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Politics & Government - 17 December 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

mean? I dont understand that phrase/term.

2007-12-17 10:51:52 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I know the Marines are a department of the Navy and have General ranks but since they are a department of the Navy wouldnt that mean their is some Admiral that commands them?

2007-12-17 10:48:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

when the machines are irefuetably fallible intentionally or unintentionally...while there are soo many reasons why we should only use paper ballots...the only argument that supports E-voting is "well look at the fiasco we had in Florida"...Nevermind who was Governor at the time or how the recount was executed...and it's not like Florida is known for their high IQs.

2007-12-17 10:44:48 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Didn't your father ever tell you life is what YOU make of it and that nobody said life was fair? We are only guranteed the pursuit of happiness, not an equal playing field. Don't any of them have any good old fashioned american gumption in them? Why do they so believe in collectivism rather than the spirit of the individual?

2007-12-17 10:43:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

the place to train is pokemon league or victory road
if your training in victory road dont ever run away from the pokemons
or you can battle triathlate Dylan or Cyndy or isaac
or you could battle gabby and ty those who have camera then they battle you first time you battle them there would be route 118 then the second place is 120 then the third place is 111
so first you go to route 118 then route 120 then 111 again and again i trained my trapinch like that it was level 20 then i did these things then it was 28 now it evolved into Vibrava and level 43 and its going to evolve into flygon at level 45
if this worked just tell but i'm not lying really even try it its the awesome training if it worked just tell me heres my email

2007-12-17 10:41:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

my brother went to jail because he didnt pass the polygraph test .someone stole his tv from his house,they think he did it.there is no insurance on it so he is still going to have to pay for it.is it legal to arrest someone for not passing the test,he chose to take.

2007-12-17 10:40:09 · 7 answers · asked by veronica o 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

a dividend check for $171.00 from one of his life insurance policies. The account I set up to close out his affairs was closed last year. It's made out to him directly. How can I get this cashed? I don't want to have a new check reissued, because then it would be issued to his trust, which no longer has any checking accounts associated with it. I'm at a loss as to what to do here.

2007-12-17 10:38:38 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I just heard that NJ has abolished the death penalty, didn't Illinois do the same thing a few years back? Why are they saying this is the first state to do this in 40 years?

2007-12-17 10:36:55 · 5 answers · asked by ? 5 in Law & Ethics

I'm curious why people vote for someone old. So far, the youngest Presidents in American history have alwys been the best. Also the ones with least government experience have pushed the country forward most: Abe Lincoln, JFK, Bill Clinton to name a few.
I'm curious to find out why? I think our country needs some new blood, brains, braun and heart.

2007-12-17 10:32:44 · 14 answers · asked by Mr Rothwyn 2 in Elections

I don't understand YA at all sometimes. The poster asked if it was true that there was no law that required you to file a tax return. Several people pointed out that there was such a law, but now YA has deleted the question. Why on earth would they do that?


2007-12-17 10:31:25 · 5 answers · asked by rickinnocal 7 in Law & Ethics

2007-12-17 10:31:13 · 3 answers · asked by calconcira 1 in Law & Ethics

how does this song relate to social change?

here are the lyrics...

how does this song relate to social change?

here are the lyrics...

me and all my friends
we're all misunderstood
they say we stand for nothing and
there's no way we ever could
now we see everything that's going wrong
with the world and those who lead it
we just feel like we don't have the means
to rise above and beat it

so we keep waiting
waiting on the world to change
we keep on waiting
waiting on the world to change

it's hard to beat the system
when we're standing at a distance
so we keep waiting
waiting on the world to change
now if we had the power
to bring our neighbors home from war
they would have never missed a Christmas
no more ribbons on their door
and when you trust your television
what you get is what you got
cause when they own the information, oh
they can bend it all they want

that's why we're waiting
waiting on the world to change
we keep on waiting
waiting on the world to change

it's not that we don't care,
we just know that the fight ain't fair
so we keep on waiting
waiting on the world to change

and we're still waiting
waiting on the world to change
we keep on waiting waiting on the world to change
one day our generation
is gonna rule the population
so we keep on waiting
waiting on the world to change

we keep on waiting
waiting on the world to change

2007-12-17 10:30:39 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Joe Lieberman, who ran for VP with Al Gore, today endorsed John McCain for president. What would happen if Republican John McCain picked Democrat/Independent Joe Lieberman as his VP running mate? They are good friends and Lieberman won has senate seat as an Independent.

2007-12-17 10:29:38 · 9 answers · asked by Larry62 5 in Elections

I watch this decumentery over the weekend by Gavin Green and it states there are no laws on the books dealing with personal income taxes..what gives..

2007-12-17 10:26:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

650,000 iraqi civilians are dead since we got in!!..
No one talks about that!!
Dont get me wrong;
I am not saying US troops killed all of them...
But you cant deny this;
They died because of the after-war politics of USA.
That country will be f***ed up for the next 25 years I think..

2007-12-17 10:26:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

What are the reasons for seperating Church and State.
I'm talking about America.
Plz give me actually good reasons.
~*~Happy Holidays~*~

2007-12-17 10:25:53 · 19 answers · asked by just another skateboarding chikk 4 in Law & Ethics

In my state, the Unemployment Rate hovers at 12 percent. There has been outsourcing, in-sourcing, home losses, and people once making a decent wage now working in menial, low-paid jobs.

Many do not have health insurance and getting help is a long, humiliating process. Some people are desperate, unable to pay fuel bills in an cold winter. Even those going to other states to work are unable to find jobs with salaries that pay their way, with enough left over to save their homes and pay their bills.

President Bush is rich. I don't think he has ever gone into a grocery store on a budget, or worried about paying a bill. Perhaps the top echelon of Corporate moneymakers are enjoying the economy, but many citizens are not. Don't tell me that young people are thriving, because I know better. Your car insurance alone equals $200 to $300 monthly to insure an old junker. Add rent, food, health insurance and car payments....can't be done without help. The truth is, this economy sucks!

2007-12-17 10:25:51 · 14 answers · asked by Me, Too 6 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-12-17 10:25:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Until Hilary Clinton running for president, has any other woman ever run for president?

2007-12-17 10:24:19 · 15 answers · asked by aksgeh 2 in Elections

2007-12-17 10:22:00 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

i need them for a project...thanks.!

2007-12-17 10:18:58 · 1 answers · asked by mikeyyy 1 in Law & Ethics

Hear that in Europe same were in England will be an ox ion of 20 billions Dole.50% lest because Meany country's, refusing to take it, i coll in Greece and that Wat i hear,is truth or not?

2007-12-17 10:18:12 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Hey, I'm liberal, and I do care about the people, but when they lash out in violent crime, I have no more sympathy for them.
Would any other dems. like to see our candidates less sympathetic to criminals?

2007-12-17 10:17:52 · 5 answers · asked by topink 6 in Elections

or is it correct that a lot of the republicans running for the presidental nomination have made a career of working for the government. These are the same politicians in the party that thinks government is bad and we don't need most of it. I know democrets have made a career of public service but they don't complain about how awful it is. Just wondering would love insight from both sides.

2007-12-17 10:15:12 · 5 answers · asked by michr 7 in Elections

2007-12-17 10:09:56 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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