Personally I think Bush rox, & I agree with most of the stuff he says & does. I'm a southen gurl, and I'm sure as hell not a liberal! I'm a republican, and I think that those Middle-Easten people should be real thankful to the the good ole U.S.A., for saven their butts from that cruel, nutsy bastad, Saddam Hussein. Oh, Man, I hope he burns in Hell! Also, I think that anyone in the service who has a problem with going to Iraq should just get ova it, cause they signed up to defend and serve their country; It's not like there was a draft or nething! Acourse, don't get me wrong, I definately respect our men (& can't fogett ladies) in uniform. But I just luv ma country, and I wouldn't live newhea but the good ole United States of America!!!
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Coonass LA Hottie!