I know we have become a more of a emperorership lately (mostly through Bush) but i hate it when other countries put the US down.
Lets look at some examples of things we've done.
In World War I, Germany still had a chance at winning and probably would have done so eventually if the US had not stepped in. It is said France and Britian (especially because of the naval blockade germany had put on them), were 1 month from defeat.
If that had happened we probably would never have had World War 2 because europe would be speaking german.
World War 2: we pretty much single handedly defeat Japan, and we come to Europescall for help again to stop Hitler. Rather or not britian could have held out forever and turned the tide,,,, who knows.
We won the cold war. Russia self destructed but we helped most of all countries.
And what do we get out of it? people love america so much that they want to destroy us because we have what they cant have.
pittifyull world.. I dont know
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