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Immigration - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Immigration

its a sad thing to see people have so many issues with immigrants wake up people. remember Terry Shrivo the government did'nt do anything to save her and she was white and paid taxes and all that good stuff. instead of talking about shooting people why dont we try to think of a solution to the problem! like make people legal so that they can pay taxes too i mean it seems like a good solution since all everyone complains about is money.

2006-11-23 16:19:08 · 20 answers · asked by JustMe 2

I'm a senior in hs and my best friend is an illegal immigrant.
It's time for us 2 go 2 college next year n he's having a lot of trouble even applying to colleges bcuz of he's an illegal immigrant and does not have a social security number. Is there a way for him to go 2 college?
He's a good kid, with like 3.7 gpa n he's really good at soccer. He plays for the school team n he was the captain 4 his junior yr.

I mean him being an illegal immigrant isn't his fault. He got here when he was like 11. what would u know about being illegal to the country and all that crap when you'r 11??. Now it's been 7 yrs since he's come to this country and it must be very frustrating for him to not be able to college just because he's an illegal immigrant.
I know some poeple just get disgusted about illegal immigration and I'd thought that way too but i don't know how i would feel if i was my friend. His parents are the one who brought him, and it isn't his fault. He shouldn't b disadvantaged.

2006-11-23 16:02:39 · 8 answers · asked by CoolStar 1

They are suppose to be poor and yet they live like everybody else is suppose to support them in their quest to have a family. It seems like when they need money they can get it. They can get $ 5000 for smuggler fee and they could live in Mexico for about 7 years on that money. Everything there is cheap. They come to America to take advantage of what we have built up on, they are slowly bringing down our country. Illegal aliens refuse to learn english but, I have pay taxes so their 10 kids can have a free lunch,free esl, free school and free text books everything to encourage these people to bring more children into world so they can collect all the social benefits. This is just wrong and anchor babies are being used as poor so and so can't bear to leave so and so here. It's time to deport every illegal alien. If they can't come here legally like we have to do in Mexico they need to stay home.Not ruin our country for their own selfish reasons

2006-11-23 15:39:29 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

The USA has 300,000,000 in population NOW. We already are struggling to build enough schools, enough water sanitation stations, enough roads, enough apartment buildings, houses and businesses. Our forests and farmlands are giving way to development, our waterways are becoming polluted as well as our air. What will it be like when our population doubles, or triples or worse? California, TODAY, has to build one elementary school every DAY in order to keep up with their growing population. Is this the world you want to leave your children, your grandchildren?

2006-11-23 15:11:48 · 17 answers · asked by ? 4

Let me ask pro illegals this question.

How would God handle people from Hell sneaking into Heaven for a better eternity? Do you think that God would say, "Come in all you trespassing sinners"?

2006-11-23 15:04:28 · 14 answers · asked by Made in America 7

according to the USA immigration laws a citizen can sponsor a foreigner if he/she marries that person and fallows all the procedures to arrange its recidence in the USA .

well yesterday november 22 2006 Mexico accepted gay marriage , so my question is :

is America up to the challenge ???

note : i want to add that i am heterosexual and that i letting u know even when it is irelevant to avoid any jokes LOL .thanks .

2006-11-23 14:52:52 · 14 answers · asked by game over loves evanescence 6

We should not wish anything for someone that we would not want for ourselves. we are lucky to be born here maybe we would see things diffrent if we had to leave our homes to give our familys a better life.

2006-11-23 14:48:40 · 22 answers · asked by JustMe 2

2006-11-23 14:40:55 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just wonder why it is that we rush to help every country in the world to help them bring up their economy and standard of living but our neighbors south of the border seem to be left behind. I think you would help out your own neighborhood first,besides it may help solve our illegal immigrant problem in the long run too. Any other thoughts on this?

2006-11-23 14:37:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

When they hit my car who suppose to pay for the damage me? Illegal aliens are driving newer cars and trucks and have plenty of money for a loud sound system yet they never ever buy insurance. That social security card, well they have them for jobs so they can have them for insurance.They are stealing our jobs disobeying our laws.

2006-11-23 14:17:49 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hear people say that the reason Mexican people come across the border is because California used to belong to Mexico.... WHAT THE???? Lets get one thing for sure is that people come to americe because it IS AMERICA...people from germany dont come here because it used to be owned by Germany and people dont come from Japan because it used to be owned by Japan. The reason there are more Mexican Illegals is because they cann RUN ,WALK or DRIVE ACROSS. If we moved the border to Utah that is where they would cross. AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO GETS THAT.

2006-11-23 14:17:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-23 14:06:44 · 3 answers · asked by Tyrone 2

Im getting that impression from many of you, that the people coming illegally are low class and poor criminals.

2006-11-23 13:55:54 · 50 answers · asked by Anonymous

Look, I'm all for multiculturalism and diversity ... I love the idea. However, shouldn't any and all immigrants respect the values and traditions of the country in which they choose to immigrate to? I believe so! I doubt for one moment that if a North American immigrated to a Muslim country, they would not be so tolerant of us wanting to change their laws to suit our values. If Muslim people in foreign lands want governments to include Islam into its governing practices, then maybe they should just go back to where they came from. I'm Canadian and I'm getting sick of my government bending over backwards to accommodate them. I wish my government would take the same view on immigration as the Netherlands and start requiring mandatory integration for immigrants. If you want in, leave your old ways behind!!!!!!


2006-11-23 13:50:56 · 12 answers · asked by AJD 3

I am currently a US citizen, but would like to apply for a dual-citizenship as a Canadian. My grandmother was born Canadian, but forced to choose citizenship when she was 18, and gave up her rights to move to the US. She has since passed away, so I doubt I'd be given any special consideration due to that. I've read the official websites, so I have a vague understanding of the laws. I'm just wondering if anyone has some real world experience, in this matter, they could share with me?

2006-11-23 12:57:40 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

A friend had told me that her family sends some money back to her aunt and cousins. They are not illegal though.

2006-11-23 12:52:51 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

arent we all immigrants here, hell, the native americans should more right than most of us here.

2006-11-23 12:34:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

We are not an immigrant nation. Few have any issues with legal immigration. Nearly ninety percent of the people living in the Untied States are not immigrants.This is a nation of natives,and not a nation of immigrants. We all have ancestors who come from other countries. And, one might reply,so does just about every other nation on earth. Are not the French merely descendents of the immigrant barbarin Franks, who drove out the Roman era Celtic Gauls? And the english simply immigrant Angles and Saxons who virtually wiped out the Celtic Brtions in the fifth century A.D. They too are simply nations of immigrants,as is practially every other nation on Earth. Yet whenever this we are an immigrant nation uttered, we are expected to nod our heads in agreement that a deep and salient point has been made. That was then and this is now

2006-11-23 12:28:18 · 12 answers · asked by Zoe 4

I am really confused. What is Thanksgiving about? I heard it was about pilgrims coming to New York and they celebrated with Indians. Please help me.

2006-11-23 12:25:52 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

the americans are fighting among themselves right here in our streets. we are supposed to be all americans, when we came here from other lands and wanted to just be americans, now its afro , mexican , chinese japanese, itailian, what the heck is going on in this country any more? maybe we should all just go home and give this land back to the INDIAN americans, who rightfuly owned this country in the first place, you don't hear as much squaking from them and they lost more than all of us..

2006-11-23 12:19:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

The truth of the invasion!!!!!!!!


2006-11-23 12:19:19 · 9 answers · asked by itzfitztwo 1

How was your dinner? I finished mine about an hour ago and now we're all watching tv and talking. The stuffing was very good!

2006-11-23 12:07:06 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mexico is not facing any hardships. No wars going on there. There is lot's of jobs there. Using the excuse why should they work in Mexico for X amount of dollars when they can come here illegally and have the red carpet rolled out for them. Illegal aliens have made document fraud an all time high crime. We are told these crimes are right and just and that it's o.k. for an illegal alien to steal my id because an illegal alien from Mexico is considered more important whom must be provided for. The myth that only Mexico will do jobs Americans want do. Americans want do any job that has no future or benefits yet people want to punish the entire country they tell us how we are suppose to live. What we can or can't have. Illegal aliens are sending back enough money to Mexico there is no reason for people to say but everybody there is so helpless so unable to do anything for themselves. We made our country into what is by staying here and fighting for it. The people of Mexico come here on a one day vista they go directly the nearest Er thousands are spent and the illegal alien returns to Mexico with the good news. Illegal aliens break a number of laws and any illegal alien working here is using fake documents. They lie about who they are - where they are from and we do not need a nation of dishonest people better life or not. They have to do their part stop playing the poor me sob story.What say you?

2006-11-23 11:54:52 · 8 answers · asked by Zoe 4

I am going to canada this month and I won't be coming back until 3 or 4 months. I won't get my passport in time even if I apply for it now, so is there a way I can get it while in canada? because after January 1st they require a passport to come back to the U.S.. Can anyone give me a number to call or a site? or suggestions help please.

2006-11-23 11:37:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

At the end of the day, are you pro-illegal or against? Do you support amnesty, or deportation? How about 'sanctuary cities', what is your opinion on that?

2006-11-23 11:33:48 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

my question is really: does bilingualism really work? does a country that is bilingual become weakened or confused?

2006-11-23 11:22:16 · 11 answers · asked by jacks888 1

If the Indians knew then what they know now, they'd have tried mightily to keep out the Pilgrims and all who followed. Over time, waves of immigrants overwhelmed the Indians, their societies and their culture. Early arrivals brought their own culture, religion, laws, language, system of political economy and technology with them. Later arrivals assimilated to this melting pot. It was the Indians who had to adapt.

I kind of like our culture, our customs and our language the way they are, and I'd like to preserve all that. I'm not opposed to immigration - legal immigration, that is - as long as it serves our interests. By controlling our borders and setting immigration limits and qualifications we can avoid the fate of the Indians and keep from being swamped by future waves of immigrants. Is this selfish? You bet. Just as every other nation in the world that behaves rationally is selfish.

Once upon a time, America thirsted for immigrants. That's when we were rapidly expanding our frontiers, heading west, homesteading, prospecting for gold and building railroads from sea to shining sea. We needed many skills including an army of hearty laborers. That was then; this is now. We still need refined skills and manual labor, some of which can be supplied by immigrants and guest workers. But we don't need this in infinite quantities.

Another thing that's changed since the days of rugged individualism and Manifest Destiny is the creation of the welfare state. Now you don't have to necessarily carry your own weight. The government has woven an intricate safety net to support you. We don't need more net tax receivers.

A recent letter to the editor attempted to make some tortured point that those who oppose open borders are un-Christian, arguing that the Bible instructs us to "take in and help the stranger, the alien and the downtrodden," and that Jesus would not have said, "Go thou and build a wall" to keep out illegal immigrants. Advocates of liberation theology use similar arguments to paint Jesus as a socialist, which might have amused Lenin and Stalin. The distinction is that there's a vital difference between one's behavior toward an individual encountered on the street and a nation's public policy.

The Bible might envision the day when we could beat our swords into plowshares, but in the meantime there's nothing un-Christian about a nation defending itself from Islamofascist suicidal murderers. Similarly, sovereign states (like the Vatican, for example, which has boundaries and a protective wall) are entitled to secure their borders and establish their own immigration policies. If Christians, or anyone else, as individuals, want to assist the downtrodden, adopt a child from an impoverished nation or go on a mission abroad to help others, God bless them. But that doesn't mean they can't also subscribe to reasonable and practical immigration and border security policies for their secular government at home.

The United States now has a population of 300 million. It's doubled in the last 50 years, increasingly from immigration. The world population is 6 billion today and projected to grow to 8 billion in 20 years. I don't doubt that half of them would love to come here if they could. That would be good for them but not so good for us. And that latter consideration should be the first criterion for our immigration policy. Remember what happened to the Indians.

2006-11-23 10:59:33 · 6 answers · asked by Zoe 4

why is is that anti-immgrants can not respect the desire of some cities to be pro-amnesty ???

why do they have to send hate mail to those cities which are accepting to immigrants and do not care whether or not they are undocumented as far as they are not criminals ???

why do anti-immigrants want to punish those cities ???

if those citties were really being affected then they would be the first to know so , don't u think so ???

2006-11-23 10:50:06 · 10 answers · asked by game over loves evanescence 6

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