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Law & Ethics - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

2007-08-12 06:26:28 · 3 answers · asked by osunumberonefan 5

2007-08-12 06:05:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

What many of us dont know, is that there is a refugee crisis going on in Southeast Asia. I dont want to elaborate too much on it, as it is all in the link, above. What you need to know, is that it is happening now, it is not being stopped, and it is not going to be stopped unless we take some action.

My question is this. While we all (well most of us, anyway) claim to have morals and ethics, how many of us has any real moral courage? Stand up for what we beleive in and try to make a difference? Please share your experiences, on how it was standing up for a cause you believed in, and share with us whatever difficulties you faced, that got in your way.

2007-08-12 06:04:26 · 3 answers · asked by Menon R 4

i have terrible neighbours and i have loads of balls constantly in my garden because of them. do i have this right?

2007-08-12 05:52:17 · 41 answers · asked by danclary_92 2

after taxes.

2007-08-12 05:39:36 · 4 answers · asked by babykwas4 1

Yesterday night he just lost it. He has lots of issues with his parents. They abused him and used to leave him with a man who raped him. Even when they found out, they didn't get help for him. They just said he needs to get over it and that because he is depressed he should go live in a permanent home for adults(his mom is crazy-they dont't even have those here anymore!). But he can't get over it-you wouldn't believe all the horrible stuff that happened during his childhood!!! He is 20 now and anger has built up to a high degree.

So last night he finally blew up. His mom said some horrible things to him and he hit her and broke her back car window. Later that night the police found him and arrested him.

I am so scared. I know what he did was wrong but..... I can hardly blame him. And my baby girl and I need him so badly. I do not know how to live without him! He is a wonderful father and boyfriend... :( I am just terrified of what will happen to him.

2007-08-12 05:38:27 · 5 answers · asked by green march 2

law with prison sentences etc?

Now consider this. What is hate?1. to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.
2. to be unwilling; dislike: I hate to do it.
–verb (used without object) 3. to feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility.
–noun 4. intense dislike; extreme aversion or hostility.
5. the object of extreme aversion or hostility.

Christian churches tell their parishoners about themselves and others, that if you don't swear and know that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God, then you go to some eternal damnation whether you were a nice and good person or not!

Folks, we are talking infinite torture here by their definition. They claim that if you don't do what they tell you to, you will be separated from God forever! What more hate could there be? Who could be taught to wish you more abandonment/hate than that?

2007-08-12 05:22:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Khatri fail to pack the furniture correctly. He packed it with cardboard instead of wood pallets and all was damaged during transit in the container. He probably did not even buy insurance. He now does nothing and the Shipping Cargo Globelink is rejecting the claim. Need help in this matter. Thanks

2007-08-12 05:18:39 · 13 answers · asked by kmamamoo 3

Please give an example in this case. Thanks!cp

2007-08-12 05:10:30 · 2 answers · asked by strongrn 1

I recently watched a Michael Moore movie about Flint, Michigan called Roger and Me. I talked about how devastating a GM plant closing was on the Flint community. The movie was ok, albeit quite biased for a documentary. Most of it involved the evictions, unemployment, and poverty caused by the closings. Michael apparent thought that he could solve these problems by getting the chairman of GM to come see the situation. Of course he didn't succeed. The city of Flint also tried opening entertainment centers in the hope of attracting tourists and creating new jobs for the impoverished. The centers went bankrupt in months.
Now, I want to ask you, if you were the mayor/leader of an area that has suffered a catastrophe like that of Flint Michigan. (any event that results in deaths, damages, umemployment, etc like a hurricane or business closing), what would you do to fix the situation? Who would be responisble for taking care of the damage costs and the poor? The rich? The middle class?

2007-08-12 05:05:11 · 4 answers · asked by smartmonkey3 2

Marge makes a written offer to Homer to sell her car for $10,000. In the offer Marge states “this offer will remain open for acceptance for 5 days”. Two days later Marge contacts Homer and tells him she has changed her mind and is withdrawing the offer.
would the contract count if if Homer had paid Marge $100 to keep the offer open for the 5 days?

2007-08-12 05:02:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

a girl from school has made a msn acount and has pretended to be me.she has also made an email acount for me without me knowing.so that means all my friends have mailed me without me seing it!
is this against the law?
and can i tell the police?

2007-08-12 05:00:03 · 4 answers · asked by ziggy 1

If a vehicle is parked in front of your home on the street and there is no posted signs "no parking". Is it illegal to park on the street in front of some one's home? Virginia Beach Virginia

2007-08-12 04:48:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Landlords or am I on my own?

2007-08-12 04:47:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

and regulations as private property? Why or why not?

2007-08-12 04:47:25 · 2 answers · asked by lightcake29 1

I have a problem with people cutting thru my yard,the police have been called. I need to know what amount of space is needed as a leeway inorder for me to put up a fence

2007-08-12 04:45:35 · 1 answers · asked by William k 1

police tell them! because a neighbour of theirs has and i am not sure its right

2007-08-12 04:44:58 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just read an article about this in my wife's Cosmopolitan, and this was brought up and I'd like to ask it here. If a woman is drunk or otherwise under the influence and cannot give consent to having sex, or gives consent and then changes her mind during the act, she is the "victim", no ifs ands or buts about it. But if the man is under the influence, he is still 100% responsible for his actions. To put it another way, if the woman is so drunk she has sex, she can later say her reasoning was impaired and it was rape, but the man cannot say his reasoning was impaired--he's still accountable for his actions under the influence, while she is not. Is that a double standard?

2007-08-12 04:17:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

my daughters x has threatened my whole families lives do to the fact that she has temperory cusdody

2007-08-12 04:08:14 · 8 answers · asked by mcclain s 1

2007-08-12 03:58:01 · 9 answers · asked by Jesus_Freek 1

I have a friend who is selling things on ebay. She isnt really selling anything too expensive, mostly just clothing. But the thing is, she is scamming a lot of people, taking thier money and usually not sending the item. My first question is do you think i should tell someone, like the police, or notify ebay. I feel really bad for the people getting scammed. Also how much trouble could she get in? She said police wont get involved because it would be a civil suit, and the people would have to sue her for their money. She said they wont ever do this cuz it would cost a lot more to sue than what they actually paid for the item. I would just really like some opinions on what i should do??

2007-08-12 03:56:02 · 6 answers · asked by ? 3

-what would you ask for?

2007-08-12 03:53:12 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

...international terrorism comitted by or in the name of islam/allah? Should islam be listed as a religion of hate/anti human values & be censored internationally much like what Hillary Clinton wants to do nationally with A.M. talk radio show hosts? Should nations that are found out to be aiding & harboring islamic terrorists be subjected to severe military retribution including the use of "HEAVY WEAPONS" as a form of punishment/discipline? Should the preaching/promotion of islam be banned internationally as a danger to all man kind & listed as a cult that promotes criminal activity?

2007-08-12 03:47:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are the penalties for a California landlord who does not provide the required disclosure notices such as lead paint notice, pesticide information, sex offender information, and mold information to a tenant? Can the failure of the landlord to provide this information be used as an affirmative defense in an eviction for nonpayment of rent or would the tenant be required to file a cross-complaint against the landlord for negligence or something else along those lines?

2007-08-12 03:36:41 · 8 answers · asked by Katrina W 2

i am doin a history assigment about aboriginals and one of the question ask is a bout the aboriginal laws, rligion and warfare so if any one has study or no som answer i would grately appriciate that


2007-08-12 03:24:44 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Now before you say no, expunged means that they no longer exist, I must clarify that in my state it simply is used when they seal your record from the public. A court order must be received to view the contents.
I want to work at an airline but they do FBI and Customs background checks. Would my expunged case from when I was a juvenile show up?

2007-08-12 03:21:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

he told me that i won in a lottery and want to give them my details plus i.d and passport...what will i do.what will they do to my passport in case i send it already to him??what trouble it can give to me?pls help...

2007-08-12 03:14:04 · 11 answers · asked by jennytemprosa 1

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