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Elections - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Elections

It is like "isolationist" is an explitive for certain people. Just label someone an isolationist and then everyone will avoid him like he is a child molester.
North Korea (a left wing country) is a great example of isolationism. Nobody or nothing goes in or out without absolute government permission.
Ron Paul's idea is this: let people keep the money they earn, the government doesn't have massive amounts of money to waste on foreign aid, the USA has peaceful relations with all countries, our military defends our borders, free trade is legal between the USA and other nations.
Anyone who thinks that is isolationism is either ignorant, not very bright, or dishonest. So why do all these people call him an isolationist? Are they afraid of freedom and limited government?

2007-07-09 13:32:16 · 11 answers · asked by freedom_vs_slavery 3

well im think of running for being president for my school.. i dont wanna run becuz i cant public speak.. and i dont think ima get that many votes..some of my good qualities r
being on all the schools sports team.. im in ASB as a rep. and thats kinda pretty much it.. if any1 cna help me plz and thnx

2007-07-09 13:27:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is fatso so angry?

2007-07-09 12:45:11 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I see a trend that Asians are more likely to vote Republican than other minorities, as shown in the 1992 and 1996 USA elections:


"voter demographics"

Why is that so?

2007-07-09 12:43:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Someone from his camp stated "Recent polls have shown Giuliani trailing Romney in Iowa and New Hampshire.

"If they exceed expectations, all the better," said GOP consultant Tony Fabrizio. "If they don't, there is nothing lost, because they told everyone they weren't expecting to win anyway."

2007-07-09 12:23:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I understand that campaigns costs money which is supplied by big business, so should all middle and lower class people forget about even trying to get involved in polotics? Theres no rules about having to be wealthy to be eligible in polotics, what do you think?

2007-07-09 11:48:08 · 7 answers · asked by advarky 1

I have yet to find a reason not to support Ron Paul. Can somebody offer one?

2007-07-09 11:44:39 · 9 answers · asked by humbled_cowboy 2

2007-07-09 10:51:09 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-09 10:00:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Anyone surprised by Obama's 'sudden' rise to prominence? I mean, this man was not known by the majority of Americans just a few short months ago. What happened to bring him from someone we barely know, to a leading contender for the highest office in this nation? In just a few months? This is almost unheard of in politics today.

2007-07-09 08:34:53 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone know of a website that clearly lists each potential candidates stances on various issues? I was never very politically active, so I do not know that much about each candidate, but I would like to learn. Naturally, I would want to vote for a candidate that has stances similar to mine. So are there any websites that clearly list each candidates stances on various issues ( maybe in some kind of chart form? ) so I can compare each one?

2007-07-09 08:31:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

...to see for yourself. During the last four consecutive months, a recent Rasmussen report survey reports republican affiliation has declined from 31.1% to 30.8% in a survey of 15,000 adults. Worse yet for the democrat party, the number of self identified democrats has fallen to 36.3% resulting in a 4.5% decrease during the last six consecutive months!!! At the same time people willing to pay 25.00$ to become a card carrying member of the Libertarian party has increased 2.7% per month. Thats a 14% increase sense last December! With the Bush administration trapped on the ropes & not able to defend itself let alone carry the fight, McCain barely standing on rubbery legs, & the entire democrat party suffering due to proposals of increased taxes is it any wonder that the Libertarian party is welcoming home the "ORPHANS" of those two dieing party's? I've told all before that representative Paul speaks the TRUTH & that our Libertarian party is the party of PRINCIPAL. Please join us!

2007-07-09 08:01:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Both have said that they intend to (i) tax the hell out of you; and (ii) continue the Federal Government's policy of racial and gender discrimination (also known as affirmative action). I'm not voting for anyone who supports either of those things.

2007-07-09 08:00:13 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-09 07:58:11 · 2 answers · asked by jan61108 2


2007-07-09 05:44:03 · 3 answers · asked by Naturescent 4

To me the Whole apparatus is a hodge-podge of political rhetoric,..on all sides,.is there no One ,,who can step forward ? someone who the American People can Trust and actually not have to second guess what they are talking about?..geesh i wonder...Where are the Independants?.

2007-07-09 05:43:35 · 8 answers · asked by Joseph 2

2007-07-09 05:40:39 · 12 answers · asked by KARTHIK K 1

2007-07-09 04:53:47 · 4 answers · asked by Ethan 2


2007-07-09 04:46:50 · 6 answers · asked by Uncle Pennybags 7

My take: Ron Paul and Mike Gravel are merely honest politicians who don't filter their statements through paid political consultants before speaking. They don't tailor their words to fit what some polling company thinks the voters want to hear. They don't blather on and on about "the lessons of 9/11" or "that time I did something in a war." They don't pander to the lowest common denominators and have the leadership skills and the balls to sell innovative ideas in a marketplace where innovation and "rocking the boat" tend to harm a candidate.

The worst charge you can level against Gravel and Paul is that some of their ideas would not be good policy. For example, Gravel's plan for a guaranteed minimum income wouldn't work, and Ron Paul's desire to dismantle the entire federal government is impractical. But, we are electing a president, not a one-man legislature. Their more radical proposals would never get through Congress. Instead, we'd have presidents who believe in civil liberties.

2007-07-09 04:00:45 · 12 answers · asked by guess 5

I think that Obama is too inexpirenced, and too much a liability to be on the ticket, I think Richardson should be on the ticket to get other swing states, but honestly 95% of the Obama supporters will click Clinton on the ballot, even if they do not like her.

2007-07-09 03:54:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

If no, then who do you think?

2007-07-09 03:09:01 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was wondering if any of you folks out there think Hillary has any feminity about her at all?

2007-07-09 02:40:33 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is hard to tell whether the opposition coalition will be 'big' enough to overcome their ego's and unite, and it is also difficult to see whether the population are angry enough about the current government's kleptocratic tendencies. All answers/speculations welcome!

2007-07-09 01:24:21 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is not a fluff question to get only Democrats all riled up. I took a look at every candidates sites tonight, on both sides of the false divide. Those four are the only ones with a link like that. To me, that seems to show that they will bow to anybody to get votes. I'm not racist, I know 4 languages, I've lived in and visited other countries, but I'm an American, and I would like to know why. Your thoughts? Your outrage? Your viewpoint?

Why not have every major language up there along the top? Like Chinese, Hindu, French, German, werbeH, etc?

2007-07-08 21:10:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


I was pretty shocked to see these politicians belong to the same secret soceity. Still think you have a difference between republican and democrat. We best wake up fast.

2007-07-08 18:46:26 · 10 answers · asked by stephenmwells 5

2007-07-08 18:31:32 · 10 answers · asked by oganaxe13 1

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