos like Vietnam did after the fall of Saigon, resulting in the deaths of millions. Pulling out now will irreparably harm American influence and interests.
What benefit would pulling out of Iraq have for the United States?
Please-no platitudes or leftist talky-points such as "I support the troops!" - If you do, let them win. The casualty rate in Iraq is quite low - especially for a combat zone. (Unless you're a terrorist, anyway). So...WHY oppose it now? Is it simple Bush Hatred? Interested in your serious opinions
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