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Immigration - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Immigration

i'm fed up, ppl talking about as like we are some kind of virus from another country,we are humans, we suffered back in our countires, thats why we are here.So pls don't dislike us ,we are the same as you's!

2007-11-09 04:07:05 · 97 answers · asked by mr.truth 2

mexicans coming across the border and help them.

2007-11-09 03:55:31 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

44% of illegals are here on an expired visa. Shouldn't we start tracking them about a month before their visa DOES expire and require they either renew or exit with-in a prescribed time limit? And if we can't locate them a month before the expiration date shouldn't that be grounds to put them on a priority list to locate? I mean shoot...They could be terrorists right?

2007-11-09 03:14:00 · 14 answers · asked by Dog Tricks 4

what do i need to do to become a green bera, i wanted to be a bera since i was litle, an what do they realy do?

2007-11-09 02:53:05 · 11 answers · asked by crazy 1

Given you the choice, which country you would want to migrate to?

1) Australia
2) Singapore
3) China
4) Malaysia
5) Canada
6) Japan
7) Others

2007-11-09 02:45:54 · 18 answers · asked by BlackCobra 1

If your read the site through, you will find the references at the bottom of the article.


So tell me... is the issue economics, or is it racism?

2007-11-09 02:16:02 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

While we give illegal invaders everything they need?
This is a disgrace.

2007-11-09 02:07:26 · 3 answers · asked by Sassy One 7

There's a group of Mexican "peasants" called Zapatista's who want to change Mexico and keep their people there and employed. One of the things they are against is NAFTA and the Maquiladora's NAFTA has brought into their country.

NAFTA has also hurt the American middle class. Virtually wiping out many manufacturing jobs here.

If these "peasants" can see this with their "limited" intelligence as their government says they have, why can't the big wigs in government? Or are they the ones with limited intelligence? Both there and here.

2007-11-09 01:31:44 · 9 answers · asked by Dog Tricks 4

What constitutes a illegal lockout in Canada?

2007-11-09 00:40:35 · 1 answers · asked by J 1

i am a citizen and i want my mother to come and stay with me in italy from nigeria

2007-11-08 20:37:31 · 2 answers · asked by Ikechukwu A 1

iam civil engineer and i wanna know is academc or general IELTS will help me in immigration to australia ?

2007-11-08 19:03:04 · 2 answers · asked by Joseph A 2

once i sponsor him or does he need to go back to the philiippines to process his papers?

2007-11-08 15:51:46 · 2 answers · asked by Pretty_Pres 1

because i want to use boxers to make plaid shorts

2007-11-08 13:53:21 · 18 answers · asked by Nooo S 1


2007-11-08 13:19:19 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am Mexican, and yes, I do think that illegal immigration should definitely stop, but I also think that MOST illegal immigrants, are hard-working people, and SOME do pay taxes, and MOST don't get paid under the table, so they do pay for S.S. that they're gonna end up NOT getting. Apart from telling them to go home, how many of you agree that illegal immigrants that have been here for a while, and have proof that have been paying taxes, and not getting paid under the table, and learn English, and pay a fine, among other things, should have the opportunity, to become citizens. I actually think that would help our weakening economy, as they would start paying taxes, would be able to buy things such as homes and pay applicable taxes. PLEASE, you can say you agree or disagree and share your viewpoint, I just want to see people's position on this issue, and also NO STUPID REMARKS.

2007-11-08 13:18:44 · 27 answers · asked by mofo 2

(1) What is the residence requirement?
To be eligible for Canadian citizenship, you must have lived in Canada for at least three years (1,095 days) out of the four years (1,460 days) preceding your application.

(2) Please note that you cannot meet the residence requirements for citizenship without a minimum of two (2) years as a permanent resident.

I understood (1) saying.
but I did not understand (2) ,
first, it mentioned that you have to live for 3 years out of 4 years, why here repeated this 2 years?
please give me an example, thank you.

2007-11-08 12:50:35 · 2 answers · asked by for2000 3

2007-11-08 11:44:45 · 22 answers · asked by simplycomfy 1

My mother's employer is sending home its american employee's for lack of work but is still hiring illegal mexicans every day. Where can I report this. I have tried the Better Business Bureau but they state that they do not deal with discrimination or hiring practices. Not only is this company hiring illegal mexicans , it is also paying them $3 more an hour than the american workers. Please give me your advise on what to do. thank you

2007-11-08 11:08:50 · 17 answers · asked by badb1tch 3

I'm 15 years old and I was brought here by my parents when i was 3 from mexico illegally. I grew up here in the USA and i consider it my home even though i came from mexico. I don't even remember mexico. I get really scared whenever the border patrol deports people near where i live because if my parents would be deported, I'd get deported too and i dont wanna lose my home and all my friends. I think its really unfair how people always talk about wanting to deport all the illegal immigrants and dont think about illegal minors who's lives will be completely ruined if they got deported too. Don;t forget some of us were brought here against our will. And when people call illegal immigrants "criminals" That gets me mad. Do you consider all the little kids brought here illegally criminals too? These kids won't be able to get jobs later on or drive even though they haven't done anything to deserve this.

2007-11-08 10:58:41 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

How Do we get the illegals out of the USA?
They are dependant on our medical attention which taxpayers have to pay out of our taxes.

2007-11-08 10:49:20 · 19 answers · asked by Joyce L 2

2007-11-08 10:34:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm looking for a viable plan. A link to a site that has this plan would be a great help as well.

2007-11-08 10:17:01 · 20 answers · asked by baseboll14 2

It is this reporter's opinion that the amnesty crowd won’t die easily.Led by Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, D-Nev., Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., and company, they've tried five times to shove comprehensive immigration reform through and each time the American people, in their infinite wisdom, have rebuked them. The defeat of the DREAM Act was a major setback. Then came California Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s attempt to add the AgJOBS bill to the Farm Bill and again they fell flat on their faces. Feinstein admitted that amnesty efforts lacked popular support and its proponents could not overcome the opposition. The recent Bank of America fiasco is further evidence that when the people speak, the amnesty crowd listens. Customers tore up their BoA credit cards when the bank decided to give credit cards to illegals. It cost Bank of America a 32-percent drop in business. The threat is not over. Feinstein plans to bring up AgJOBS amnesty as a stand-alone bill later this year. But the amnesty crowd may be getting the message. Eighty House Democrats and Republicans teamed up to propose a new immigration enforcement bill saying they reject the Reid-Kennedy attempt at amnesty. A large number of rank-and-file Democrats agree with most Republicans that the first step should be a get-tough approach to border security. This new approach includes going after businesses that hire illegals; improving information sharing among the IRS, Homeland Security, and Social Security to track illegals; and increasing the number of enforcement agents at the border. We the people are speaking up. The people are fed up with plans to merge the United States into a North American Union with Canada and Mexico which would destroy American sovereignty.
We are: Fed up with the refusal of the Federal government to secure our borders.
Fed up with armed Mexicans illegally crossing our borders and assaulting Americans.
Fed up when Americans like border agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean are sent to prison for defending us from drug-smuggling illegals.
Fed up with the millions of illegals in America costing taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year.
Fed up with a president who orders 160,000 young Americans into harm’s way, thousands of miles from home, yet refuses to secure America.
Fed up with politicians who refuse to enforce immigration laws and claim it is “impossible” to deport criminals who are here illegally
Fed up with illegals who take advantage of free medical services to dump their medical bills on our backs and push our hospitals into bankruptcy.
Fed up with federal, state, and local systems overrun by illegal aliens costing taxpayers billions each year.
Fed up with the fact that illegal aliens kill an average of 12 Americans every day.
Fed up with politicians who pamper illegals with driver’s licenses and free public services.
Americans are fed up with the Mexicanization of America! And finally, we are fed up with a president and members of Congress who consistently work on behalf of illegals and the state of Mexico and against the interests of the American people.

The American people are fed up, mad as he!!, and we are not going to take it anymore!
Wonder what the reaction would be if unemployed AMERICAN CITIZENS hung around Home Depot hoping to get picked up for a day job?

Would they be arrested for loitering? Would there be riots resulting from illegals outraged that someone is standing on their corner trying to get “their” jobs?

2007-11-08 10:16:34 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

We live in a medium sized city, and the school my son attends is predominately Hipsanic, because of the huge influx of illegal immigrants.

I recently found out that the person watching the students on the playgorund is Spanish speaking and cannot fluently communicate with the English speaking students. Therefore if there was an emergency, or an injury, this playground monitor would not be able to communicate with my son.

I am all for intergration, however opposed I am to illegal immigration in general. But I find this situation unacceptable in an American school. Shouldn't people responsible for our children be able to communicate with our kids? It troubles me that when she gives directions, the kids in his class who speak Spanish must translate them to my son and the other English speaking students. This is a major safety issue, and I am terribly worried and disappointed.

How would you handle this situation?

2007-11-08 09:59:15 · 25 answers · asked by Calliope 5

Immigration legal or not? I mean it's obvious that if a country is prosperous the less likely people will leave and if they do leave they are more likely to emigrate legally instead of illegally to another country and there would be less resentment towards them.

2007-11-08 09:50:27 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous


I don't know about you, but I rank airport security 3rd behind military bases and power plants. So much for the claim that "they come here and do the jobs Americans won't do." Or, if that's true in this case, we've got a much bigger problem.

2007-11-08 08:56:36 · 17 answers · asked by Wonderputz 3

Can someone please tell me how an illegal alien would go about getting a license anyway??? Wouldn't they just be arrested and deported when they try to obtain one? Is it me or am I just really confused about this? I thought that it was inherent in the word illegal.

2007-11-08 08:30:26 · 10 answers · asked by acetylene 2

Our way of life is in great danger, floods of Asylum seekers and immigrants taking over many of our local communities.
Foreign drug gangs in The Capital. Local Communities are being overrun with bogus Asylum seekers. See The Reality.

2007-11-08 08:27:45 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

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