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i'm fed up, ppl talking about as like we are some kind of virus from another country,we are humans, we suffered back in our countires, thats why we are here.So pls don't dislike us ,we are the same as you's!

2007-11-09 04:07:05 · 97 answers · asked by mr.truth 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

97 answers

As long as you work hard and pay money into the system. No problem.

Get a council house, benefits and free stuff - Problem.

2007-11-09 04:09:24 · answer #1 · answered by Pixie*x 2 · 20 7

Come here and work legally, no problems.
Come here and sponge off the taxpayers, problems.

But if you do happen to be the kind of person who shows up for the freebies then you'll be no worse than anyone else who was born and raised in this country who wanders down the dole office once a fortnight and picks up the dole cheque.

As for anyone who says 'immigrants take our jobs,' f*ck them. There's always jobs for those willing to get off their behinds and do them, and the fact that anyone from any EU country can now turn up and do them SHOULD have been a rallying call to all those scroungers sitting on the dole. But no, they'd rather sit back and blame the foreigners for taking all the jobs that they didn't want in the first place.

2007-11-11 08:56:33 · answer #2 · answered by Beastie 7 · 0 0

Mr truth you are mislead, most British people don't hate you, maybe this is why there are so many problem in this country because of Immigrants like you who feel they are being hard done by, when in fact they are much better off here, than their own country. The problems start when the British citizen sees immigrants getting better treatment than them, this is not your fault, but our government, they are the true offenders in immigration. If your here to work and pay your way, accept the fact that you are a guest in our country and respect our ways then there is NO problem, so stop feeling sorry for yourself and be happy to be in a country that is safe and caring.

2007-11-10 20:13:37 · answer #3 · answered by junction 19 3 · 0 0

The truth is that if Osama like people bombs Latin American ports US America economy crashes worse than the 30s because Latinos sells so much food and raw materials and buy so much things to America. They are also cheap work force to many US companies that desperately need work force, so they are part of your economy and supports your lifestyle, so a cleansing war or law will make things worse for everyone. If you really want Latinos out of America, send them to defend their ports and cities. America needs that and they can sell your goods instead. The problem is they need order, a concept most do not understand. Latinos can be annoying but are more or less allies. Not all are freaking criminals, most only want to bring money to their families. When people are poor, criminals appear between them. It's happen everywhere. If you ever come to Latin America you understand that for most people Americans are in a near to god state for them. Your money is enough here to buy a big house and make a decent business. You will have a lot of opportunities around here, even if you hate Latinos.

2016-05-28 22:55:04 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Wow ! Now this is a delicate question. One I just can't pass up, because I have become one of those people. In short FEAR
There was a time when I was intrigued by foreigners, but after 911 that has all changed. I've worked with a number of Hispanic Immigrants, some legal some not As a whole I would say they are excellent workers. & I truly believe they have no intention of terrorism or espionage.
But on the other hand, We get all these people coming to our country, actually infiltrating our country. You don't know who is who, only how they portray themselves to us. Foreign terrorists have been in out country for decades (See Oliver Norths Testamony on Osama Bin Laden) they settle into a way of life, blending into the big old melting pot which is known os the great ol' US of A , waiting to be called to the duty. Quietly coercing & recruiting followers to strike out against this country on command, the Money Laundering, the Arms Trading. And the list goes on. But I think you've the idea.

2007-11-09 04:50:27 · answer #5 · answered by Linda C 2 · 5 2

Totally agree with whoever this guy is.

But I do have a question. Isn't this a British thread? Why are there so many people saying, "Well you see, in America..."

No offense.

Oh, and the UK is a land of diversity. People from all over the world should be welcome and become one with British tradition. However, they are not exempt from paying taxes and living like the rest of us. Just don't think that you can come to another country and convert the culture to that of yours. How would you like a foreign body converting your country to theirs?

The bottom line is that everyone is welcome but has to follow laws and do what they need to do.


MY LORD! If you see the questions this poor guy has been asking, look at the answers people gave! It's kind of annoying, but I see where this question came from! Look at the questions he has asked and how they were answered - with such hatred!

2007-11-09 08:24:44 · answer #6 · answered by Ally 3 · 1 0

You are not the same as me when you break this countries laws. There are LAWS that must be followed by legal citizens AND immigrants. By being illegal, a person is breaking the laws. It also shows that a particular person has no RESPECT for others, does not really want to be here, and is only using this country's system for illegal gain!
Evidently, you haven't been Paying attention. If you had been you would not have said that we hate immigants. The average American citizen does not hate immigrants. We hate those who willfully break our laws, disrespect us, make our lives harder than what they should be and already are----The Illegal Immigrant---.

Same as me my ***!
I don't know about some people, but the last thing I need is one more mouth to feed, higher gas prices, and more crime to worry about. I damn sure aint going to take care some one who refuses to show me the respect that I deserve as a human being and a LEGAL CITIZEN of this country!

2007-11-09 04:45:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Hate is a strong word but you are here illegally. With that said, you are a criminal. Maybe you should go back home and apply for citizenship just like everyone else. Learn the language and culture of our country. Do not feel as if you are entitled to be here. It's nice that a majority of the money illegals make gets sent back home to your families where you can live well off. You're fed up? Give me a break.

2007-11-09 04:19:31 · answer #8 · answered by michelle A 5 · 8 1

Because you ILLEGALS` Lie , Forge US Documents , Fake Drivers License , Steal Social Security #`s of Real Americans` , alive and dead , You`re in our Country speaking a Foreign Language and expect Real American Citizens` to cater to you and learn your language because either you`re too lazy or too dumb to learn the language of the Country you say you want to call your home , You don`t pay taxes , and you are leeches` that are sucking Real Americans` benefits` dry !! You have no pride in Our Country as you still fly and are loyal to a foreign flag , and not The American Flag ! You are disrespectful ILLEGAL ALIENS` ! You have nothing invested in what has made this country great ! YOU ARE ILLEGAL !!!

2007-11-09 17:14:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There has been a long tradition in this country of accepting immigrants, going back centuries. What the problem is at the moment is the sheer volume of immigration.

Immigrants tend to be younger and therefore more likely to have children, who need places in schools. Schools are under-funded as it is. Take the case of my grandson (aged 9) who badly needs extra support in school. He doesn't get it. Why? Because the school has to divert resources to large numbers of children who suddenly appear and who cannot speak a word of English. And these are children of legal (EU) immigrants.

Look too at the sheer number of houses which need to be built, extra places in hospital (laugh - the govt is removing places wholesale), water supply, sewage treatment, public transport etc etc.

That is without adding that the sheer volume of immigration is driving wages down for all of us.

2007-11-09 07:00:02 · answer #10 · answered by Red Campion 2 · 6 0

Immigrants are fine as long as they go to the nearest safe country - France, Germany etc, have much more room than the UK it is their turn to help rather than turn a blind eye when they get into the back of UK lorries.

Also when I got to another country I follow their rules and laws - I am living in Margate for my sins, one of the 10% of Natural Brits in the Thanet area. I pay my council tax and parking fines should I get them.

Why should they live better than me!

2007-11-09 20:19:34 · answer #11 · answered by Paul G 2 · 1 0

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