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Elections - July 2007

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Do you think she will get the majority of her votes because of her or because of Bill?

2007-07-05 23:00:34 · 16 answers · asked by younggb77 4

for 2008 candidates

2007-07-05 22:19:46 · 5 answers · asked by Jay 2

As in whomever has the most corporate backers $$$ and Diebold's (the company making the computerized voting machines where the CEO promised to "deliver Ohio" to Bush) personal support will win be the ultimate "winner" of all presidential elections?

2007-07-05 17:51:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-05 17:43:39 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, is without doubt the most anti-government member of the House of Representatives and has often been a critic of his party's spending and foreign policy. He voted against the Iraq war and Patriot Act. He has never taken a government-paid junket.

2007-07-05 17:40:48 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

democracy..my @ss......

these blue bloods are business people who have no intention of serving the people....they serve those who put them in office---corporations that donate millions of dollars---

have a nice day, and i eagerly await a response from anyone who is so naive as to disagree with any of this

2007-07-05 17:37:37 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would vote for her, but my fears of this are overwhelming.

2007-07-05 17:35:42 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-05 17:29:38 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hypothetically, let us say that their stances on every political issue were in line with yours.... but they would not say that the USA is the best country in the world. They insist that there are other countries with better ways of doing things & we have many areas of our government & institutions to improve upon.

Would this stop you from voting for them?

2007-07-05 17:05:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

With Mitt Romney running for president there seems to be a continual discussion about his Mormon religion. From what I have heard and seen, Romney appears to be very intelligent and fits the presidential role perfectly. Why is there a hang-up about his religion? Someone said that Mormons don’t believe in Christ, is that true? What exactly do Mormon’s believe and why should that be a deciding factor in the presidential election?

2007-07-05 16:11:48 · 11 answers · asked by waxensmith 1

2007-07-05 15:29:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

clinton was president , he lost 74 seats and without a war !
his policies and ideas were so liberal , the country said no to him. you better think about that before you elect another democratic pres!!!!!!!!!!!! there has never been a good democratic president.

2007-07-05 14:59:31 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-05 14:28:43 · 15 answers · asked by Musyani Sichalwe 1

He is the ideal Republican:

Believe's in limiting government power in the lives of it's people.

Has never voted for a gun control law.

Has never swayed and never backed down from his ideals or beliefs.

Religious to the bone.

Wants to help and protect his people and not play baby sitter to the world.

Believes in the founding fathers.

Wants to cut taxes & give money back to its people.

Helped pass the partial birth abortion ban.

Never voted to raise taxes.

Never voted for an unbalance budget.

Has never taken a government paid junket.

Has never voted to raise congressional pay.

Voted againest the patriot act, and the total power it gives the government.

Voted againest the Iraq war, Thou shall not kill.

Voted againest regulating the internet.

He returns a portion of his congressional office budget back to the U.S treasury every year.

And above all he has saved lives even as a flight surgeon in the U.S air force.

Vote Ron Paul 2008.

2007-07-05 13:50:14 · 17 answers · asked by Johnjaxs 1

When I see that man I cringe, does anyone else? What is it?

2007-07-05 13:24:26 · 28 answers · asked by Wutz it worth 2 ya? 6

I as a white male believe he will be our next president. What do you think? Could anybody tell me more about his goals? Also if you choose, could you list your race? Thanks

2007-07-05 13:11:02 · 13 answers · asked by Ducci 3

I have a question for the media and the democratic party: I grew up poor. We had a big floor tv with rabbit ears that recieved 3 channels, ABC CBS and NBC. Luckily for me they were not biased back then. Now, after alot of hard work and not being told how much help I should be getting from the government, I have internet, cable and satellite. I have other outlets to get "news" from now.
My question is : A large portion of your voting base which you pander to is the poor. When all broadcast goes digital in a few years, and all broadcast requires a digital tv, how will you get your message out to your voting base? Will the democrats get digital tv's to the poor? Al Gore tried to wire all poor schools to the internet? I think a great alternative would be free AM radios for the poor. Call it the Free Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck social program.

2007-07-05 12:06:55 · 2 answers · asked by sixpackokc 1

I know this will prompt anti-Bush comments and so forth, but we are not looking at Bush in the 08 election..so that would be a waste of time and energy.
The question: Does anyone actually trust the Clintons?
campaign financing, selling pardons on the last day, turning the White House into Motel 6, stealing stuff from the White House in the last days, the illegal book advance of $10 million on her book. The sex scandel, selling foreign stocks as she entered the race...its just alot to overlook isnt it?

2007-07-05 11:31:28 · 24 answers · asked by parrothead 2

What do you think will happen? Will Republican Congresspeople put a stop to US involvement in Iraq soon enough to make Iraq a non-issue in the upcoming Presidential election? Will it be same-o same-o with a lot of quibbling? Please speculate on this. Please share your thoughts.

2007-07-05 10:35:16 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

And don't answer "He will be if Hillary is elected!"

2007-07-05 10:09:16 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a big doubt. My sister and her friend did an oral expression about racism. Anyways, they found something that blacks couldn't run for President of the USA. Is this true and if so, was this a long time ago? I've tried to google this but I haven't gotten any info. A link would help alot. Thanks!

2007-07-05 09:45:31 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have a chance of getting someone DIFFERENT into office (Ron Paul)...someone who is honest and wants America to return to the Constitution and all that it stands for.

But, since main stream media is shoving Obama, Clinton, and Romney down our throats, that is all people want to talk about.

Can those three even spell Constitution? From what I have seen, the answer is no.

AND, if the main stream media were to splatter Ron Paul's name everywhere, would people like him then? I have come to the conclusion that in general the voting populace only gives credit to those that we are told to give credit to. Can the American people not think for themselves?

I just think that it is extremely sad that main stream media dictates who our elected officials are.

2007-07-05 09:41:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I suspect it will have more appeal among Blacks and other minorities if they see Mr. Hussein Obama in power.

2007-07-05 09:19:09 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-05 08:42:53 · 6 answers · asked by Stealth 2

I wonder why his message hasn't gotten out to the Media and to the General Public. Is this the fault of his campaign or the media?

2007-07-05 07:39:59 · 16 answers · asked by billgrant2002 1

Honestly, I don't. I wish it were not true but I dont think that this country as a whole is ready to elect a female or monority president. What are your thoughts?

2007-07-05 07:33:08 · 43 answers · asked by Jimmy 3

And, be honest.

2007-07-05 07:14:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i know people ask this alot, but i havent seen it today. But who are you planning on voting for in the Presidential Election?
I am voting for Ron Paul, because he is the only non Authoritarian running, other than maybe Huckabee. Plus he is the only non-keynesian running. Please tell me who you are voting for and why. The best answer will go to those with the best reasons.

2007-07-05 06:54:06 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hope not. I think he would make an outstanding President or a VP.

2007-07-05 06:33:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hillary Clinton is a Democratic Presidential candidate in the upcoming 2008 election. She has said that if she becomes the Presidents (not to mention the first Female US President), that former President Bill Clinton will become an Ambassador to Foreign relations. Can Bill Clinton fix our current woes with the middle east (Iran in particular), North Korea, Russia, ect.? Is Bill Clinton the best man for this job being a man who increased international relations with many foreign countries during his 8 years as President?

2007-07-05 06:25:24 · 17 answers · asked by Karl L 1

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